利用者:Tnboma/Doc:2.5/Manual/Animation/Graph Editor

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The Graph Editor

Formerly known as the IPO editor, the Graph editor controls how Keyframes are interpolated, using F-Curves, which are more flexible than in previous versions of Blender.

Channel Box

The area on the left side of the Graph Editor is a list of channels, or attributes that have animation data (keyframes) applied to them. You can filter what appears here (see Display Filtering).

To toggle the display of a curve in the graph area, check or uncheck a box next to the channel.

Channels are covered more on the F-Curves Page.

Header Bar

Header Menus

Tools and options for Adjusting the View.
Tools and options for Selecting Keyframes.
Tools for Working with Markers.
Tools for Working with F-Curves and Animation Channels.
Tools for Editing Keyframes.


The Graph Editor has two modes, which can be changed using the selection box in the header.

F-Curve Editor Mode
This is the default mode, which allows you to:
Driver Mode
This mode allows you to work with and edit Drivers, which allow you to connect the change of one object or attribute to the change of another.

Adjusting the View

View Properties

The View Properties panel contains several tools for working with keyframes and curves, which are covered in the next pages. The view menu contains additional view options. Options specific to keyframes are covered in in later pages.

2D Navigation

  • To Pan: Hold the MMB Template-MMB.png and drag, or drag the vertical or horizontal scroll bars beside the Graph Editor.
  • To Zoom Uniformly: Scroll the mouse Wheel Template-MW.png or + NumPad and - NumPad
  • To Zoom on Axes: Hold CtrlMMB Template-MMB.png and drag on either or both axes, or drag the ends of the scroll bars.
View All ↖ Home
Zooms to fit all keyframes in the view.
View Selected Num.
Zooms to fit selected keys in view.
Jump to Frame ShitCtrlS
Sets current frame to average of selected frames.
Set Preview Range P
Temporarily sets the playback range to a selected region of frames.
Clear Preview Range AltP
Resets the playback to the start and end frames.
Auto-Set Preview Range CtrlAltP
Automatically sets preview range based on start and end frames.

Display Options

Use Fancy Drawing
Displays curves smoothly with anti-aliasing.
Show Frame Number Indicator
Toggles the display of the current frame, positioned at the bottom of the vertical line.
Toggle Frames/Seconds CtrlT
Switches between displaying frames and seconds as a unit of time.
Show Cursor
Shows a horizontal line in addition to the vertical line in the graph area, for specifying 2d locations.
Show Sliders
In the channel box, sliders are shown for each channel, allowing you to edit values numerically.

Display Filtering

There are several buttons in the header that allow you to filter what kind of information is displayed in the graph area:

  • Only Displayed selected objects.
  • Include channels from objects/bones that aren't visible.

You can also toggle the visibility of the following types of animation data:

  • Object level data(transforms)
  • Scene data
  • World data
  • Node data
  • Mesh data
  • Material data
  • Light data
  • Texture data
  • Camera data

You can filter F-Curves by channel names or text by clicking the Magnifying Glass icon, and entering text. Only channels containing this text will be displayed.