Extensions:2.4/Py/Scripts/Add/Empty Mesh
< Extensions:2.4 | Py | Scripts | Add(Extensions:Py/Scripts/Add/Empty Meshから転送)
UI location | Group: AddMesh | ||
Version | 2.49 | Author(s) | Ideasman42 |
Blender | 2.49 | License | GPL |
Note(s) | Comes with Blender 2.46 - 2.49 |
File name | add_mesh_empty.py |
Create Add Mesh Empty
- This Script creates a Empty Primitive.
- Press the Space bar.
- Then Add.
- Then Mesh.
- Press Empty.
- To create the New Mesh.
- This primitive was added in Blender.
- As A Script, not Hardcoded.
Blender 2.5
Add Object (Empty)
- This creates an Empty Object.
- Press ⇧ ShiftA.
- Then Add object.
- Note the 3 point icon
- This "Object" creates an empty object called an "empty"
- Alternatively, in the console window type bpy.ops.object.add()
- The Empty will be created in the location of the 3D cursor
Additional Information
- In the Wiki writer's opinion always have Python Installed on your computer when using scripts. http://www.python.org/
- Python & Plugins forum at Blender Artists.