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Object menu

This menu is available in the 3D View, with object mode active.

Move to Layer... (M)

Lets you place the selected objects into the layers defined in the popup window (or the Move to Layer panel).

Join (CtrlJ)

Joins all selected objects into one. All object data is linked to the active object (which must be selected). All objects must be of the same type: mesh, curve, surface or armature. If several curves are joined, each one will keep its subtype (NURBS or Bezier).

Make Dupli-Face

For each selected object, it creates a tiny mesh plane object with 1 single quad, and makes it parent of the corresponding object. The parent object has dupli faces active, so that it duplicates the original. This action is not available for empties. If the selected object was linked from an external library, a local copy is created, though object data remains linked.

Make Proxy... (CtrlAltP)

Lets us make some changes locally over an object (or group) linked from an external library. This option works on the active object. Some types of changes remain restricted, but others can be made locally, depending on the type of object. Those changes are not sent to the external library.

Delete... (X)

The selected objects are deleted from the scene. Delete Globally (Delete panel) checked will cause the objects to be deleted from all the scenes where they are linked.

Duplicate Linked (AltD)

Duplicates the selected objects, but not their object data, which will be shared by the original and the copy (Linked is checked in the Duplicate Objects panel).

Duplicate Objects (⇧ ShiftD)

Duplicates the selected objects and their object data (Linked is unchecked in the Duplicate Objects panel).

Undo History (CtrlAltZ)

Opens a popup list with the undo history: the last (global) actions taken. First positions correspond to most recent actions. A small icon of an eye next to one of the entries defines the current status. Selecting one of the entries in the list takes the current status to that position.

Redo (⇧ ShiftCtrlZ)

Takes the current undo status one step forward in the undo history.

Undo (CtrlZ)

Takes the current undo status one step back in the undo history.

3D View » Object » Convert to submenu

These options let you keep the original object, checking the Keep Original box in the redo panel.

Curve from Mesh/Text (AltC)

Converts the selected text and mesh objects to curve objects. In mesh objects, only edges belonging to no faces will be taken into account.

Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surf/Text (AltC)

Converts the selected curve, metaball, surface and text objects to mesh objects. The actual defined resolution of these objects will be taken into account for the conversion.

3D View » Object » Show/Hide submenu

Show Hidden (AltH)

Shows all hidden objects.

Hide Selected (H)

Hides all selected objects of the scene. You can hide unselected ones instead, by checking the Unselected tick box in the Set Restrict View panel.

Hide Unselected (⇧ ShiftH)

Hides all unselected objects of the scene. You can hide selected ones instead, by unchecking the Unselected tick box in the Set Restrict View panel.

3D View » Object » Game submenu

to do


3D View » Object » Quick Effects submenu

to do


3D View » Object » Constraints submenu

Add Constraint (with Targets) (⇧ ShiftCtrlC)

Adds a constraint to the active object. The type of constraint must be chosen from a popup window, though it can be changed later from the Add Constraint (with Targets) panel. If there is snother object selected besides the active one, that object will be the constraint target (if the chosen constraint accepts targets).

Copy Constraints to Selected Objects

Copies the active object restrictions to the rest of the selected objects.

Clear Object Constraints (CtrlAltC)

Removes all restrictions of the active object.

3D View » Object » Group submenu

Create New Group (CtrlG)

Creates a new object group with the selected objects. We can specify the new group name in the Create New Group panel.

Remove from Group (CtrlAltG)

Causes the selected objects to cease belonging to any object group.

Remove from All Groups (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltG)

Causes all objects to cease belonging to any object group.

Add Selected to Active Group (⇧ ShiftCtrlG)

Adds the selected objects to the groups to which the active object belongs.

Remove Selected from Active Group (⇧ ShiftAltG)

Causes the selected objects to cease belonging to the groups to which the active object belongs.

3D View » Object » Track submenu

These actions add a tracking constraint (ctrl) to the selected objects; the target object of the constraint will be the active object, which won't have a constraint added. Other actions let us clear those tracks from the selected objects (alt):

Damped Track Constraint

The constraint to add will be a Damped Track one.

Track To Constraint

The constraint to add will be a Track To one.

Lock Track Constraint

The constraint to add will be a Lock Track one.

