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(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 02:45時点における最新版


general: bugs, patches

current status is not terrible. we can do a first pre-release.

remaining soc moveovers

Alexander Ewering will merge the new Booleans soon, and ffmpeg is coming too.

Timothy Wakeham is cleaning up Python textures for merging this week too.

py api

new Armature is still not in, Mesh is. DAG work still to be done.

game engine

No news. Armatures are yet to be modified to work with the new system.

Ton's ipo/action/nla refactor

He's working on it right now, we may see a commit soon. Also postponing after first pre-release is possible.

pre-release plan

Updating new things is allowed till tomorrow, i.e. still on Monday the 10th. Tuesday is a 1 day freeze, for doing regression tests and committing only bugfixes that are known to work fine. Binaries will be posted on wednesday, before the conference starts. This will be Blender 2.40 alpha 1 (technically vernum 2.39?). We must document well the known unfinished/buggy areas, and upcoming postponed features.

Next week, after the conference, we can aim for another pre-release. This alpha2 will then include things that don't make it to the first one, like the new UI, booleans, pytex etc. How do deal with the vernum then, as the system does not allow for 2.391, 2.392 etc?


The documentation team has started to use Mediawiki, and with the security problems in TWiki, it seems to make sense to move the development wiki to mediawiki too. The transfer of content is on the way: images have been transferred with a script already, and people are working on the conversion of text.

Mediawiki is now on-line at mediawiki.blender.org but will probably be as wiki.blender.org when is ready to be published (which i hope happens within days now).

testing: regression files for new features

- Armatures: Ton will add tests to the suite

- Drivers: Bassam's demo?

module owners / contributors: please send in test files for new features. we'll put the new test suite well visible with the pre-release.

for getting more automated tests, Daniel Dunbar has worked with PIL for rendering tests, and Martin Poirier has a BPY testing module.