Extensions:2.4/Py/Scripts/Export/Openflight flt

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OpenFlight FLT Exporter
Save a OpenFlight FLT file.
UI location File → Export → OpenFlight (.flt)...
Version 2.45+ 2007-9-20 Author(s) Geoffrey Bantle (Briggs) and
Greg MacDonald
Blender 2.45+ and newer License GPL
Note(s) Included in Blender 2.45, 2.46

OpenFlight is a registered trademark of MultiGen-Paradigm, Inc.

Executable information
File name export-iv-0.1.py

Links this script comes with Blender.



Select the script from the File → Export → OpenFlight(.flt) menu.


When run the exporter will present a graphical interface to control the export process. The following options can be set.

Label Type Default
Base Path PATH Last directory accessed by blender
Directory to write current scene to.
Xref Directory PATH Base path + "/externals"
Directory to write External references
Textures Directory PATH Base path + "/textures"
Directory for 'copy textures' tool.
External Application PATH None"
External application to launch after export.
Default Shading TOGGLE Off
If pressed, the angle between faces will be used to split edges in meshes that do not already have custom shading.
Export Scale NUMBER 1.00
Default value of 1.00 means that 1 blender unit = 1 meter in output files.
Copy Textures TOGGLE Off
Copies textures to output directory previously chosen with Textures Directory field.
Export Transforms TOGGLE Off
Local coordinates toggle. Default is recommended for now.
Export Xrefs TOGGLE On
If checked External references in the current scene will be exported to the directory set in the "XRef Directory" field.
External App TOGGLE On
Launch external application on export.


Face Handling

  • Single loose wire edges are exported as 2 vertex faces.
  • Wire Loops exported as faces with 'closed wireframe' draw style.
  • Incomplete loops exported as faces with 'open wireframe' draw style.
  • Loose vertices exported as single vertex faces.
  • Sub-face relationships.
  • Faces marked as double sided are exported with correct flags.
  • Face alpha determined by the file extension of images assigned to it. Example: A face with an *.RGBA image assigned to it will have its alpha draw flags set properly.


  • Objects export type determined by FLT ID properties.
  • Empties and meshes with no FLT ID properties attached are exported as either object or group nodes depending on whether they have any children.
  • Invalid child types are ignored. Example: Group node that is child of Object Node
  • External references
  • Export objects in either world-space or local-space coordinates.
  • Matrix transforms (local-space)
  • Correct shading of negatively scaled objects (world-space)
  • Export scale(world-space)

Texturing, Materials and Colors

  • UV mapping and texture information exported. If using multi-texturing, UV layers must have proper names. Example: Layer0, Layer2,...Layer7.
  • Custom color palettes.
  • Face and light point colors & intensities.
  • Texture Attribute files.
  • Custom shading via any combination of solid/smooth faces and edge split modifier.
  • Default shading angle for automatic calculation of smooth shading.
  • Faces with a Color index of zero are exported as 127 (white).
  • Option to copy textures to a user defined directory if they do not exist there already.
  • Attribute file writing.

Known issues

  • Material and shaders are ignored. Future support for material and shader palettes is planned.
  • There is no way to set the face color for open/wire faces. Currently they default to black.
  • The two-sided draw flag must be set on Layer0
  • Do not use sub-faces with alpha faces in the same mesh. The results on export will not be what you expect. Instead break your alpha faces into a separate mesh
