「Org:Institute/Open projects/Durian/Production Directory」の版間の差分

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2012年3月5日 (月) 19:22時点における版

This document explains the setup for the durian SVN repository, it is intended for durian artists but may be of interest to others also.


  • No Caps, No Gaps, all lowercase and use underscores (no white space), also no characters like ~!@#$%^&*()=<>[]'";:
    animatic/storyboards/Sintel & Dragon.png (Not Ok)
    animatic/storyboards/sintel_and_dragon.png (Acceptable)
  • All files within the production directory should be used in some way for the final rendering. (no reference material)
  • textures directories may contain a resources, subdir, this is to be used where textures are made from multiple source images, however this directory should not be used to dump textures that MIGHT be useful or reference material.
  • Images textures should have their original XCF files along with flattened PNG image files (compression 1).
    Where there are multiple images from one XCF, the name should remain the same as the XCF's with an additional suffix.
    walnut.xcf -> walnut_spec.png, walnut_col.png, walnut_bump.png
    • Valid suffixes are col bump spec nor alpha emit disp
  • Blender files must NOT use textures outside their own directory (//textures), so there is no chance that modifying a rock texture also makes an undesired change to a prop (for instace).


  • Use open formats where possible, no *.doc files for eg. Ogg prefered over mp3 etc... (At least opensource applications must be able to edit these files)
  • Preferred image formats are *.png and *.exr


  • *.blend files
  • *.xcf images (alongside png's with matching names, formats of other open apps - inkscape/krita/mypaint etc are ofcourse ok too)
  • Work in progress

Don't Commit

  • *.blend1 files
  • Different versions of the same file sintel1.blend, sintel2.blend (this is what svn is for!)
  • Anything which we would not be allowed to distribute on the DVD, (copyright music over the animatic for eg.) - means we cant distribute our svn repo.
  • Packed files, all textures should be external files
  • Compressed Blends (Makes SVN store data inefficiently)
  • Experimental test files.

When to Commit

Generally you should be committing the work you do at the end of each day at least so your work does not get out of sync with others, its also useful to commit during the day incase others want to work on the same files later (merging changes is manually done and not fun).

Your work does not need to be 'finished', WIP is fine and avoids loosing your work.

With very large files (Say over 100mb), many small changes and commits can increase the size of the svn database, especially for compressed png's or exr's.

Directory Layout

Production (pro/)

This directory should contain all files needed to re-render the movie.

Note that the following text is from Big Buck Bunny, but still relevant. テンプレート:Org:Institute/Open projects/OpenMovieProduction

Animatic (ani/)

  • animatic/live_edit.blend Sequencer edit of the animatic/opengl renders/finals
  • animatic/story_boards/ Scanned drawings
  • animatic/renders_gl/ OpenGL Renders
  • animatic/renders/ Rendered Shots

Resources (res/)

Some test directories may be useful to have to share example rigs, materials, test different physics simulations etc.

Added names to get an idea who might want to be using these but adding these directories is optional.

  • res/render_tests Sonke/Ben
  • res/rigging_tests Nathan/Lee/
  • res/smoke_tests Ben?

Internal Checkout

cd /media/data
svn checkout svn://biserver/durian
sudo ln -s /media/data/durian /d