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(Using Freestyle in Blender)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 05:44時点における最新版

Blender3D FreeTip.png
This feature is not yet in the official version of Blender and currently only available in a branch (see here)


Freestyle is a software for Non-Photorealistic Line Drawing rendering from 3D scenes. It is designed as a programmable interface to allow maximum control over the style of the final drawing: the user "programs" how the silhouettes and other feature lines from the 3D model should be turned into stylized strokes using a set of programmable operators dedicated to style description. Freestyle was developed in the framework of a research project dedicated to the study of stylized line drawing rendering from 3D scenes. Details about this research can be found at: http://artis.imag.fr/Projects/Style . Freestyle is distributed under the terms of the GPL License.

Using Freestyle in Blender

Freestyle has been extensively integrated into Blender. The possibility to write his own Freestyle modules via the Python Scripting Mode has been preserved, while also providing the Parameter Editor Mode, which allows you control Freestyle Line Drawings in a great variety of aspects. Freestyle's integration into Blender is ongoing. Details on the process can be found here.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Python Scripting Mode
  3. Parameter Editor Mode
    1. Line Sets
    2. Line Styles
    3. Edge and Face Marks
  4. Compositing with Freestyle
  5. Gallery