細 (1版 をインポートしました) |
2018年6月29日 (金) 05:49時点における最新版
Kontaktieren der Entwickler
Neue aufstebende Entwickler können auf der Seite für Informationen für neue Entwickler mehr detailierte Informationen finden.
Mailing Listen
Die Hauptmailingliste für Diskussionen ist bf-committers@blender.org. Sie finden mehr Informationen wie Sie sie abonieren können und die Archive durchsuchen können auf der Listen Info Seite.
Spezielle Interessenlisten sind:
- bf-blender-cvs@blender.org: Alle Blender Quellcode Commit Logs
- bf-python@blender.org: Python API Konformität und Entwicklung
- bf-extensions-cvs@blender.org: Erweiterungen (Python-Add-on) Commit-Log
- bf-cycles@blender.org: Cycles Render Engine
- bf-vfx@blender.org: Visuelle Effekte Entwicklung, Motion-Tracking
- bf-translations-dev@blender.org: Blender Benutzeroberflächen Übersetzungen
- robotics@blender.org: Robotik, Spezielle Interessen Gruppe
- soc-2012-dev@blender.org: Google Summer of Code 2012 Entwickler
Die Entwickler sind auf dem Kanal #blendercoders freenode.net im IRC Netzwerk aktiv.
Weekly Meetings
The Blender developer community has meetings every Sunday in the #blendercoders channel starting at 1500UTC.
Meeting reports are sent to bf-committers@blender.org. Most of the time the agenda is decided at the start of the meeting, so if you have something that needs to be discussed, be there in time.
There are also old meeting agenda archives, but for recent meetings see bf-committers.
Our trackers and project site are hosted at projects.blender.org.
- Bug Tracker
- Bug reports can be submitted and browsed on our 2.6 bug tracker. Additionally there is the Game Engine tracker, OpenGL tracker and Blender 2.4 tracker.
- Patch Tracker
- Patches can be submitted for review to the patch tracker. It helps to notify the developers on both the mailing list and in the IRC channel #blendercoders on Freenode.net.
- To Do Tracker
- While we try to address all the issues reported to us, there are cases that prove to be very hard to fix for various reasons. When after a while a bug is still deemed hard to fix, it is often moved to the todo tracker or it is kept in the bug tracker, but closed and marked as Todo. This makes it easier to search for these bugs later.
- For Blender 2.5 development we have also a list of todo items in our wiki. These items are mostly those that are also closed and marked Todo in the Blender 2.5 tracker.
Requesting Features
This wiki is mainly for projects that are actually worked on (implementationally). If you have an idea, you can go here:
- Feature Requests area in the wiki
- Blenderstorm suggestions for Blender development
Module Owners
See the Module Owner list for who to contact when you have questions or patches for a specific area within the Blender code base.