利用者:Igor/Particle writing

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Lately I have been experimenting with the particle system and I found a useful solution that I have been looking for for a long time...

A while ago I saw a nice animation (21,7 Mb) made with Max where an object traced a path throughout the animation. The author of that animation said that he had written a script for tracing paths, but he didn't give any further information...

Particle writing example

I found that you can get the same effect in Blender pretty easily with a particle system and no python script. Below is a simple example of how to simulate an airbrush effect.

The Blender particle system is very flexible and its easy to change particle materials to graphite, ink, etc. You can specify particle life duration and even replace particles with animated 3D objects!

Here is the .blend file. Enjoy! --Igor 13:41, 12 April 2006 (CEST)

David Millet, thank you for grammar corrections!