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(Week 12 - 16 December - 22 December)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 06:11時点における最新版

What I'm working on

October - December 2017 (ongoing)

One day per week for 2.8 UI development work.

Week 12 - 16 December - 22 December


Continued work on workspace mode. Didn't manage to catch up on remaining work from last week unfortunately :/

This Week
  • Updated workspace mode proof of concept (D2965) with (most) suggested changes.
Next Week
  • Try to make the workspace mode patch final and get it merged.

Week 11 - 09 December - 15 December


Finished proof of concept for workspace mode. Didn't manage to spend enough time on Blender though, will have to catch that up next week.

This Week
  • Submitted proof of concept implementation for workspace modes (D2965).
Next Week
  • Same as last week.
  • Need discuss what else to do next week still.

Week 10 - 02 November - 08 December


Continued work on the "workspace mode".

This Week
  • Further discussed design for "workspace mode".
  • Made another proof of concept implementation of a different design proposal for "workspace modes", see https://developer.blender.org/T53389#474275. Will upload patch soon. Seems like a promising approach after all.
Next Week
  • Get "workspace mode" proof of concept reviewed.
  • If review is positive, try to get it finished & merged. Otherwise, back to drawing board.

Week 9 - 25 November - 01 December


All work was workspace related this week. Nothing too interesting, just trying to get some things to work.

This Week
  • Workspaces: Store an active view-layer per scene (e8c15e0ed15f).
  • Started working on a "workspace mode" proof of concept where active object is stored in the workspace and the mode kept in the object (819607a30477).
  • This also includes changes made last week which I pushed in the meanwhile (a75c50941acf, 1794f829769d).
Next Week

Finish "workspace mode" proof of concept.

Week 8 - 18 November - 24 November


The one day per week as per agreement with the BF, I spent on the "workspace mode" design. In my spare-time I worked on various other 2.8 topics, mainly top-bar.

This Week
  • Opened design tasks for "workspace mode": T53388 and T53389.
  • Made some preparing changes in code (pure monkey work really). Will push to a temp branch shortly.

Additional (spare-time) changes:

  • Committed support for RNA structs to define tags for their properties (23d148ecaf92, D2883).
  • Support tagging operator properties as 'advanced' (60cbdb01527e).
  • Allow top-bar to only show non-advanced options, show the "More..." button if needed (b8c2a79b8704, 1b400c13645d)
Next Week

Continue work on "workspace mode". That is, try to get agreement on a design and start implementing it.

Week 7 - 11 November - 17 November


There is some ongoing discussion on general 2.8 UI targets and process. We're not quite sure on how to continue on certain topics. The top-bar is one of them. Until things have settled a bit, and we know better where to go, Dalai asked me to work on different projects. Although we should keep top-bar design discussions going.

This Week
  • Further discussed 2.8 UI targets & process.
  • I agreed with Dalai to start working on the per workspace interaction mode (object mode, edit mode, etc).
    • Started writing out requirements and design proposal as design task for developer.blender.org, turns out there are many design questions to solve once again. Didn't create the task itself yet (should we really add even more design tasks?), initial description is here.
  • Updated T53139.
Next Week

Really not sure on that, need to check with Dalai.

Week 6 - 04 November - 10 November


Focus was on top-bar as well as general 2.8 UI design progress.

This Week
  • Wrote status & priority document for 2.8 UI targets. Currently in review, will be shared as soon as ready.
  • Started writing a detailed top-bar design document.
Next Week
  • Finish 2.8 UI target document.
  • Finish first version of top-bar design document. (Should be updated as we make further design decisions.)
  • Continue discussion in T53139.

Week 5 - 28 October - 03 November


Had an exam this week so only managed to spend one regular workday on Blender - unlike usually ;). The bit of time I had was mostly spent on some small tweaks and IRC discussions for top-bar. So there's not much to show this week.
Wanted to continue efforts on polishing the top-bar for merge into 2.8 branch, but seems other devs would like to see all design details fleshed out first. Followed by an implementation with more refined design details. Will confirm with Dalai.

This Week
  • Updated D2883 with requested changes.
  • Investigated & proposed fix for T53008
Next Week
  • Get a good bunch of open top-bar design questions answered (T53139).
  • Start writing out a detailed doc for top-bar design.