Clear Track

Removes all Damped Track, Track To and Lock Track restrictions from the selected objects.

Clear and Keep Transformation (Clear Track)

Removes all Damped Track, Track To and Lock Track restrictions from the selected objects, keeping the final transform caused by them.

3D View » Object » Parent submenu

CtrlP Pops up the make parent options. AltP, the clear parent ones.

These actions let you establish a hierarchical relationship (CtrlP) between the selected objects (children) and the active one (parent). Child objects can always be of any type. At the moment of parenting, a correcting matrix is also applied to the child (the parent inverse).

Other actions remove the hierarchical relationship (AltP) between the selected objects and their respective parents. However, they don't remove the possible modifiers or constraints.


The child objects will inherit the transformations of the parent. The parent object can be of any type.

Armature Deform

to do


With Empty Groups

to do


With Automatic Weights

to do


With Envelope Weights

to do



to do


Bone Relative

to do


Curve Deform

For parents of type curve. Besides parenting the selected objects, it adds a Curve modifier to the child objects, with the parent curve as target object.

Follow Path

For parents of type curve. Besides parenting the selected objects, it activates the Path Animation and Follow properties of the curve, and also animates its Evaluation Time property.

Path Constraint

For parents of type curve. It actually doesn't parent the selected objects; it just adds to the child objects a Follow Path constraint, with the curve as the constraint target.

Lattice Deform

Only for parents of type lattice. After the usual parenting is done, a Lattice modifier is applied to the child objects, being the lattice the modifier target.


For objects of type curve, surface, mesh and lattice, there is the possibility to use one of its vertices or points as the parent of other objects. However that can be achieved only in edit mode, so this menu entry is not really operational from the Object menu.

Vertex (Triangle)

For objects of type curve, surface, mesh and lattice, there is the possibility to use any three of its vertices or points as the triangle parent of other objects. However that can be achieved only in edit mode, so this menu entry is not really operational from the Object menu.

Clear Parent

Hierarchical relationships are simply removed.

Clear and Keep Transformation

Hierarchical relationships are removed, but the inherited transforms are kept.

Clear Parent Inverse

Hierarchical relationships are not removed, but the correcting matrix (parent inverse) is cleared from the selected objects.

3D View » Object » Make Single User (U) submenu

These actions work on the selected objects, or on all the objects of the scene, depending on the selection in the Make Single User panel. This redo panel lets you, in addition, choose what type of datablocks will be made single user.


Makes the selected objects single user, that is, not shared between other scenes than the current one.

Object & Data

Besides the objects, the object data is also made single user, that is, not shared between several objects.

Object & Data & Materials+Tex

Besides the objects and object data, the object materials and textures are also made single user, that is, not shared between several materials (in case of textures), or objects or object data.


The object materials and textures are made single user, that is, not shared between several materials (in case of textures), or objects or object data.

Object Animation

The object animation information is made single user, that is, not shared between several objects.

3D View » Object » Make Local... (L) submenu

The Make Local panel lets you switch between these operations, which make local the selected objects (and in some cases object data), which must be initially linked from an external library.

Selected Objects

Makes the selected external objects local.

Selected Objects and Data

Makes the selected external objects local, along with their object data.

Selected Objects, Data and Materials

Makes the selected external objects local, along with their object and materials data.


Makes all external objects in the current blend file (including all scenes) local, along with their object data.

3D View » Object » Make Links... (CtrlL) submenu

Objects to Scene...

Lets you create links to the selected objects into a different scene than the current one. A scene name must be chosen other than that of the current one. The Link Objects to Scene panel lets you choose between scenes.

Object Data

Links the object data of the active object to all selected objects, which must be of the same type than the active one.


Links the materials of the active object into the selected ones, the materials of which will be unlinked from them. Objects can be of different type.

Animation Data

Links the animation information of the active object into the selected ones, the animation datablocks of which will be unlinked from them. Objects can be of different type.


Links (assigns to) the groups to which the active object belongs, to all selected ones. Objects can be of different type.


Activates the group duplication instance of the active object into the selected ones. Objects can be of different type.


The selected objects will receive a copy of the modifiers of the active one. Objects can be of different types, but those types must be capable of receiving modifiers.


