「利用者:Koilz/13.03.06 wiki - doc 2.6 shapekey editor」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 05:53時点における最新版

The shapekey Editor is in Properties->Object_Data when you have these object types selected.

Mesh. Curve. Surface. Lattice.

サムネイルの作成エラー: 対応していない画像形式です

[+] Add shapekey [-] Remove shapekey


Basis: A copy of the Cube mesh vertices.

Key 1: Mesh deformation.

Key 2: Mesh deformation.

Relative shapekeys

Relative shapekeys are relative to the 'Basis' shapekey.


The 'Basis' shapekey cant be editied, this is a copy of the 'Cube' mesh.

The 'Key 1' 'Key 2' shapekeys can be edited, these are mesh deformations.

The Value is the value of the mesh deformation.

"Clear deformation" sets all values to 0.000.

Select 'Key 1', set Value to 1.000.

Select the 'Cube' mesh then go into Edit_Mode (TAB).


Deform the mesh.


Switch back to Object_Mode (TAB).

You can now change Value from 0.000 to 1.000.

The 'Cube' mesh will deform from 'Basis' to 'Key 1'.


"Apply in edit mode" makes it so you can view and set Value in Edit_Mode.

"Always show 1.0" displays the active shapekey as 1.0.

"Range" sets the Min and Max for the Value slider.


Absolute shapekeys

Absolute shapekeys are not relative, each key has its own mesh, they deform over time.

Open Graph editor
Disable Relative
Put the mouse over Evaluate Time, then press 'i'
Ctrl+LMB add FPoints to FCurve.

its good you can add FCurves to any property, but interface is a bit hidded.
have to write something about this first.