Week 4 - 22 October - 27 October


Most of the work was spent on polish & fixes for top-bar. Nothing exciting really. Next week will likely be similar. We also had a lengthy UI meeting on Wednesday (read the notes).

This Week

Mentioning some fixes explicitly since that's what most time was spent on.

  • topbar: Created task for open top-bar design questions (TT53139).
  • topbar: Support showing settings of operator-macros in the top-bar (d6ca724a0e57791).
  • topbar: Made a pretty important fix for incorrect context when changing operator settings from top-bar (815eebbe17ab6).
  • topbar: Removed tool-properties region from Clip Editor (85f7ed1aa806171).
  • topbar: Disabled some general area features that we don't want for the top-bar (27fac6b4178510, e1557b0d7aa524a).
  • master: Removed old hack for region flipping (d245d360746b99).
Next Week
  • Again, try to get top-bar branch & operator property splitting patch (D2883) merged finally.
  • Continue discussion on top-bar design details and try to address them.

Week 3 - 16 October - 21 October


Continued working on operator property splitting, as well as general top-bar preparing for merge.

This Week
  • Submitted RNA-property tagging patch (D2883). Almost ready for merge.
  • Added initial "More" button for invoking popup with all operator settings, not just basic ones (3ebfd533cad5197).
  • Addressed various points from first top-bar review (updated patch D2758).
  • General dev work.
Next Week
  • Try to get top-bar branch & operator property splitting patch merged finally.
  • Discuss some minor top-bar design details and address them if time allows it.

Week 2 - 9 October - 15 October


Although focus is still on getting the top-bar ready for merge & basic usage, main task this week was working towards the "More" button in the top-bar for advanced operator properties.

This Week
  • Submitted patch for splitting operator settings into basic & advanced ones (D2881).
  • Started working on alternative version that introduces RNA-property tagging (submitted in the meanwhile, D2883).
  • Reworked top-bar tab data storing to fix some glitches & hacks (c470620c169953). Took quite some effort because of usual UI spaghetti code.
  • General minor fixes & improvements for top-bar
Next Week
  • Get RNA-property tagging patch merged
  • Add "More" button to top-bar invoking a popup for advanced operator properties. (remaining from last week)
  • Address remaining review points and update top-bar patch for review.

Week 1 - 1 October - 8 October


Focus is currently getting the top-bar ready for merge and basic usage in 2.8 branch.

This Week
  • Add 'x' icon to active workspace tab to delete workspace (33bed112488843).
  • Various fixes & cleanup in top-bar code.
  • Discussed various aspects of top-bar and workspace designs with other devs.

Also tried to implement dynamically resized regions (regions scaling to layout content) in a nicer way. Currently they use some ugly hacks with multiple redraws. Not easy to get this working in current design, probably a more radical solution will be needed. I shouldn't spend too much time on this, so will move on to other things for now.

Next Week
  • Allow marking operator properties as "Advanced". This will allow top-bar to use progressive disclosure in operator property display.
  • Add "More" button to top-bar invoking a popup for advanced operator properties.

November 2014 - April 2015

Two days per week general development support. Main tasks were bug tracker triage, bug fixing and patch review.

Weeks 23 & 24 - 11 April to 24 April


As expected I spent the two weeks mainly doing bug tracker work. Furthermore, this was my last week working for the developer fund as per contract, so this is also my last report for now :)

  • T44389 - Tooltips swapped in Logic Editor
  • T44465 - Crash using VSE OGL render + Grease Pencil
  • T44474 - Rotation manipulator not hidden completely with all axes locked
  • T44477 - Overlapping tooltips in Outliner
  • T44476 - Hiding Grease Pencil from Outliner RMB doesn't update 3D View
  • T44472 - Stereo 3D save options missing in File Browser
  • T44405 - Importing keyconfig with changed shortcut in "Screen Global" causes rapid fullscreen toggling
  • T42495 - Fullscreen area icon glitch

Fixed: 8<br\> Closed: 25<br\>

Weeks 21 & 22 - 28 March to 10 April


My two weeks in Amsterdam I spent mostly on the Widget Project, although I kept an eye on the tracker as well. I've listed the commits to the wiggly-widgets branch below (left out some minor cleanup commits), so people can see what I did for it. I also did some work for rendering image meta-data in OGL for Image Editor and Sequencer (requested by the Gooseberry team), but it needs some more work until it's really usable.

