「テンプレート:Release Notes/2.43/Physics/Fluid Simulation」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:50時点における最新版

FluidSim Changes

Surface Subdivision
The most important update of the fluid simulation is the "Surface Subdiv" option, that allows the creation of high resolution surface meshes directly during the simulation (similar to the subdivision mesh modifier that would do it afterwards). It can be found on the third page of the domain settings. A value of 1 means no subdivision, each increase results in one further subdivision of each fluid voxel. The resulting meshes thus quickly become large, and can require large amounts of disk space. Be careful in combination with large smoothing values - this can lead to long computation times due to the surface mesh generation.
Another updated part is the particle generation. In combination with the subdivision option, the particles can now be directly included in the surface mesh to give the impression of small drops.

An example of the effect of particles can be seen here - the image to the left was simulated without, the right one with particles and subdivision enabled.


An example of this can be found here. The first movie is the solver without particles and subdivision, the second one uses it: http://www10.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~sinithue/blender/fluid6_fl6manc4_1noparts.mpg http://www10.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~sinithue/blender/fluid6_fl6manc4_2wparts.mpg
While both movies were created with the same simulation resolution, the second one takes almost twice as long to compute, but contains significantly more visual details.

The corresponding example setup can be found here: http://www10.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~sinithue/blender/fluid6_testmanc4.blend

This file also uses the new particle loading options. There is a suzanne mesh in one of the switched off layers, that can be used to load particles generated during the simulation. For these different types can be selected: drops (as used for the subdivision), floats (float on the fluid surface, could be used for e.g. foam), and tracer particles. The latter ones are known from the last version, and just swim along in the fluid (enabled with the "tracer particle" option).