利用者:Ton/Autodesk EULA

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Autodesk 2012 EULA

Anyone ever cared reading what Autodesk likes you to keep track of when installing their software? Probably not...

Maya EULA, Full text, rtf

Here's a couple of highlights: (some quotes shortened for readability).

Fight Club rule: don't you dare to share!

2.1.1 f: "This Agreement excludes any right to provide or make available any features or functionality of the Autodesk Materials to any person or entity (other than to and for Licensee itself)".


3: "The structure and organization of Software included in the Autodesk Materials are confidential and proprietary information to Autodesk and its suppliers, and (a) may not be disclosed or otherwise provided to third parties, and (b) may be used only internally for Licensee’s own authorized internal use."


Exhibit A 26: "The term “Software” may also refer to functions and features of a computer program".

Use of software limited to your "territory"

2.1.3: The license forbids you to use software or documentation outside your country. Luckily they respect the EU laws, so any country in EU zone is allowed.

You automatically agree on other 3rd party licenses

1.6: "The Autodesk Materials may contain or be accompanied by third-party software or data, with terms that are in addition to or different from the terms set forth in this Agreement. Licensee agrees to comply with such terms."

Obligation to promptly notify abuse to Autodesk

2.1.4: "Any Inauthorized Use or Installation of or Access otherwise not in accordance with this Agreement, constitute or result in infringement of Autodesk’s intellectual property rights as well as a breach of the Agreement. Licensee will notify Autodesk promptly of any such Unauthorized Uses."

Autodesk shares your personal data with others

4.1 "Autodesk may provide information and data, including, without limitation, information and data about Licensee’s use of Autodesk Materials and Licensee’s support requests, to Autodesk affiliates, Resellers and other third parties"


4.1: "Licensee hereby consents to Autodesk maintaining, using, storing and disclosing such information and data (including, without limitation, personal information, if any)."


4.2 "use of Licensed Materials may cause Licensee’s Computer, without additional notice, to connect automatically to the Internet"

Autodesk gets right to inspect your house or offices

9.7: "Autodesk or its authorized representative will have the right, on fifteen (15) days’ prior notice to Licensee, to inspect Licensee’s records, systems and facilities, including machine IDs, serial numbers and related information."

What students make is not theirs

6.3: "Work product and other data created with Licensed Materials made available under certain License Types, may contain certain notices and limitations that make the work product and other data usable only in certain circumstances."


6.3: "In addition, if Licensee combines or links work product or other data created with such Licensed Materials with work product or other data otherwise created, then such other work product or data may also be affected by these notices and limitations."

(Strangely enough the "limitations" are not explicit in the EULA)

Ton Roosendaal, june 2011

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