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Paint Palettes
Bring Palettes to the different paint modes
UI location * 3D View -> Tool Shelf -> Color Palette or Weight Palette -> depending on:
    • Vertex Paint mode
    • Texture Paint mode
    • Weight Paint mode
  • UV/Image Editor -> Properties Panel -> Color Palette -> while in :
    • Image Painting mode
Usage Go into any paint mode (Image Painting, Texture Paint, Vertex Paint, Weight Paint) and look for the Palette panel corresponding to that mode.
  • Color Palette: This add-on can read and write Gimp's palette format. The first thing to do is to determine your "Palettes Folder". This can be the Gimp's palette folder, or it can be a specific one for your project. Select the palette with the drop down menu. You can save your palette with the (+) button. Add as many colors as you need with the (+) button at the left of the index mover. Sample the current brush color with the small color wheel button. Select a palette color with the small button under the colors.
  • Weight Palette: Select the weight value from the eleven values. These can be adjusted with the "Weight" slider.
Version 0.9.3 Author(s) Dany Lebel (Axon D)
Blender 2.63 License GPL
Category Paint Distribution in add-ons release

Executable information
File name paint_palettes.py
Current version download add-ons release

Known Issues Some minor issues including version 0.9.3 that is shipped with Blender 2.79a:
  • Deleting a palette does not work
  • When trying to add a palette, be sure that the Palettes Folder uses a full path, by unchecking the Relative Path option in the File Browser.

Those issues should be solved with the version 0.9.4, available for the time being in the Daily Developer builds.


Workaround for saving a preset to a specified folder. For Paint Palettes up to and including version 0.9.3.