「Meta talk:Wiki Tasks/Review 2.6 Manual」の版間の差分

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(Volunteer Checking In)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 04:52時点における最新版

I was hoping someone could point me towards or for that matter create a downloadable version of the wiki manual. I was stupified to find NO HELP FILES in the main blender download and now I've been further dismayed to find a downloadable version doesn't appear to exist.

I don't have internet access at home and I'm not about to drop $50/month so I can learn blender. There has to be another way. Why is there no PDF version of the manual? That seems insane to me unless I'm just looking in the worng place.

For Blender 2.4 the PDF version is here: http://www.archive.org/details/BlenderWikiManualPdf20100622 For Blender 2.5 - 2.6 the manual is under review, so I don't think that a PDF version is available

--ValterVB 10:09, 6 December 2011 (CET)

usability of manual

while the current user manual is wonderful for its content

using it is a general pain

i point out one issue which is annoying and confusing especially to

new users

the left hand clickable menu - when i select an item, after spending 20 minutes trying to find what i think i am looking for, the left hand clickable menu closes and sure, i go to the page - but what page did i click on? is this what i wanted? as a new user i have no idea where i am

in the right menu which begins folded up - if i am not sure of what i am looking for i must open each section to look through it - i cannot do a useful page search unless each of the sections is open

now - if i login to the wiki i get a very useable 1 page contents page for the manual - which is what everyone should get, especially new users/students when going to the manual

new users/students would likely not get a login to the wiki - it is not asked/required of them, so are confronted with the unusable clickable menus

okay - i am not a new user. i teach and direct my students to the Blender Manual as their first reference. for them it is in no way easy to use and i don't think it is good practice to have new users paddling around in an editable wiki.

please get rid of the clickable menus and restore the 1 page contents page for everyone.

regards colin martin

New stuff that is not on the list and needs discussion // Eduard Gotwig


I want to ask, why parts of Manual/Game_Engine/Physics are on the list, listed as "ok", even they're not?

Checkout the Types from here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Game_Engine/Physics

Currently all these pages are hosted at user sites(!)

And a page for the new character type that is new in 2.6.4 is missing as well.

more critics are going to come ;) --Eduard Gotwig 15:47, 12 October 2012 (CEST)

Game Engine Pages (mostly) fixed // Sculptorjim

Re. your comments on the missing Game Engine pages, thank you for bringing this to our attention. There was a problem that some sub-pages had not been pushed properly into the Doc:2.6 filespace; I think (and hope) this is now fixed. Would be good for you to check again to see that the relevant pages are now picked up correctly and that the Manual pages are OK for you.

Hope to fill the remaining missing pages soon.

--Jim Tucker 19:03, 15 October 2012 (UTC)--

Volunteer Checking In

Hello. I'm new. What can I do to help. I have a particular interest in creating tutorials for 2.6 Texture, UV Unwrapping, Materials, Lighting, Rendering in Cycles, but can help out wherever / however you want.

Also, I'm good with layout and styling and so would really like to help with accessibility and clarity of the Wiki / manual.

Just please let me know, I don't want to run amok.

Sparkwoodand21 11:49, 30 March 2013 (CET)