「Doc talk:Manual/Your First Animation/2.Animating the Gingerbread Man」の版間の差分

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(Problems following this tutorial)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 02:46時点における最新版

Started updating this page on Jan 8th contact me on the docboard mailing list for any question

Vertice Selection

How do you get the neat squares when selecting vertices?

Vertex groups

Could some put a link to the place where it is descibed how to let the eyes and decoration move correctly when Gus is moving? Even when this needs knowledge one does not have, it is IMHO better to have a problem to solve than to go through the documentation step by step (rather boring ;) )...

Selecting all Armatures or not?

In Rigging section it says "Now place the cursor in the center and select all bones with A". It is not clear that there is one armature being created before the mirror, as adding a bone with the 3DCursor relocated to the hip really means that there are, at that point, one armature with three bones, two of which are for the hip and one left for the arm.

Button missing

The Tutorial says Press the "Draw Names" Button, but the Button is labled "Names"

Problems following this tutorial

I have followed this tutorial step by step,but when into the skinning process(vertex group part) I cannot find the buttons described in there such as assign or remove in the vertex group panel.

And secondly pressing I doesn't seem to store my pose to the current frame,what I suppose is that when I go back to some frame I stored my pose before,the pose automatically go back to what it had stored,instead of the one I'm working,or does Blender do not have such features?But from what I get from the tutorial,it seems it does have such feature,like this one: We now need a third pose at frame 21, with the right leg up, because we are in the middle of the other half of the stride. This pose is the mirror of the one we defined at frame 1. Therefore, return to frame 1 and, with all the bones selected, in the Pose Menu in the 3D Window header select the Copy Current Pose entry, see (Pose menu). You have now copied the current pose to the buffer.

I think is it something associated with the edition?I am using the 2.49b,but I found this tutorial was written long time ago,so,anyone could help?Thanks~

"I have followed this tutorial step by step,but when into the skinning process(vertex group part) I cannot find the buttons described in there such as assign or remove in the vertex group panel."
  • They appear in Edit mode but not Object mode. I'm a newbie too, using v.2.46. 16:16, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

I am also stuck at the skinning process part. After doing the skinning bit, switch to edit mode and the mentioned panel Link and Materials has nothing except 2 items at the top. Usind blender 2.48a.

My problem was that python was not installed. After installing python 2.5.2, the link and materials panel was populated correctly.

Armature Bones panel

shows an extra bone

"The six vertex groups" pic

contains two Arm.R captions but no Arm.L

Vertex groups menu only shows 5 items

I'm at the stage of adjusting the vertex groups, and all goes fine, except the Vertex Groups menu button only lists 5 items instead of 6; it's missing the Arm.L item. Arm.L appears everywhere else and I'm certain I set it up correctly. I'm using v. 2.46. Any ideas anybody? 17:19, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

Movie Creating

How do you put a file of blender to a movie so it is able to open in a video player?

Parenting the armature

Following this tutorial i found some trouble getting parent the armature. In my blender version(2.49a) i can see only these options: "don't create groups", "name groups", "create from envelops", "create from bone heat". There isn't "Create from closest bone". thanks

-- 11:47, 14 April 2010 (UTC)

Sorry i found the following note:

"With Blender v2.46, the option Create From Closest Bones is no longer available, use Create From Bone Heat instead."

-- 13:15, 14 April 2010 (UTC)

Import/Export link

It would be nice to add some links to tutorial that explain how to export the animation project and how to import it in a small snippet of code (i.e. c/opengl or c++/opengl) to let us see how to use it.

-- 14:22, 14 April 2010 (UTC)

Losing Gus texture after animating it

Before I animated Gus, I had rendered it and saw that it was normal, fairly looked like Gus of the authors. But after I added bones, skinned Gus, I lost all texture applied to it. Gus now has a plain material, no texture, no 'stucci' although the preview still shows it. I tried to remove that texture and added new one, but nothing has changed.