Meta:Tools/Wiki Bots/Perl/

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# Upload script by Erik Möller - moeller AT scireview DOT de - public domain
# Developed for the Wikimedia Commons
# Note: Before usage, create an account on 
# following this naming schema: "File Upload Bot (Username)", for example,
# File Upload Bot (Eloquence). This way, these bots can be easily 
# identified and associated with a specific user.
# Set the username and password below:

$username = "user";
$password = "pass";

# Then run the script on the command line using
# $ perl dirname
# where dirname/ is the name of a directory containing the files to
# be uploaded, and a file named files.txt in the following format
# What you write                Explanation
# @{{GFDL}} [[Category:Dog]]    This text is appended to every description.
# °Dog photo by Eloquence       This text is used when no description exists.
# >Dog01.jpg                    Name of a file in the specified directory.
# German shepherd dog           Description (can be multi-line).
# >Dog02.jpg                    File without a description (use default)
# The "@" and "°" lines are optional, and must be in one line. They can
# occur multiple times in a single file and are only valid until they
# are changed. As a consequence, description lines cannot start with "@"
# or "°".
# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.

# We need these libraries. They should be part of a standard Perl
# distribution.
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use Encode qw(encode);
use warnings;

$docstring="Please read for documentation.\n";
my $dir=$ARGV[0] or die "Syntax: perl directory\n$docstring";

# Make Unix style path

# Remove trailing slashes
$sep=$/; $/="/"; chomp($dir); $/=$sep;

# Now try to get the list of files
  or die "Could not find file list at $dir/files.txt.\n$docstring";

$stx=0; $dtx=0;
while(<FILELIST>) {
        if($line=~m/^@/) {
        elsif($line=~m/^°/) {
        elsif($line=~m/^>/) {

                # New file, but last one doesn't have a description yet -
                # add current default.
                if($currentfile) {
                        # If there's been a change of the default or standard
                        # text, we need to apply the old text to the previous
                        # file, not the new one.
                        $dx= $dtw? $dtx-2 : $dtx -1;
                        $sx= $stw? $stx-2 : $stx -1;                    
                        if(!$desc_added) {                      
                # Abort the whole batch if this file doesn't exist.
                if(!-e "$dir/$line") {
                        die "Could not find $dir/$line. Uploading no files.\n"
        }else {
                # If this is a header comment,
                # we just ignore it. Otherwise
                # it's a file description.              
                if($currentfile) {

# Last file needs to be processed, too
if($currentfile) {              
        $dx= $dtw? $dtx-2 : $dtx -1;
        $sx= $stw? $stx-2 : $stx -1;
        if(!$desc_added) {

my $browser=LWP::UserAgent->new();
  my @ns_headers = (
   'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0',
   'Accept' => 'image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, 
        image/pjpeg, image/png, */*',
   'Accept-Charset' => 'iso-8859-1,*,utf-8',
   'Accept-Language' => 'en-US',

$browser->cookie_jar( {} );

@ns_headers, Content=>[wpName=>$username,wpPassword=>$password,wpRemember=>"1",wpLoginAttempt=>"Log in"]);

# After logging in, we should be redirected to another page. 
# If we aren't, something is wrong.
if($response->code!=302 && !$ignore_login_error) {
"We weren't able to login. This could have the following causes:

* The username ($username) or password may be incorrect.
  Solution: Edit and change them.
* The Wikimedia Commons software has been upgraded.
  Solution: Go to
  and get a new version of the upload script.
* You are trying to hack this script for other wikis. The wiki you
  are uploading to has cookie check disabled.
  Solution: Try setting \$ignore_login_error to 1.

Regardless, we will now try to write the output from the server to 
        open(DEBUG,">$dir/debug.txt") or die "Could not write file.\n";
        print DEBUG $response->as_string;
"This seems to have worked. Take a look at the file for further information or
send it to moeller AT scireview DOT de if you need help debugging the script.\n";
        exit 1;

foreach $key(keys(%file)) {
        print "Uploading $key to the Wikimedia Commons. Description:\n";      
        print $file{$key}."\n" . "-" x 75 . "\n";
        if($eckey ne $key) {
                wpUpload=>"Upload file",
        push @responses,$response->as_string;
        if($response->code!=302 && $response->code!=200) {
                print "Upload failed! Will try again. Output was:\n";
                print $response->as_string;
                goto uploadfile;
        } else {
                print "Uploaded successfully.\n";

print "Everything seems to be OK. Log will be written to $dir/debug.txt.\n";
open(DEBUG,">$dir/debug.txt") or die "Could not write file.\n";
print DEBUG @responses;