Doc:2.6/Manual/Constraints/Transform/Copy Rotation

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Copy Rotation Constraint

The Copy Rotation constraint forces its owner to match the rotation of its target.


Copy Rotation panel
This constraint uses one target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none.
If Target is an Armature, a new field is displayed offering the optional choice to set an individual bone as Target.
If a Bone is set as Target, a new field is displayed offering the optional choice of where along this bone the target point lies.
Vertex Group
If Target is a Mesh, a new field is displayed offering the optional choice to set a Vertex Group as target.
X, Y, Z
These buttons control which axes are constrained – by default, all three are on.
The Invert buttons invert their respective rotation values.
When enabled, this control allows the owner to be rotated (using its current transform properties), relative to its target’s orientation.
This constraint allows you to choose in which space to evaluate its owner’s and target’s transform properties.