「利用者:Venomgfx/Theme Settings」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 05:53時点における最新版

User Interface


A special kind of toggles.

Examples: 3D View: Snap, Proportional Editing Tools - Timeline: AutoKey, Preview - Anim. Editors: Filters, Summary.


Operator Buttons.

Examples:Render button, Toolshelf buttons.

Radio Buttons

Toggle buttons, only one can be active. Usually used for booleans showing/hiding specific content each.

Examples:Properties Context, OSA Levels (Render), Units (Scene)


Text input fields.

Examples: Screen name, Scene name, File Output Path, Outliner Search.


Those little squares with ticks on them.

Examples: Full Sample, Layer Passes.


Those little squares with ticks on them.

Examples: Full Sample, Layer Passes.


Another kind of Toggle buttons, they can mix on/off status.

Examples: Scene layers on 3D View header.

Number Field

Number sliders with little arrows on the side.

Examples: Render Dimensions, Transform values on N Panel on 3D View.

Value Slider

Bar-looking slider.

Examples: Render Percentage, Output Compression %.


Box containing a list of items, modifiers, or boxes like Grease Pencil or Background Image boxes on the N panel.

Examples:RenderLayers list, Materials, ShapeKeys/UVs/VertexGroups.


Dropdown menu buttons.

Examples: Editors Menu, Render Display, Any Datablock Dropdown.


Text type menus.

Examples: File/Add/Render.. or any pulldown from the headers. (view, select...)

Menu Back

Background of the menus

Examples: Editors Menu, Search, Color Pickers, Any Datablock Dropdown.


Examples: Mouse over any operator/menu/option.

Menu Item

Items inside a Menu.

Examples: Any item inside a menu like Search results, Editors menu.

Scroll Bar

Examples: Scrollbars on N/T panels, timeline, and so on.

Progress Bar

Examples: Render, Bake, Compositing (Nodes Editor).

List Item

Items inside a List (Box).

Examples: RenderLayers list, Materials, ShapeKeys/UVs/VertexGroups.


Colors to assign to animated/driven properties

Examples: Animate (hit I) or Drive (hit D) any button.