「Attic talk:Manual/Video Sequences」の版間の差分

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(Talk:Manual/Video Sequences moved to Attic talk:Manual/Video Sequences: this page is a sum of what we have in many pages in Sequencer part, put here wainting for suggestions. It's not linked by Manual pages, only User: pages)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 02:50時点における最新版

Hi Roger, you asked for C&C, so here's some notes :) Mainly I think it could use some work organisationally and helping people to find information quickly, as opposed to reading like a tutorial as it does now.

  • I'd break it up into smaller pages per area. Right now it's all in one big conglomerate, making it overwhelming and hard to browse for specific information
  • Use the reference template as much as possible, and try and cut down on the wordiness. A perfect example of where this would help is where you describe the cut tool, which is very important when editing, but I could have completely glossed over it when skim reading, looking for information. It deserves it's own reference section, so people know how to find it in the UI, and with more details on how it works (i.e. doesn't work on meta strips).

Please check out this page, my proposal for adding that reference template in the first place: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Broken/SummerOfDocs2006Restructure

cheers and thanks for your work, I hope my comments are constructive! --Matt Ebb 05:55, 4 February 2007 (CET)

To do:

@broken: Thanks. My wonderful editor, Warner Hoehrer, has been adding the hotkey reference blocks to wiki topics...as well as making crits and fixing all my long-windedness. So, either he or I (or you?) will add it ASAP.

Once I have some feedback on what is missing, your suggestion is well taken and I will chunk it up into separate pages; I just realized I went over my limit. Thanks for pointing that out.

Delta: i do have a single gripe: i think that meta strips could have been explained or demonstrated a bit more concisely; maybe an example of how meta strips can be reused would help. @Delta: Thanks for the note on Meta. As near as I can tell they just are a Group, so I wil cut down the text regarding them. I can't think how they could be re-used...except maybe if you had a .blend for each scene, and then made like a master .blend that rolled all the scenes together; in that case it would be simpler/cleaner to File->Append the meta. Is this what you had in mind for re-use?

@broken: I tried something new here with the manual, which was to approach the issue from two aspects: 1) at a micro level what does each menu item do, and 2) at a macro level how do I use the software to get my job done. I believe more of (2) should be in the User Manual written from a functional/user perspective, and more of (1) should be in the reference manual written from a technical/details/glimpse of internals perspective. There needs to be some balance and handoff between the two.