「利用者:Koilz/27.11.13 Mesh Tools Tabbed」の版間の差分

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2013年12月26日 (木) 10:13時点における版

Addon - Mesh Tools Tabbed

This seperates the Mesh Tools into 3 horizontal tabs.
Most the labels are removed.

Some tools are removed: Translate, Rotate, Scale, GRS.

Mesh Tools Tabbed
ファイル:Mesh Tools Tabbed.zip - Blender 2.69.0
To install
unzip Mesh_Tools.py
Add Mesh_Tools.py to \scripts\addons\
To enable
In blender go to User Preferences - Addons - 3D View
Look for Mesh Tools, check the tick box [x]
Press the Save User Settings button
To disable
In blender go to User Preferences - Addons - 3D View
Look for Mesh Tools, uncheck the tick box [ ]
Press the Save User Settings button
To uninstall
Remove Mesh_Tools.py from \scripts\addons\