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Meeting notes for march 6th

1) Text3d Python Module A module for creating and controlling 2D/3D text via the python interface (which is a thin wrapper for Blenders Font Objects) has been contributed by Joilnen Leite and has been reviewed and committed to CVS by Stephen Swaney. A page will be added to the wiki by Stephen Swaney with pics and instructions for usage.

2) wood texture Chris Burt has improved his wood texture, and also added code to allow some of the same functions have been made available in the marble texture. The changes has been committed to CVS. Chris Burt also plans a grid texture, and Ton suggested examining tiles.c for how to make the textures AAed.

You can see examples of the improvements here

3) transform refactor Martin Poirier would like more testing PLEASE. See his wiki page for usage

for those building via makefiles you can turn on the new code by adding


to your

or uncomment the define in include/BIF_transform.h also there might be testing builds with the new transform turned on

before reporting a bug check Martin's wiki page to see if it has been already reported. Ton still has been swamped with other things so hasn't had much time to work on Transform coding (but has achieved freedom now). Also there was yet another unsuccessful attempt to convince Ton to learn python.

4) Bpython Willian Padovani Germano wanted feedback on 'best practices' for a new method for persistent bpython configuration data, whether it should be 'all one file' or 'many small files' one for each script. After much discussion Ton suggested he do it how he feels is best (so Willian will take the 'many small files' approach).

5) warnings patch JLuc Peuriere has been cleaning out the warnings in the blender tree. Please test it and make sure nothing breaks. Especially developers who use MSVC. If no one complains that it breaks stuff, it will be committed in a few days. Martin Poirier and Joseph Gilbert will do some checking on MSVC 6 and 7.

6) other current projects

Ton has finished much evil administrative work such as bookkeeping and subsidy reporting. Chris Burt noted that the hosting for the IRC channels where blender developers and users communication could really use donations, they are at roughly 1/5th of their target funding level.

Chris has continued 'prettying the release logs'

Tom Musgrove asked on policy of keybindings that are for specific scripts being listed in the help for blender. Currently Ton would like just good documentation (tutorial and images) to be present on .

wanted to know what policy would be regarding syntax/keyword highlighting for blenders text editor. Ton suggested waiting for a decision until a patch was submitted by the developer and mailing list discussion. Also OOPz would like input on what should be highlighted.

JLuc Peuriere asked for a goal date for the dependency graph work (which will be needed for the animation refactor). He has proof of concept level code ready and already committed. Ton will check the code but would appreciate it if another coder can do so since he is sort of a bottleneck for a few coding projects. Ton suggested turning it into a library - JLuc Peuriere agreed and will finish the proof of concept and commit it as a lib).