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2013年10月6日 (日) 01:10時点における版

Anti alias z-buffer output in compositor

This feature is crucial in some cases.

Color Space Conversion

New node needed: Conversion / Color Space

Where you should be able to choose source and destination color system

  • Linear to sRGB
  • sRGB to Linear

This is useful, if you do not use "Color Management" in blender. The sRGB-calculation from Linear is a bit to hard with nodes (sRGB is not just a gamma 2.2)


It is a bit annoying to work with the viewer node. If I understand the system right, blender synchronizes the backrop with the connected viewer node.

Wouldn't it be easier to use a double-click a node or a widget on the specific node to make it as a actual backdrop output? In the widget you could choose the channel (Image/Alpha/Z-Buffer).

  • Update*

Found out that ctrl+shift+LMM does it, but anyways a bit cryptic and i couldn't find it in the keymap.

Video Sequence Editor & Compositing Integration

Here is a mockup of how this might look: [1]

What this does, is allows you to composite each strip in the timeline.

Rationale: My workflow consists of taking 60FPS video, and compositing each frame and saving as a png image sequence. I then import the frames into the VSE and add a Speed Control strip to convert 60FPS -> 24FPS. This means that 36FPS did not need to be composited. The wasted time quickly adds up.

Also, if the raw video was 24FPS, this would still benefit me, where I wouldn't have to composite each video clip and then import back in, I could edit the raw clips in the VSE, and then composite in one step, where only the frames that end up in the final animation get composited. This would not only save time, but help keep my files organized.

Movie Clip as Input Node for Materials

It would be great to have the Movie Clip as an Input Node not just in the Compositor but as well in the Node Editor for Materials (using Blender Cycles).

Sequencer Mix Input Node

Needed Node: Sequencer Mix ⇧ ShiftA add » input » sequencer mix

This node should output all of the channels in the sequencer, mixed (such as the preview of the sequencer) Consisting of:

  • RGB image output
  • alpha output
  • node preview

This is useful, for more control over the sequencer output. ie. keying, and time control over movie clips The RGB image output, outputs the mixed sequencer channels at the current frame. The alpha output, outputs the alpha of the mixed sequencer channels at the current frame.

example picture [2]

-Adam Vineyard-

Sequencer Channel Input Node

Needed Node: Sequencer channel ⇧ ShiftA add » input » sequencer channel

This node would consist of:

  • channel index value
  • node preview
  • RGB image output
  • alpha output

This is useful, for compositing movie clips, with better control over the timing. The channel index value sets which channel is used by the node. The RGB image output, outputs the clip in that channel at the current frame. The alpha output, outputs the alpha of the clip in that channel at the current frame.

example picture [3]

-Adam Vineyard-

Replace Selected Node

⇧ ShiftA add » replace » NodeToReplace

Replaces the sellected node with the one chosen in the menu

  • connects sockets when possible

This is useful, if your compositor is packed where wires are stretched, and CtrlX would make the wire impossible to place a node in the wire.

example picture [4]

-Adam Vineyard-

Text Input Node

needed node: text node ⇧ ShiftA add » input » text

Consisting of:

  • RGB input
  • RGB output
  • X, Y, angle, and scale inputs
  • alpha output
  • textbox for the text to use
  • "set font" box for the text used in the node

This is useful, for credits, intros, VFX, and much more

example picture [5]

-Adam Vineyard-

Value inputs for Kerning, Leading, Tracking would provide greater artistic control over typography.

-Josh Brown

Node Group Presets

saving node presets from grouped nodes to save preset select a group Ctrl⇧ ShiftG textbox pops up then name preset and ok to add preset ⇧ ShiftA add » preset » allPresets

This will cut the work time by easily transfering node groups across any of your projects This is useful, for complex compositions that take place in multiple scenes

example picture [6]

-Adam Vineyard-

Node Top to bottom

It would be nice to be able to tick a box to switch from a left-to-right to a bottom-to-top logic.

By doing so, we are doing the same way as Octane does for its nodes and enable people to have a good layerish logic like After effect.

Working is much easier and maybe faster for people with this kind of logic. Easily sum up : the connectors are just translated from the side to the bottom and top.


Node Operators or Expressions

Ability to add expressions/simple operations in place of some slider values or pixel values.

Let's say you have a two transform nodes and they have duplicate X and/or Y values. At the moment it seems I have to manually type in the values.

Since nodes can be named, it would be nice to be able to something like this:

Node Transform, name transform.1: X value=250

Node Transform, name transform.2: X value="=transform.1(X)"

Then when I change the value of "transform.1" the value of transform.2 automatically changes to match.

We could define a simple operator structure where we address a node-name, a variable name from within the node and then perhaps, to begin with, some kind of simple arithmetic +,-,/,*,sin,cos, etc.
