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DXF Importer


DXF Importer
Import Geometery from .dxf file format.
UI location File → Import → Drawing eXchange Format (.dxf)...
Version 0.9 - 2007.01 Author(s) Ed Blake (AKA kitsu)
Blender 2.43, 2.44 License GPL
Note(s) This is primarally a 2d drawing release. Currently only support for

3d faces has been added. Blocks are created on layer 19 then referenced at each insert point. The insert point is designated with a small 3d crosshair. This handle does not render.

Executable information
File name import_dxf.py
Python modules dxfReader.py, dxfColorMap.py, dxfImportObjects.py

Links DXF-Importer - release at Blender Artists.
Known Issues Does not convert perfectly between Object Coordinate System (OCS)

and World Coordinate System (WCS). Only rudimentary support for true polylines have been implimented - splines/fitted curves/ 3d plines/polymeshes are not supported. No support for most 3d entities. Doesn't support the new style object visability. There are problems importing some curves/arcs/circles.


This script imports the dxf Geometery from dxf versions 2007 and earlier. The new version has its own wiki page here.


At this time only mesh based imports are supported. Future support for all curve import is planned.

Currently Supported DXF Ojects:

  • Lines
  • LightWeight polylines
  • True polylines
  • Text
  • Mtext
  • Circles
  • Arcs
  • Ellipses
  • Blocks
  • 3Dfaces