  • T44217 - Crash when starting .blend without "Load UI" enabled

Fixed: 1<br\> Closed: 30<br\> Reviewed: 1

Next Weeks

The next two weeks (which will likely be my last two weeks working for the Blender Dev Fund), I guess focus will just be normal tracker stuff.

Weeks 19 & 20 - 14 March to 27 March


Nothing special to mention here, just had two normal weeks of bug tracker work, plus some more work for the 2.74 Release Notes.

  • T44092 - Maya preset doesn't allow attaching Nodes to Frames via D&D
  • T44121 - VSE Preview scaling issue when using proxies and Show Overexposed

Fixed: 2<br\> Closed: 29<br\>

Next Weeks

The next two weeks I'll be in Amsterdam in the Blender Institute. I'm not sure yet what I'll do there exactly, but I guess I'll keep at least one eye on the tracker as always.

Weeks 17 & 18 - 28 February to 13 March


The first week I spent most time on the tracker, especially poking devs to look into their old bugs. I think that even worked out quite well as many were closed as todo afterwards plus a few of the almost forgotten ones were fixed even. This definitely helps to keep the tracker clean and up-to-date so I'll do that more often in future. The second week I focused more on the 2.74 Release Notes.

  • T43864 - Saving from top area in fullscreen changes wrong area into File Browser
  • T43884 - Modo Theme header text is unreadable
  • T43900 - "Operator Mesh Add" template fails
  • T43937 - Changing Texture Brush doesn't update toolbar
  • T44003 - Flatty Light: GPencil vertices and timeline keyframes black
  • D1163 - Logic Editor: arrow to move up/down properties

Fixed: 5<br\> Closed: 20<br\> Reviewed: 1

Next Weeks

More tracker work i guess - Spring-cleanup still isn't finished! ;)

Weeks 15 & 16 - 14 February to 27 February


Although I wanted to do some documentation work, I ended up doing two tracker-only weeks as the bug count went up quite high again. I guess investigating a lot of trickier bugs was the main thing I did (not to fix them myself, but to help others).

  • T43669 - Grease Pencil visibility toggle not working in Outliner
  • unreported - Another missing update from GPencil in Outliner
  • T43768 - Pointcache end frame is limited to global frame range (ignores preview range)

Fixed: 3<br\> Closed: 33<br\>

Next Weeks

I'm afraid that I'll need to spend my time on the bug tracker mostly again, but if there is some time left I'd still like to work on the docs.

Weeks 13 & 14 - 01 February to 13 February


Mostly the normal tracker work was done, plus review of two smaller patches. I also spent some time investigating a few other bugs, but either others found better fixes or it was an intentional behaviour so a fix wasn't needed.

  • T43501 - Crash on custom node tree creation
  • T43554 - Zoom to mousepos makes 2D Views pan after zoom limits are reached
  • unreported - File Browser: File size not drawn using Link/Append
  • T43621 - Layout only using 65% of available width
  • D1107 - Fix T43652 X11 property "_NET_WM_PID" is not set by Blender
  • D404 - Outliner: Toggle restrict buttons only for selectable child objects

Fixed: 4<br\> Closed: 30<br\> Reviewed: 2

Next Weeks

Thanks to the code review sessions of Campbell and Sergey, the patch tracker seems to slowly get under control. So I think it's finally time to get to the developer documentation in my non-bug-tracker time.

Weeks 11 & 12 - 10 January to 23 January


Quite some time was spent on investigating and fixing some bugs. I've committed one patch that I reviewed, as well as doing some first pass reviews on other patches (they are all waiting on action from the author).

