「Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Sequencer/Footage hipostasiator」の版間の差分

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2011年12月15日 (木) 11:29時点における版

Footage Hipostasiator 0.5
Create a structure folder and helps to import footage.
UI location Group: Sequencer
Version 0,5 Author(s) Carlos Padial
Blender 2.54 r#32861 License GPL

Executable information
File name sequencer_footage_hipostasiator05.py
Current version download https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=24502


  • Drop sequencer_footage_hipostasiator05.py into the 2.52/scripts/addons folder
  • Enable the Add-On from the Add-Ons tab in the User Preferences window, Sequencer section.


This Addon create a scene structure and manages a list of clips organized into folders with a concrete structure, based on cinema production schemes were:

  • sequence: any time or action/location change in the narration.(also called sometimes scenes... dont get confused!)
  • take: when camera position change.
  • shot: each one you repeat from a take.
   For now it works only with MOV extensions (TODO- of course), 
   Also is able to get jpeg sequences for each clip and avi proxies. 
   You can select to work with sequences or not in the first step.
   If you have no proxies the script will work the same.

The footage MUST be arranged as follow:

  FOOTAGE (folder)    <---- this will be the output render path to start the process.
    |>seq01  (folder)
    |  |
    |  |> take01  (folder)
    |  |   |
       |   |> shot01
       |   |            
           |> shot02  (folder)   <--- can contain more than one clips folders inside
           |    |                      (each in diferent folder)   
           |    |> clipname1  (a folder named as the original it contains)
           |    |  |                    
           |    |  |> clipname1-jpg (folder)
           |    |  |   |
           |    |  |   |> jpeg sequence files named original%d.jpg
           |    |  |        
           |    |  |> clipname1-original  (folder)
           |    |  |    |        
           |    |  |    |> the original footage clip (original name)
           |    |  |
           |    |  |> clipname1-proxy  (folder)
           |    |         |
           |    |         |> proxy video file named original-proxy
           |    | 
           |    |> clipname2
       |   |    
       |   |> shot03
    |  |
    |  |> take02
    |      |
    |      |> shot01
    |      |    ...        
    |      |> shot_n 
    |  ...

The structure folder for secuences, takes and shots must be created before to use the script.

Blender3D FreeTip.png
Jpeg sequences
Here is an script to help automate the sequence and proxy creation with ffmpeg and create folders for proxies and sequences (in linux)... http://www.surreal.asturnazari.es/node/133


The first operator: IMPORT FOOTAGE

The first thing you must do is Import footage.

Go to File > Import > Footage as planes

Select the folder where takes are, and select options (bottomleft) for sequences or not.

the script creates a scene for each clip you have in your folder struct. It also creates a new empty scene for each sequence in you folder structure. (In a movie edit process you usually edit each sequence and then merge it in a Master Timeline) As "side effect" it creates a text in the file, named textpath, containing path to footage and options like sequences or not... No time to study global variables and related stuff, seems complex.

After every operation you must refresh the sequencer. Can't manage this now... Then, you'll see a scene named seq/take/shot for each clip you have.

If you go to one of this scenes, you'll find it empty. (TODO: automate this)

The second operator: LOAD FOOTAGE

But if there you click the "Load Footage" button an image strip is added to the timeline and then you can set IN and OUT markers. (see jumptocut)

For now you must do it in each scene, but now you are in a conservative workflow that allows you to grade or transform each clip one time and refresh changes in all instances of that clip.**

The third operator: LOAD ALL SCENES

If you go to the sequence scene (the empty created for each one in your folder setup) and click the "Load All Scenes" button, all scenes relateds to the first one, wich have IN and OUT points, and actually not present in the timeline, are loaded as scene strips in the timeline.

If you want to update a clip, put the cursor where it starts, delete it and press again Load All Scenes.

Blender3D FreeTip.png
NLE editing
See Jump to Cut explanation about editing with this structure in: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Sequencer/Jump_to_cut))


  • A video showing edit process


Please, edit here to make suggestions about the addon.


Please, comment and discuss features or bugs at this thread:


  • [1] at Blender Artists.