「利用者:Wahooney re」の版間の差分

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

2010年3月24日 (水) 01:05時点における版

Current Projects

Connect Vertices

Connect selected vertices on a common quad, splitting the quad into two triangles. Multiple vertex pairs can be connected in one operation.

Finished. Stress testing and bug fixing.

Remove Edges

Join two triangles into one quad by common edge. Multiple edges can be removed in one operation.

Further requirements: Remove any vertices that will break quad-, tri-face arrangement.

Add Image


Remove Vertices

Remove vertices without leaving holes, eg.

  • Along edges with no attached faces.
  • From quads with 2 common, adjacent edges.

What Wahooney wants in Blender

Raytrace reflection affects alpha

I need to make an object that sits above an invisible plane, which reflects an object sitting on it and with shadows and AO cast over it. The shadows and AO work well with OnlyShad, but I feel that Blender needs is a similar switch for reflections.