  • T43128 - Headerless panels are reorderable on Windows
  • T43139 - Calling bpy.ops.screen.screen_full_area() multiple times causes Blender to crash
  • T43247 - Don't open pulldown when a popup overlaps it
  • T43008 - Stacked full window Mode not working with UV Editor's automatic fullscreen
  • T43335 - Node Editor: name doesn't update
  • T43399 - VSE - don't show fps info after stopping animation with Alt+A
  • T43315 - Minor conflict in maya key configs
  • D974 - Outliner: "Show Active" now also expands all parents to show the active object itself

Fixed: 7<br\> Closed: 28<br\> Reviewed: 1

Weeks 9 & 10 - 27 December to 9 January


Even though I wanted to do a bit more patch reviewing this time, the tracker kept me busy so that I only got to review two smaller patches. Besides from the fixes below, I also investigated some more tricky ones but I need more time to get them done completely.

  • T43114 File Browser - don't highlight '..' while using border select
  • T43111 Node Editor (Slider) Draw Glitch
  • T40435 Background label is not redrawn
  • D974 Outliner: "Show Active" now also expands all parents to show the active object itself
  • D754 Add theme option to control the color of menu shadows

Both patches are waiting for changes from the author before final review + merge can happen

Fixed: 3<br\> Closed: 29<br\> Reviewed: 2

Next Weeks

I'll try to find more time for patch reviewing and to finish the already investigated fixes. But still, the usual tracker work needs to be done as well!

Weeks 7 & 8 - 13 December to 26 December


Nothing special to mention here, just finished the Release Logs, reviewed an UI patch and quite a bit of tracker work...

  • T42895 GPencil - Refactor object/scene data behaviour
  • T42977 Weights failed to display in Wireframe mode when using Face Select
  • T42879 File Browser - disable selecting ".." entry (Parent Directory)
  • T42873 3D View reports "Camera Persp" with active Panoramic camera
  • D945 Expose Text Editor Cursor Position in Pixels to Python (by scorpion81)

Fixed: 4<br\> Closed: 31

Next Weeks

The tracker is doing quite well at the time writing (108 open Bugs - scary, heh?), so it's time to bring the patch tracker down as well! Besides from that: Normal tracker work

Weeks 5 & 6 - 29 November to 12 December


First week, priority was getting IME patch ready for master. Was merged saturday. Second week was mainly spent on tracker, plus I compiled a list with missing commits from the Release Notes, which can be found here (already got much shorter \o/).

  • None committed - Created a few ones to be committed after 2.73 (D933, D934, D935), all minor bugs that shouldn't go in so late in the release cycle
  • Finished review of D765 (Input Method Editor support for windows)

Fixed: 0<br\> Closed: 22

Next Weeks

Make Release Notes for 2.73 nice and shiny (looks like I'll maintain Release Notes in future :) ), plus review of quite a few smaller UI patches for 2.74 - and of course, normal tracker work!

Weeks 3 & 4 - 15 November to 28 November


Main focus was review of D765 (Input Method Editor support for Windows), but I kept an eye on the tracker the entire time, mainly closing invalid reports.

  • T42710 - Use string length for ID user buttons
  • T42649 - Use Relative Paths for Node Editor & 3D View Images

Fixed: 2<br\> Closed: 21

Next Weeks

Finish review of the Input Method Editor patch and the usual bug tracker work.

Weeks 1 & 2 - 1 November to 14 November


In the first two weeks working for the Blender Development Fund, I tried to get to know the bugtracker and it's current situation a bit more. Most of the time I spent on triaging and fixing some smaller bugs. Other than that, I realized our tracker is full of old bugs that were inactive for months or even years. I tried to revive those, as a lot of them were just neglected and therefore increasing our tracker count unnecessarily.
Too much time was spent on trying to solve bugs in parts of the code I've never touched before. This may be nice to to learn more about Blender's code, but shouldn't waste that much time. I should also try to be more helpful on triaging, by getting and providing more information about reported bugs. These things I should try to keep in mind for the future.

  • T42497 - File Browser rename text field gives only space for a few characters in certain scenarios
  • T42498 - File Browser can rename '..' (parent directory)
  • T42499 - Directories containing file extensions can't rename items
  • T42557 - Crash on delete or separate vertices with subsurf modifier + vertex parenting (At first rejected by Bastien, but he commited it nevertheless, with some minor edits after having a deeper look at it)
  • Started review of D765 (Blender input method editor support for windows)

Fixed: 4<br\> Closed: 7

Next Weeks

Top priority will be review of D765. Beside from that, normal triaging work (we have to stay under 140!!).