Links the fonts of the active object to the selected ones.

Transfer UV Maps

The active UV map of the selected objects will be replaced by a copy of the active UV map of the active object. If the selected object doesn't have any UV maps, it is created. Objects must be of type mesh and must have the same number of faces (matching geometry).

3D View » Object » Animation submenu

Insert Keyframe... (I)

Inserts keyframe(s) at the current frame, for the selected objects. If there is not an active keying set, a list of possibilities will pop up.

Delete Keyframes... (AltI)

Removes the keyframes of the selected objects at the current frame.

Clear Keyframes...

Removes all keyframes of the selected objects for the whole animation.

Change Keying Set... (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltI)

Lets you choose the active keying set from a pop up list.

Bake Action...

to do


3D View » Object » Snap (⇧ ShiftS) submenu

Selection to Grid

Places each one of the selected objects at the respective closest point of the grid.

Selection to Cursor

Places each one of the selected objects at the position of the 3D cursor.

Selection to Cursor (Offset)

Places the selection at the position of the 3D cursor. If there are multiple objects selected, they are not moved individually at the cursor position; instead, they are centered around the 3D cursor, maintaining their relative distances.

Cursor to Selected

Places the 3D cursor at the center of the bounding box of the centers of the selected objects, unless active pivot center is set to Median Point, in which case the 3D cursor will be placed in the median point of the centers of the selected objects.

Cursor to Center

Places the 3D cursor at the global origin point (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Cursor to Grid

Places the 3D cursor at the closest point of the grid.

Cursor to Active

Places the 3D cursor at position of the active object.

3D View » Object » Apply (CtrlA) submenu

These operations lets you apply several transformations to the selected objects. The object transformation coordinates are transferred to the object data. If the objects have hierarchical descendants, it also applies those transformations to their children.

The Apply Object Transform panel lets us choose the combination of transformations to apply from Location, Rotation and Scale.


The location coordinates of the selected objects take the value (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), while their object data and child objects don't change their global position. This operation applies only to 3D curves, meshes and armatures.


The rotation coordinates of the selected objects take the value (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), while their object data and child objects don't change their global orientation. This operation applies only to 3D curves, meshes and armatures.


The scale coordinates of the selected objects take the value (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), while their object data and child objects don't change their global size. This operation applies only to curves (2D and 3D), meshes, surfaces and armatures.

Rotation & Scale

Both rotation and scale transformations are applied in the selected objects.

Visual Transform

Applies the object's transformations, taking into account the effects of constraints.

Make Duplicates Real (⇧ ShiftCtrlA)

Turns the duplicates generated by the selected objects into real objects, and deactivates duplication in the duplicators. The Make Duplicates Real panel provides the following options:

  • Parent parents all the generated objects to the former duplicator when the option is checked; otherwise, they will be global objects.
  • Keep Hierarchy is useful when the duplicated objects have a hierarchical relationship between them. In that case, if we check this option, the same relationship will be kept in the newly generated objects, even if Parent is also checked, in which case, only the duplicated objects on top of the hierarchy will be parented to the former duplicator.

3D View » Object » Clear submenu

Location (AltG)

Changes the location transformation coordinates of the selected objects to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Rotation (AltR)

Changes the rotation transformation coordinates of the selected objects to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Scale (AltS)

Changes the scale transformation coordinates of the selected objects to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).

Origin (AltO)

Modifies the correcting matrix (parent inverse) applied to the selected objects so that they are placed at the same position as their respective parents, without changing their location transform coordinates.

3D View » Object » Mirror (CtrlM) submenu

These operations let you mirror the selected objects interactively. This mirroring is achieved changing the scale and location transform coordinates of the objects.

During the interactive mirror mode, the symmetry axis or plane can be chosen as in the usual transformation modes. The same applies to accepting or cancelling the operation.

The origin point of the symmery axis or plane is defined by the current pivot point selection.

After the operation is done, the Redo panel lets you change the axes of symmetry, the orientation of those axes, and the proportional editing effect of the operation.

Interactive Mirror

Starts interactive mirror mode, with no selected axis.

X Global

Starts interactive mirror mode, with X global axis selected.

