「Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2006 March 12th」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:47時点における最新版

(13:24:47) The topic for #blendereducation is: Blender Education Channel :: Meetings -> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/Meetings
(13:25:58) mifune: 'lo rcas
(13:26:12) mode (+o rcas ) by ChanServ
(13:26:19) rcas: hey
(13:26:50) rcas has changed the topic to: Meeting delayed to 14:00 GMT :: Blender Education Channel :: Meetings -> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/Meetings
(13:27:05) rcas: have to do something first
(13:27:47) rcas: so, the meeting must be at 14:00 GMT
(13:29:29) raphaelB left the room (quit: "Chatzilla 0.9.72 [Firefox]").
(14:00:49) RaphaelB [n=chatzill@13.67.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] entered the room.
RaphaelB rcas 
(14:03:10) rcas: hey RaphaelB :)
(14:03:29) RaphaelB: hi :)
(14:03:40) RaphaelB: rcas stand for Rui ?
(14:03:57) rcas: yup
(14:05:17) rcas: I  can't stay long today, so we have about 60 minutes for this meeting
(14:05:25) RaphaelB: allright ! did you made some change on the wiki today ?
(14:05:42) rcas: There are very few people here, but I can't wait longer for anyone else
(14:05:45) rcas: No changes
(14:06:04) RaphaelB: what are we supposed to decide today ?
(14:06:47) rcas: give me just a minute

(14:06:58) rcas has changed the topic to: Meeting Time !

(14:07:06) timmeh [n=timmeh@blender/coder/timmeh] entered the room.
(14:07:18) elubie [n=elubie@L6965.l.strato-dslnet.de] entered the room.
(14:07:35) rcas: Meeting Agenda = http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/Meetings/Agenda_Next_Meeting
(14:08:20) rcas: there is also another item: Libre Graphics Meeting
(14:08:38) rcas has changed the topic to: Meeting Time ! :: 1. Meeting date/time for west coast people
(14:08:51) rcas: well, starting with the first item
(14:09:13) rcas: people in the west coast can't really make it to the meeting today
(14:09:20) RaphaelB: ok...i'll wait for the topic wich concern the LGM :)
(14:09:30) rcas: RaphaelB: :)
(14:09:46) rcas: it was talked in having another time for the meeting
(14:10:13) rcas: I proposed Saturday 23:30 GMT
(14:10:30) rcas: and the guys from the west coast said it would be a best timming
(14:11:12) rcas: now I would like to know if you guys think this is ok
(14:11:24) rcas: or if you can't make it at that time
(14:11:58) RaphaelB: 23:30 GMT, it's reasonable for western Europe.
(14:12:32) elubie: yeah, should be ok, a bit late but on Saturdays should be ok
(14:12:45) rcas: that's what I thought
(14:12:53) Genscher [n=a@c-134-234-45.f.dsl.de.ignite.net] entered the room.
(14:13:10) rcas: it would be mostly ok for Europe and also ok for west coast guys
(14:13:25) RaphaelB: just a brake beteew diner and dancing ;)
(14:13:46) timmeh: what about us from down under?!? ;)
(14:13:47) rcas: Genscher: meetings to be Saturday at 23:30, is this ok with you ?
(14:14:01) rcas: timmeh: you are from ?
(14:14:07) timmeh: Aus
(14:14:11) rcas: hum
(14:14:24) Genscher: rcas: i'm just listening :)
(14:14:25) stt_ven [n=hecastil@200-93-126-215.genericrev.cantv.net] entered the room.
(14:14:36) rcas: 23:30 GMT is what in AUS ?
(14:14:52) rcas: I don't really know the time difference
(14:15:01) timmeh: rcas, erm...11:30am i think
(14:15:16) rcas: timmeh: I think it might be ok, no ?
(14:15:25) stt_ven: hi all
(14:15:29) rcas: hey stt_ven
(14:15:36) timmeh: heh no ill be at work, but i can read logs if someone keeps them
(14:15:39) RaphaelB: hi
(14:15:40) rcas: stt_ven:  meetings to be Saturday at 23:30, is this ok with you ?
