「Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2006 Aug 27th」の版間の差分

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:49時点における最新版

[27-8-06 14:12] =-= mifune has changed the topic to Meeting Time! -|- 1. who is an active member of Bf-Education, and what are their projects.

[27-8-06 14:13] <jasonlan> Jasonlan: video tutorials www.blendervideotutorials.com & .org

[27-8-06 14:13] <jasonlan> video tutorials standards to start

[27-8-06 14:14] <mifune> ok

[27-8-06 14:14] <Fweeb> Fweeb: Trying to put together 2 different training programs

[27-8-06 14:14] <jasonlan> and then updating( for new releaces of blender)

[27-8-06 14:15] <Fweeb> 1 for professionals (mostly video and print design) and the other for educators

[27-8-06 14:16] <mifune> Bel: i see that you are making standards for courses and making the basic course

[27-8-06 14:16] <hhec> BF-E structure, certification programs

[27-8-06 14:16] <Bel> yes, but unfortunately it's stalled

[27-8-06 14:17] <mifune> not enough time?

[27-8-06 14:17] <Bel> about the workshop standards: will talk with rcas this week, when he returns from his honeymoon

[27-8-06 14:18] <Bel> yes, some personal projects rolled in

[27-8-06 14:18] <Bel> and these few months were hectic

[27-8-06 14:19] <mifune> ok.

[27-8-06 14:20] <hhec> ok, i would like to talk about the BF-e wiki, the active members list and the relation with the task list

[27-8-06 14:20] <jasonlan> I just added my name.

[27-8-06 14:21] <hhec> guys, i think that we need to list what every one is doing so we do not double work on the same task

[27-8-06 14:21] * mifune will ad his name too

[27-8-06 14:21] <mifune> *add

[27-8-06 14:22] <Bel> i agree

[27-8-06 14:22] <hhec> another thing is: what are the obligations an active member should have?

[27-8-06 14:22] <jasonlan> i agree

[27-8-06 14:22] * Fweeb will add his name as well

[27-8-06 14:22] <Fweeb> what defines "active"?

[27-8-06 14:23] <hhec> should it be present at the irc channel at least one week?

[27-8-06 14:23] <hhec> or should be working in a taks

[27-8-06 14:23] <hhec> or something like that

[27-8-06 14:23] <mifune> added

[27-8-06 14:24] <jasonlan> I think i can be self judged with the board deciving monthly if someone realy isn't,?

[27-8-06 14:24] <jasonlan> (t can be self judged)

[27-8-06 14:24] <hhec> "active" is synonymous of being doing something related to the bfe that it would add some benefits in order for the bfe to growth

[27-8-06 14:25] <mifune> about being in the irc channel each week, it may be wise to have a meeting every week.

[27-8-06 14:25] <jasonlan> and a activity statment on the wiki

[27-8-06 14:26] <jasonlan> under Activities, perhaps

[27-8-06 14:26] <jasonlan> No, goals, and tasks

[27-8-06 14:29] <hhec> mifune: a meeting every week puts some pressure to people, as we should be "forced" to be every weekend being here

[27-8-06 14:29] <hhec> remember.... weekend, family, kids.... etc..etc...

[27-8-06 14:29] <Bel> i agree also with the idea of a "weekly report" meeting, and can be also useful to exchange ideas

[27-8-06 14:30] <mifune> that's true, but there is an developers meeting every week too.

[27-8-06 14:31] <hhec> then we should define a busy calendar in order to report every week the advances :)

[27-8-06 14:32] <Fweeb> It's definitely beneficial for exchanging ideas, but reporting can be done via the mailing list, no

[27-8-06 14:32] <Fweeb> ?

[27-8-06 14:32] <Bel> yes, it's true

[27-8-06 14:32] <Bel> but sometimes real time can be faster

[27-8-06 14:32] <jasonlan> the mailing list is a better idea, i agree

[27-8-06 14:32] <Bel> :P

[27-8-06 14:32] <jasonlan> ha bel

[27-8-06 14:32] <hhec> yes, mailing list is good

[27-8-06 14:32] <jasonlan> :P

[27-8-06 14:33] <Bel> so, the mailing list for the weekly reports, right?

[27-8-06 14:33] <jasonlan> yes

[27-8-06 14:33] <mifune> if that works, then its ok.

