Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.77/Feature Videos

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:16時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Blender 2.77: Feature Videos

Compositor Improvements

Sean Kennedy demonstrates the improvements happened in compositor area.

Track Speed output demo

Sean Kennedy demonstrates the power of new track speed output socket of Track Position node.

Starting early 2014, Thomas Beck (BFCT & Blender developer) shows you in his "Blender Developer Sneak Peek" video series once a month new blender features that are currently in development. Over time, many of the features found in this release were topics in the show and can now be watched everytime you like in Full HD.

Below you'll find all videos, starting with the oldest one for this release.

Blender Developer Sneak Peek #26 - Video Sequence Editor

Video Sequence Editor

  • Speedup gaussian blur (0:31)
  • Whitebalance modifier (1:49)
  • Tonemap modifier (2:44)
  • Text effect word-wrap (4:00)
  • "Alpha Mode" in Scenes (5:01)

The tiny bits

  • Relative / Absolute mask animation time (6:47)
  • Append strip's modifiers (8:01)
  • Use movieclip framerate when importing new movie strips (8:58)
  • Nested scene strip support - strips from other scenes can now be used in current scene by importing a scene strip. (9:45)