(14:15:56) rcas: timmeh: work on saturday ?
(14:16:00) stt_ven: 23:30 EU?
(14:16:06) mifune: gmt
(14:16:29) timmeh: rcas, yeh i work nearly every day
(14:16:46) timmeh: thats the joys of running a company
(14:16:49) rcas: timmeh: wait, it will be sunday, not saturday there
(14:17:13) rcas: timmeh: meaning it will be 11:30, Sunday morning there
(14:17:43) rcas: well, we are assuming someone has a rest day, and that to be Sunday
(14:18:20) rcas: if you work all days it will be hard to get a nice timming that can be good with you
(14:18:25) stt_ven: its ok
(14:18:30) stt_ven: for me
(14:18:56) rcas: timmeh: since you run the company you can always come here while doing some work
(14:19:00) rcas: timmeh: :)
(14:19:45) rcas: I think it is a reasonable time for everyone, not too late for guys in Europe and neither too early for guys in the west coast
(14:20:39) stt_ven: then is it set?
(14:20:44) elubie: rcas: I think *every* timing will be screwed up for somebody, just make sure the 4 or 5 most active people can join since they likely will also do more work ;)
(14:21:05) rcas: elubie: yes, that is what I'm trying to do
(14:21:25) elubie: ok, fine then
(14:21:26) rcas: elubie: the needs of the many outstand the needs of the few or one
(14:21:59) rcas: at this timming I think more people that can show up
(14:22:03) elubie: rcas: sure
(14:22:39) rcas: well, then it is set, meetings will be re-scheduled to Saturdays 23:30 GMT every other week
(14:23:04) rcas has changed the topic to: Meeting Time ! :: 2. Libre Graphics Meeting
(14:23:04) stt_ven: ok every body.... rise hands so rcas can count how's agree :)
(14:23:10) rcas: :)
(14:23:14) rcas: I already did
(14:24:00) rcas: only timmeh has to work by then, but I believe he can make it in here for some talk even while working
(14:24:20) rcas: going to the next subject
(14:24:24) rcas: LGM
(14:24:34) rcas: well, I got a pretty good response
(14:25:09) rcas: So, while I will be doing 3 workshops, Initiation to Blender, Modeling a Human and Detailing a Human model
(14:25:18) rcas: There will be two other workshops
(14:25:27) rcas: Brecht will do a Coding introduction
(14:25:38) rcas: And RaphaelB will do an Animation workshop
(14:25:46) rcas: I think it will be pretty cool
(14:25:56) RaphaelB: i'm on it ;)
(14:26:02) rcas: we will cover most of the areas surrounding it
(14:26:11) rcas: it = Blender
(14:26:28) elubie: rcas: will the workshops be recorded or at least available afterwards as tutorial or something?
(14:26:30) RaphaelB: yes, and the animation to ;)
(14:27:11) rcas: things are getting in shape and I will do an overview on how things went in the next meeting scheduled for two weeks from now
(14:27:36) rcas: I will also do kind of a daily blog on Blendernation how things are going
(14:27:47) rcas: for each of the LGM days
(14:28:08) rcas: We will put as much as possible online for others to use and see
(14:28:16) RaphaelB: perhaps i'll have a movie camera
(14:28:26) rcas: RaphaelB: that would be cool
(14:28:29) RaphaelB: (but a vhs one ;(
(14:28:40) RaphaelB: bette than nothing
(14:28:49) RaphaelB: rui : i'm not shure, for the session, wich is the best angle :
(14:28:51) rcas: RaphaelB: I can't really buy one right now, else I would
(14:28:53) elubie: Sounds good
(14:29:10) RaphaelB: tutorial or demo
(14:29:20) rcas: I just wanted to give some feedback on this to all in here, so people know where we stand
(14:29:27) RaphaelB: ok
(14:29:36) rcas: also, during the whole event I will be most of the time in this channel
(14:29:45) rcas: And hope to bring new users here too
(14:30:04) RaphaelB: do they have wifi in the rooms ?
