「利用者:Koilz/18.02.14 wiki - Keying Sets」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:07時点における最新版


I think all parts are covered.
Page is a bit small, could add some more editing bits.
Keyframe Settings

Keying Sets

Timeline Keying Sets.
Keying Sets are a collection of properties. They are used to keyframe multiple properties at the same time, usually by pressing I in the 3D View.
There are some built in Keying Sets, and also custom Keying Sets called Absolute Keying Sets.
To select and use a Keying Set, set the Active Keying Set in the Timeline Header, or the Keying Set Panel, or press CtrlAlt⇧ ShiftI in the 3D View.

Keying Set Panel

This panel is used to add, select, manage Absolute Keying Sets.
Properties > Scene > Keying Set Panel.
Keying Set Name
The active Keying Set is highlighted in blue, LMB Template-LMB.pngX2 to rename.
Add new (Empty) keying set to the active Scene.
Remove the active Keying Set.
Active Keying Set properties
A short description of the keying set.
Export to File
Export Keying Set to a python script File.py.
To re add the keying set from the File.py, open then run the File.py from the Text Editor.
Keyframing Settings
These options control all properties in the Keying Set.
Note, the same settings in User Preferences override these settings if enabled.
Only Needed
Only insert keyframes where they're needed in the relevant F-Curves.
Visual Keying
Insert keyframes based on the visual transformation.
XYZ=RGB Colors
For new F-Curves, set the colors to RGB for the property set, Location XYZ for example.

Active Keying Set Panel

This panel is used to add properties to the active Keying Set.
Properties > Scene > Active Keying Set Panel.
Properties > Graph Editor > Channels, Named Group.
A collection of Paths each with a Data Path to a property to add to the active Keying Set.
The active Path is highlighted in blue.
Add new empty path to active Keying Set.
Remove active path from the active Keying Set.
Active Path properties
Set the ID-Type + Object ID Data Path for the property.
Data Path
Set the rest of the Data Path for the property.
Array Target
Use All Items from the Data Path or select the array index for a specific property.
F-Curve Grouping
This controls what Group to add the Channels to.
Keying Set Name, None, Named Group.
Keyframing Settings
These options control individual properties in the Keying Set.
Only Needed
Only insert keyframes where they're needed in the relevant F-Curves.
Visual Keying
Insert keyframes based on the visual transformation.
XYZ=RGB Colors
For new F-Curves, set the colors to RGB for the property set, Location XYZ for example.

Adding Properties

Some ways to add properties to keying sets.
RMB Template-RMB.png the property in the User Interface, then select Add Single to Keying Set or Add All to Keying Set. This will add the properties to the active keying set, or to a new keying set if none exist.
Hover the mouse over the properties, then press K, to add Add All to Keying Set.

See Also