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New collapsible TOC

The new collapsible TOC requires the following modifications to the current skin system:

  • Adding the cookie.jquery.js plugin
  • Editing various classes on naiad.css
  • Editing Template:MainTOC by adding a new input, in order to manually assign ad ID to each table (an ID is required by the cookie system in order to work properly). By doing so, it will be necessary to manually edit each template instance by adding a meaningful and unique ID

The template will look like this:

<div class="maintoc">
== {{{1}}} ==
<table id="{{{2}}}">
<tr><td valign="top">{{{3}}}</td>
<td valign="top">{{{4}}}</td></tr>


The implementation on one instance will look like this:


;What is Blender?
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/History|Blender’s History]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Community|Blender’s Community]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/About this Manual|About this Manual]]
;Installing Blender
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Windows|Installing on Windows]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Linux|Installing on GNU/Linux]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Mac|Installing on Mac]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Other OSs|Installing on other Operating Systems]]
:[[Doc:Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Configuration|Configuring Blender]]