(14:30:20) rcas: RaphaelB: we can discuss this after the meeting, and according to dave there is WiFI in the whole campus
(14:30:29) RaphaelB: ok, sorry
(14:30:32) rcas: on to the next item :)
(14:30:46) mifune: when is the LGM?
(14:30:53) rcas: Next weekend
(14:31:06) stt_ven is now known as HHec
(14:31:07) mifune: ok
(14:31:10) rcas: a long weekend
(14:31:19) RaphaelB: march 17/18/19 i
(14:31:19) rcas: friday, saturday and sunday
(14:31:26) rcas has changed the topic to: Meeting Time ! :: 3. Blender Professionals Portal, relation with Teacher and Institutions
(14:31:33) ***mifune will probably be here the whole weekend.
(14:31:40) rcas: mifune: great
(14:32:05) rcas: we talked a bit about the Blender Professionals Portal last meeting
(14:32:22) HHec: yes
(14:32:25) rcas: there was lots of people going into detail with it and so forth
(14:33:16) rcas: I made a decision and it will be done as I decided for now, meaning, there will be a core set of people helping me developing the website and getting it running
(14:33:51) rcas: once things are running and with a minimum set of services, I will bring the subject again and we can discuss it again
(14:34:15) rcas: This for one reason, everyone has ideas about it and not always agree on things
(14:34:32) rcas: Since we want to get things done we can't really afford to do this
(14:34:44) rcas: meaning we will do things as we see best
(14:34:48) rcas: and then review it
(14:35:04) rcas: this way we won't loose much time and things get done
(14:35:05) HHec: you are talking about the professionals portal? what about a BF-education portal?
(14:35:34) rcas: Of course, we will want feedback later on when things are rolling to get things better
(14:35:44) elubie: rcas: I agree with you there, better start and improve instead of long discussions that lead to nothing
(14:35:53) rcas: The Professionals Portal will have an area on Education
(14:36:15) rcas: I already bought the domains and am hosting them
(14:36:25) rcas: so things are getting serious
(14:36:46) HHec: ok
(14:36:52) rcas: I have bought www.blenderpro.com and www.blenderprofessionals.com
(14:37:09) rcas: this way we can decide later on which one to use
(14:37:17) rcas: or keep them both
(14:38:00) rcas: anyway, this item was just to keep you guys up to date
(14:38:04) RaphaelB: i'm not realy concerned, but if it can help blender and the fondation... well do it, and good luck !
(14:38:30) rcas: this is not directly related to the Foundation, but is related to Blender
(14:38:53) rcas: Since Ton doesn't really have the time to do this on Blender.org
(14:39:31) rcas: And since I think that Blender.org should be related only to the Open Sourceness of Blender and the Foundation, I think it is best to have another website portal for this
(14:40:04) RaphaelB: is there a thread somewere to learn more about this (avoiding supid questions here;)) ?
(14:40:05) rcas: But, it will always be in synergy with the Foundation
(14:40:13) rcas: to get things better in both ways
(14:40:21) rcas: RaphaelB: yes
(14:41:02) rcas: http://www.blender.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7887
(14:42:07) RaphaelB: thank ! ...hmm it's a long talk, and the English is not basic... i'll take taime to read it
(14:42:36) rcas: So, for now I will get down on it and hopefully I can get Bart, Joeri and JesterKing , later on when things are mostly ready I will bring the subject
(14:42:52) RaphaelB: nice team !
(14:43:05) rcas: joeri started the talk about it
(14:43:23) RaphaelB: bart stands for b@rt ?
(14:43:35) rcas: Bart already has Blendernation and was behind the WebContent Board on Blender.org, so he can point out some stuff
(14:43:51) rcas: eventually I can get jesterking to help out in some way
(14:44:00) rcas: not sure, think not
(14:44:22) rcas: And this is it
(14:44:45) rcas: Not much to be discussed today, it was mostly to give notice on things
(14:44:54) HHec: rcas: resuming things, you guys are working on the blenderpro portal, and the educational part will be inside that portal
(14:45:02) rcas: if anyone has questions, else I can close the Meeting
(14:45:11) rcas: HHec: yes
(14:45:25) rcas: HHec: there will be several areas to do with the Portal
(14:46:18) rcas: HHec: there will be a Jobs / Bountys area, Education area, a Shop area (for models and textures and so forth) and some other areas too
(14:46:42) RaphaelB: no more questions on blenderpro (thousands on LGM).
