「利用者:Romanp/GSoC Mantaflow Framework/Docs/Mantaflow setup script」の版間の差分

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(Created page with "To run a simulation, Mantaflow needs a python setup file. Mantaflow config file consists of following parts: :1. Data declaration :2. Flow setup :3. Flow solving steps === Data...")
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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:08時点における最新版

To run a simulation, Mantaflow needs a python setup file.

Mantaflow config file consists of following parts:

1. Data declaration
2. Flow setup
3. Flow solving steps

Data declaration

It is used to define the solver data, such as solver resolution, types of grids that will be used in simulation and their properties. Things that can be done here:

  • Create solver given resolution(at least)
  • Create grids(velocity,pressure, flags,density):
    • MAC grid
    • Real grid
    • Flag grid
    • Vector grid
  • Create Mesh types:
    • Box, given pMin and pMax
    • Cylinder, given radius and center
  • Import existing meshes
  • Other variables that may be used in scrips(maybe properties added by users)

Flow Setup

Here, domain initialization takes place.

Flow Solving Steps

The main part where simulation takes place Things that can be done here:

  • Flow advection
  • Adding external forces
  • Pressure solve step
  • Density Inflow declaration
  • Wall Boundaries setup
  • Buoyancy setup

Wavelets setup

If wavelet turbulence must be included in the simulation, two solvers(low- and high res) must be created. During the flow solving steps, low-res data must be transferred to high-res grid, and the turbulence should be added afterwards.


Table of all values that can be used for Blender smoke setup, and their corresponding mantaflow configs

Blender var Manta var
Resolution solver.resolution
Time Scale solver.timestep
Density solver.create(RealGrid).scale
Temp Diff Not found
Vorticity NoiseFlield.valScale
Dissolve bool Not found
Border Collisions . open /collideAll solvepressure.openBound = Y/N
Border Collisions . verticallyopen Not yet present
High Res bool Handle in Blender
HR divisions resolution for XL grid
HR method Wavelet Default in Mantaflow
HR method FFT Not Supported
HR noise strength NoiseField.valScale
HR sampling(linear, nearest, full) Not found
HR Show high resolution Handle in Blender
Groups Flow Define objects as source in densityInflow.shape
Groups Collision Define collision objs with applyToGrid.value=FlagObstacle
Cache Compression(Light/Heavy) Handle in Blender
Cache Save settings(name, frames) Handle in Blender
Cache Bake Settings All there
Field Weights Gravity addBuoyancy.gravity
FW Turbulence turb.synthesize.scale

Values present in Mantaflow but not in Blender

  • Dimensionality of simulation(can be 2D)
  • Pressure accuracy threshhold
  • maximum iteration factor
  • Noise field settings
  • Turbulence Settings
    • num of turbulen particles
    • RANS enabling
    • intensity
    • lengthscale
    • Octaves number