Y Global

Starts interactive mirror mode, with Y global axis selected.

Z Global

Starts interactive mirror mode, with Z global axis selected.

3D View » Object » Transform submenu

Many of these operations let you define some parameters like constraint axis, orientation, or proportional editing.

Grab/Move (G)

Sets the selected objects in translation mode.

Rotate (R)

Sets the selected objects in rotation mode.

Scale (S)

Sets the selected objects in scale mode.

To Sphere (⇧ ShiftAltS)

Moves interactively the centers of the selected objects from or towards the selected pivot point. A Factor value of 1.0 (To Sphere panel) sets all the selected object centers the same distance from that pivot point.

Shear (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltS)

Moves interactively the selected objects to the right or left on the viewport. The pivot point selected defines the horizontal line above which objects will move to the right and below which objects will move to the left. The distance that a particular object is moved equals the shortest distance to the mentioned line multiplied by Offset (Shear panel).

Bend (⇧ ShiftW)

It "bends" the position of the selected objects. The actual transformation depends on the orientation of the actual viewport, the position of the 3D Cursor, and the angle defined by the mouse movement.


Moves interactively the centers of the selected objects from or towards the selected pivot point, in such a way that all of them move the same distance. The value of Distance (Push/Pull panel) will define the amount of movement for each object.


It seems disabled in Object mode.


It seems disabled in Object mode.

Move Texture Space (⇧ ShiftT)

Sets the object texture space in translation mode, which will become visible in the 3D View.

Scale Texture Space (⇧ ShiftAltT)

Sets the object texture space in scale mode, which will become visible in the 3D View.

Align to Transform Orientation

Aligns (rotates) the selected objects so that their local orientation matches the active transform orientation.

Geometry to Origin (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltC)

Centers the selected objects geometries around each object center. This tool works for objects of type curve, surface, mesh and armature. The Set Origin panel provides the option to consider two central points: Median Center is the median of the elements of the geometry, while Bounds Center is the center of its bounding box.

Origin to Geometry (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltC)

Centers the selected objects centers in the middle of each object geometry. This tool works for objects of type curve, surface, mesh and armature. The Set Origin panel provides the option to consider two central points: Median Center is the median of the elements of the geometry, while Bounds Center is the center of its bounding box.

Origin to 3D Cursor (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltC)

Places the center of the selected objects at the position of the 3D cursor, leaving its geometry at the same global position. This tool works for objects of type curve, surface, mesh and armature.

Origin to Center of Mass (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltC)

Places the center of the selected objects at the position of its center of mass (assuming the mesh has uniform density), leaving its geometry at the same global position. This tool works for objects of type curve, surface, mesh and armature.

Randomize Transform

Makes random transforms on the selected objects, depending on the values of the Redo panel:

  • Random Seed is the seed used by the random algorithm. Different values of the seed will produce different transformations.
  • Transform Delta checked will cause the delta transform coordinates to be affected instead.
  • Randomize Location checked activates the location transformation.
  • Location values will define the maximum amount of location transformation per global axis, regardless of its sign.
  • Randomize Rotation checked activates the rotation transformation.
  • Rotation values will define the maximum amount of rotation transformation per global axis, regardless of its sign.
  • Randomize Scale checked activates the scale transformation.
  • Scale values will define the maximum amount of scale transformation per global axis, regardless of its sign.
  • Scale Even will only use the X scale value to scale the three axes.

Align Objects

Aligns the selected objects, as defined in the Align Objects panel.

The Relative To control will let us choose to align the objects to the active object (Active), the median point of the selection (Selection), the 3D cursor (3D Cursor), or the global origin (Scene Origin).

The Align Mode control will define what part of the objects will be aligned: the objects centers (Centers), the positive sides (on the global axes) of their respective bounding boxes (Positive Sides), or the negative ones (Negative Sides). In these cases, we can choose which global axes to use: X, Y or/and Z.

In case of positive or negative bounding box alignment, if one or more of the selected objects have any rotation transformations (or delta rotation transformations), we should check High Quality so that their bounding box is calculated with precision for all three global axes.

Animated Transforms to Deltas

Turns the transformation animation curves of the selected objects into delta transformation animation curves, if those exist.