(14:46:46) elubie: no quez from me
(14:46:47) HHec: then the bf-education will be doing the pro's organization too, for example what we talked
(14:47:23) rcas: what is being done now is to build the base that can support the addition of new services while being expandable later on for each of the services provided
(14:47:23) HHec: last meeting about the blenderpro would be a mid point between corporations and blender pro users
(14:47:34) rcas: yes
(14:47:43) HHec: ok
(14:47:44) HHec: then
(14:47:48) rcas: and much more
(14:48:14) rcas: RaphaelB: let me just finish the meeting and we can talk about LGM
(14:48:25) RaphaelB: ok ..
(14:48:25) rcas: ok, I finish the meeting here then
(14:48:33) HHec: hey
(14:48:39) rcas: HHec: :)
(14:48:43) rcas: HHec: say
(14:49:14) HHec: i'm concerned about the objectives of the bf-educational area
(14:49:25) rcas: ok
(14:49:29) HHec: as i have not see a site or place to read about it
(14:49:43) rcas: currently there is the Mailing list
(14:50:11) rcas: Then there are some areas on Blender.org that features some learning material
(14:50:13) HHec: and that would be a good topic about the next meeting, 'cause even when you enter the mediawiki
(14:50:36) HHec: there are no links for the educational part
(14:50:37) rcas: you also have the forum with "Documentation & Education"
(14:50:52) rcas: HHec: yes, I know
(14:51:08) rcas: You then have the Wiki as our final area
(14:51:24) HHec: rcas: yes there is the mailing list but if someone new about to enter an cooperate with us will have to read each an every one
(14:51:52) rcas: HHec: I know that, I didn't really had the time to sum things up
(14:52:23) rcas: HHec: I need to get some time to create a nice area on Blender.org just on Education and have things summed up there
(14:52:34) HHec: i can help with that
(14:53:16) HHec: i'll send you somethings and then you will adapt it to the foundation
(14:53:21) rcas: But, this will be complemented with the Blender Pro portal, since the aim of the Portal is to have people up to date with things related to Education, being Jobs, decisions on the Future, next events and so forth
(14:53:58) rcas: HHec: sure, that would be really great
(14:54:12) HHec: ok
(14:54:13) rcas: HHec: I have lots of things todo, and that is one on my TODO list
(14:54:19) elubie: rcas: Off topic - will you be at the ED premiere, now that it doesn't collide with LibreGraphics?
(14:55:30) rcas: elubie: can't afford it
(14:55:45) rcas: elubie: if someone cares to donate me some cash ....
(14:55:47) rcas: :)
(14:55:52) elubie: rcas: what a pity
(14:56:16) rcas: elubie: I can only go to LGM because I have family near by
(14:57:11) elubie: rcas: I do understand, it is quite some money you need for flight, hotel etc. but I couldn't resist ;)
(14:57:30) rcas: elubie: I would really like to go
(14:58:45) elubie: rcas: I can imagine, I think it will be lots of fun
(14:59:00) rcas: It will be like BConf
(14:59:07) rcas: But with just one subject

(14:59:37) rcas: Well, meeting is over then

(14:59:41) HHec: hey guys lets go to next topic  :)
(14:59:47) rcas has changed the topic to: Blender Education Channel :: Meetings -> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/Meetings
(14:59:55) HHec: what about the "rcas - Who will actively be in "charge" of bf-docboard
(14:59:56) HHec: "
(15:00:12) rcas: No-one from bf-docboard is here I think
(15:00:24) rcas: It has been a delayed topic
(15:00:28) HHec: okas
(15:00:34) elubie: rcas: yes, it will be a bit like bconf - that's also why I couldn't resist - when I left bconf I thought what a pity that next meeting will be in a year and not earlier ;)
(15:00:37) rcas: perhaps I should remove it for the time being