「利用者:Kupoman/GSOC 2011 TaskList」の版間の差分

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(Light Bugs)

2011年8月5日 (金) 16:05時点における版


  • Week 4:
    • Fix Modifier bugs
      • Objects with modifiers behave differently in Blenderplayer than the internal player
      • Certain combinations of objects with modifiers and material slots cause disappearing geometry
      • Mirror modifier makes objects disappear
    • Make the exit key work for Blenderplayer
    • Add exit key to the python API
    • Restrict exit key to keyboard input
  • Week 5:
    • Light bugs
      • Can't modify light values in GLSL mode
      • Can't dynamically add lights in GLSL mode
      • Can't libload lights
    • Look for light optimizations
      • At this point I think we are just lucky it is "working"
  • Week 6:
    • DDS/DXT
      • Implement Mitchell's patch
      • Fix crashing when loading DDS textures with mipmaps
      • Update nvidia texture files related to DDS?
    • VBO
      • Rework rasterizer to allow for smoother integration of VBOs
      • Port Samuel Anjam's VBO code from the bb_dev_25 branch
      • Fix bugs in Anjam's VBO code
      • Make sure VBOs are updated when needed
  • Week 7:
    • Add collision mask control in the UI
    • API improvements
      • Define constants for video texture source class status
      • Allow writing of worldScale
      • Allow access to an object's transform matrix
  • Week 8:
    • Text Support
      • Mutiline support
      • Line spacing
      • Offset options
      • Alignment options
  • Week 9:
    • On Vacation :)
  • Week 10:
    • Multiple UV layers
  • Week 11:
    • Blenderplayer issues
  • Week 12:


Light Bugs

The following bug reports are related to lighting:

Modifier Bugs

The following bug reports are related to modifiers:

These ones relate to armatures (not planning to look into them, but they are here for completeness):

UI Bugs/small improvements

  • Add an "Add Menu" in the Logic Editor with Sensors, Controllers, Actuators and Properties as subitems.
  • Gravity in Scene panel should be invisible for BGE
  • States: show the name of 1st controller in the tooltip
  • States: order controllers by state
  • Sensors: Radar input is in degrees not radians (either do a version bump and a doversion or a custom get/setRNA props for this one)
  • Option to change the default ESC key in the “render panel”
  • Restrict PAN in the Logic Editor - restrict the top to not allow you to see white space above the SCA

Blender Player Improvements

  • Fix the aspect ratio problems.
  • Address path issues
  • Allow for launching the player in fullscreen with current desktop resolution
  • Fix mipmap problems with dynamic objects
    • [#18783] MipMap not working in the first run or in gameplayer (some times?)
  • Fix multisampling in full screen mode

API improvements


Features that are hanging loose for a long time and could be implement.

full DDS and DXT support

  • currently we can load them, but we don't use their compression format, we literally uncompress them. There are some notes from last year gsoc with some related ideas (iirc - option to save as DDS/DXT from UV Editor and option to convert jpgs/png to dds/dxt when exporting as blenderplayer).

VBO support

  • we have an old working (but not optimal) patch for BGE VBO support (remember that this has nothing to do with Blender VBO). This should be pretty straightforward to implement (and would give you an even better understanding of bge rendering pipeline).
  • note that VBO alone doesn't give us better performance. It however uses less memory, and it's pretty much standard in the industry as far as I know (yet it's really old technology). However VBO is a good step forward full hardware skinning, so it's an welcomed feature.

Collision Masks

  • Expose access to bullet collision masks in the UI.

Text support

  • we have ttf/otf working in the BGE but it still lacking comparing to the old bitmap text. The one obvious thing to add is multiline support (which should be straightforward).
  • additionally we could support the other text options we have in Blender: Paragraph (for alignment, spacing and offset) and Text Boxes. Where is the line for feature creepy? I don't know, but this could be implemented in an elegant "library" way (similar with how blf works now).


  • Per texture mipmap settings
  • Multiple UV layers
  • Look into any unnecessary light calculations (e.g. lights out of range)