「テンプレート:Release Notes/2.42/Python/Scripts」の版間の差分
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細 (1版 をインポートしました) |
2018年6月29日 (金) 02:47時点における最新版
- 1 New Scripts
- 1.1 Gradient (Weight Paint & Color Paint)
- 1.2 Find Target Paths (UV/Image)
- 1.3 Clean Weights (Weight Paint)
- 1.4 Normalize (Weight Paint)
- 1.5 Grow/Shrink (Weight Paint)
- 1.6 Mesh Mirror tool (Mesh)
- 1.7 Edges to Polyline (mesh)
- 1.8 Poly Reduce (Mesh)
- 1.9 BoneWeight Copy (Object)
- 1.10 Self Shadow (Vertex Paint)
- 1.11 Lightwave Motion (Export)
- 1.12 Animation Trajectory (Animation)
- 1.13 Edit Image (UV/Image)
- 1.14 Google Earth KML (Import)
- 2 New Modules
- 3 Updated Scripts
- 4 For More Information
New Scripts
Gradient (Weight Paint & Color Paint)
This script is used to fill the selected faces with a gradient
To use the script, switch to "Face Select" mode then "Vertex Paint" mode
Select the faces you wish to apply the gradient to.
Click twice on the mesh to set the start and end points of the gradient.
The color under the mouse will be used for the start and end blend colors.
Holding Shift or clicking outside the mesh on the second click will blend the first colour to nothing.
Find Target Paths (UV/Image)
A utility script that refinds all image paths for images that have a path whos file dosent exist. Running this script is usefull for moving projects to new computers and fixing broken image paths. It works by taking a searchdir and finding all the images in that dir, then using the largest images (if doubles are found) to avoid using thumbnails (small images).
Clean Weights (Weight Paint)
Remove groups from verts with low weights
Normalize (Weight Paint)
maximizes weights to a user set peak, optionaly scales other groups too to keep the proportion of the weights even. (Doubles as a weight scaler)
Grow/Shrink (Weight Paint)
Uses the mesh topology to expand/contract the vert weights. a few options for iterationsm, max length and strength.
Mesh Mirror tool (Mesh)
This script is used to mirror vertex locations and weights It is usefull if you have a model that was made symetrical but has verts that have moved from their mirrored locations slightly, casuing blenders X-Mirror options not to work.
Weights can be mirrored too, this is usefull if you want to model 1 side of a mesh, copy the mesh and flip it. You can then use this script to mirror to the copy, even creating new flipped vertex groups, renaming group name left to right or .L to .R
Vertex positions are mirrored by doing a locational lookup, finding matching verts on both sides of a mesh and moving to the left/right or mid location.
The vertex weights work differently, they are mirrored my location also, but they mirror in pairs, rather it works by finding the closest vertex on the flip side and using its weight.
When a location mirror is finished, verts that have not been mirrored will remain selected. a good way to check both sides are mirrord is to select the mirrored parts, run this script with default options and then see of there are any selected verts.
For details on each option read the tooltips.
Edges to Polyline (mesh)
This script converts open and closed edge loops into polylines. Only polylines where each vert has no more then 2 edges attached to it are supported
Poly Reduce (Mesh)
This script simplifies the mesh by removing faces, keeping the overall shape of the mesh.
BoneWeight Copy (Object)
This script is used to copy bone weights from 1 mesh with weights (the source mesh) to many (the target meshes). Weights are copied from 1 mesh to another based on how close they are together.
For normal operation, select 1 source mesh with vertex weights and any number of unweighted meshes that overlap the source mesh. Then run this script using default options and check the new weigh.
A differnt way to use this script is to update the weights an an alredy weighted mesh.
this is done using the "Copy to Selected" option enabled and works a bit differently,
With the target mesh, select the verts you want to update.
since all meshes have weights we cant just use the weighted mesh as the source,
so the Active Object is used for the source mesh.
Run the script and the selected verts on all non active meshes will be updated.
Self Shadow (Vertex Paint)
Shade the mesh using vertex colors from the angles between faces. and optionaly blur the shading to remove artifacts from spesific edges.
Lightwave Motion (Export)
Export the path of selected objects into a MOT file for lightwave to read.
Animation Trajectory (Animation)
Allow to see in real time trajectory of selected object.
You can drag the keyframes around from anywhere in the animation. Keyframe dragging would be less of a hack if we could do an event handeler and a redraw space handeler in 1.
Edit Image (UV/Image)
A little utility script I have been using for a long time but was recently able to improve with 2.41's features.
Edits the current image in an external application, esp usefull when dealing with projects that have lots of images. Basicly-- a quick way to have the image in the gimp (using gimp-remote) without rooting around in your project tree.
Added registry variable to save the external application... and some OS context for what app to run.
Google Earth KML (Import)
Use this to read 3d geometry from .kml and .kmz (zipped .kml) files.
New Modules
The following python modules have been added to this Blender release.
- BPyMesh
- BPyMesh_redux - Polygon reducer for automated use
- BPyMathutils
- BPyWindow
Updated Scripts
If you are the author of any of these scripts and can provide a release log, please do.
- Paths import from Jean-Michel Soler (JMS): updated ai, eps, Gimp and SVG support
- Cal3d exporter by Jean-Baptiste LAMY
- DirectX8 exporter by Ben Omari
- DirectX8 importer by Ben Omari
- HotKey script from JMS
- MD2 exporter by Bob Holcomb
- Knife Tool by Stefano Selleri, Win Van Hoydonck and JMS: now handles meshes with multiple materials
- Blender Lip Synchro by Benoit Foucque (Dienben)
FGon Support (Obj and Lightwave Import)
The OBJ and Lightwave importers both make use of a new NGon function ( BPyMesh.ngon() ) that can help create complex fgons for importers.
Obj Import
- Support for many OBJ variations (faces spanning multiple lines, comma delimeted floats, mac line endings)
- Improved smooth group support
- FGon importing (see above)
- Option to import 2 vert faces as edges
- Optional MTL import
- Optional smooth group import
- Option to Rotate X90 (most obj files use X up)
- Option to Reuse Existing Materials (so material names arnt created when names match)
- Option to import as a group instance where all the objects are added to their own scene and 1 instance of the object is created in the current scene.
- Option to import into own scene
- Option to import all obj's in the directory.
- Bugfix in importing OBJ files with negative indicies (Effects uvs and verts)
- Bugfix where an extra vert was duplicated.
- Bugfix for loading images
- Bugfix negative vert indicies relative to the current index now work as expected.
Obj Export
- Option to apply modifiers
- Option to export selection only
- Option to export edges
- Option to export normals
- Optional high quality normals
- Optional MTL File
- Option to export batch export all scenes.
- Option to export your animation as numbered OBJ files.
- Option Copy Images - Copys images to the destination on export.
- Option to Triangulate
- Option to Group by Materials
- Better remove doubles when exporting unique UVs and Normals
- Fluidsim animation export shoudl now work.
- Bugfix when meshes have empty material slots
3ds Import
- Removed workarounds for Blender 2.41
- Mesh objects are split by material (many 3ds models have >16 materials per mesh)
- Added a size limiter so objects are constrained to to be too large
- Added an option to import as a group instance, where all the objects are created in their own scene and an 1 instance is made in the current scene.
3ds Export
- Export UV Faces
- Creates an object node block, exporting object nodes, needed by some 3D importers.
- Now exports Empties as 3ds Dummies.
- Use Mesh instead of NMesh
- Export all objects that can be converted to a mesh as a mesh object.
VRML Export
- Significant speedup
- Image Export fix (use filename rather then blender name)
- Support for meshes with multiple materials/face images
- Mode modular design that more closely reflects Blender's internal workings
- Position, scale, and orientations are now exclusively dealt with in Transform nodes, making the math more unified and way easier to understand.
- vertex colors either written when mesh has SHARED_COL face property, or when mesh has vertex colors and first material with VCOL_PAINT (a little crufty, but maybe will try a better way later)
- Support for debugging output to the console by setting the 'rt' button to 42 (for mild verbosity) or 43 (for more verbosity)
- Potentially long lists like vertex coordinates, face indices, etc. are now unindented (why potentially waste thousands of tab characters?)
UV Export
- Replaced the GUI with a popup for entering inputs.
- Fixed a when no objects were selected and the Ob option was activated.
- Added option to edit the resulting image in an external program (this needs a full python distro for the os module. it detects the presence of the module and shows the option only if possible).
- Saves the selected settings (except the save path) with Registry, so they get loaded back next time you use the script.
For More Information
- blenderartists.org Python & Plugins forum: http://blenderartists.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=11
- blendernation blog scripts cathegory: http://www.blendernation.com/category/python-scripts/
- the Scripts Help Browser script in Blender's Help menu gives access to more info about each script, like basic usage, authors, changes and websites.