[27-8-06 14:33] <jasonlan> I can do weekly

[27-8-06 14:34] <Bel> ok, that's a good idea :)

[27-8-06 14:35] <hhec> following the topic.... then we have, jasonlan, fweeb and hhec's projects.... mifune: yours is the mechanical tutorial, right?

[27-8-06 14:35] <mifune> yes

[27-8-06 14:35] <mifune> workshop

[27-8-06 14:36] <hhec> bel: yours is on hold

[27-8-06 14:36] <Bel> for now

[27-8-06 14:36] <hhec> and ... oxigen?

[27-8-06 14:36] <mifune> also ill do the meetings if rcas is away.

[27-8-06 14:36] <hhec> ok

[27-8-06 14:37] <hhec> ok... then that is a permanent task

[27-8-06 14:37] <hhec> that should be reassigned

[27-8-06 14:38] <hhec> oxigen: r u there?

[27-8-06 14:38] <mifune> about the meetings: progress reports every week, on the mailing list and an irc meeting every month.

[27-8-06 14:38] <mifune> that's ok?

[27-8-06 14:38] <hhec> mifune: agree

[27-8-06 14:39] <hhec> to finish this topic... who's an active member?

[27-8-06 14:39] <hhec> there are 4 listed in the wiki

[27-8-06 14:39] <mifune> rcas can be added to, since he started this.

[27-8-06 14:39] <Fweeb> I need to get write permissions on the wiki before I can add myself

[27-8-06 14:39] <jasonlan> someone who reports there bfe activities once a week on the mailinglist

[27-8-06 14:39] <Bel> going to add me

[27-8-06 14:40] <hhec> mifune: yes

[27-8-06 14:40] <jasonlan> me

[27-8-06 14:40] <mifune> Fweeb: ill add you, then.

[27-8-06 14:40] <Fweeb> mifune: thank you

[27-8-06 14:40] <hhec> jasonlan: there is the news section administration as a permanent task... would you like it?

[27-8-06 14:41] <Bel> ok, added myself

[27-8-06 14:41] <Fweeb> And just for my thoughts on the meetings... weekly meetings are a good idea, just maybe not for defining "active"

[27-8-06 14:41] <mifune> it shouldnt be a very fixed rule.

[27-8-06 14:42] <jasonlan> hhec: anything around video tutorials, standards, etc

[27-8-06 14:42] <mifune> next point?

[27-8-06 14:42] <jasonlan> news, like blendernation? or what?

[27-8-06 14:42] <hhec> Fweeb: aa.. no.. is not for defining active memebers

[27-8-06 14:43] <hhec> Fweeb: is just to be more in touch with each other in order to exchange small ideas from time to time without the formality of a meeting

[27-8-06 14:43] <hhec> mifune: yes.... not a fixed rule....

[27-8-06 14:43] <jasonlan> news section, like highlights of the mailing list?

[27-8-06 14:43] <Fweeb> hhec: thank you, I understand better now

[27-8-06 14:44] <hhec> jasonlan: news.. like reporting bfe advances

[27-8-06 14:44] <hhec> or any other info related the educational part

[27-8-06 14:45] =-= mifune has changed the topic to Meeting Time! -|- 2. proposal for a certification program for blender courses

[27-8-06 14:45] <jasonlan> hhec: each week bfe advances will be reported within bfe, the milestones should be on the wiki

[27-8-06 14:46] <hhec> ok...

[27-8-06 14:46] <jasonlan> I can remind everyone via the mailing list to update the wiki.

[27-8-06 14:46] <hhec> mifune: i guess i'm the one to start this next topic

[27-8-06 14:47] <mifune> yes

[27-8-06 14:47] <hhec> about the certification proposal in the bfe...... have everybody read it?

[27-8-06 14:48] <hhec> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/certification

[27-8-06 14:48] <jasonlan> yes

[27-8-06 14:48] <Fweeb> I have. Are there any details related to the process of how it all would work?

[27-8-06 14:48] <jasonlan> I'm VERY interested in this one

[27-8-06 14:48] <hhec> as it says... the certification we should do is basically to companies or institutions

[27-8-06 14:49] <hhec> in order to check that what the working material they have made is ok with the blender standards

[27-8-06 14:50] <Fweeb> I mean, the process of getting certified. Is a person/institution trained and then considered certified, or do they submit material for review?

[27-8-06 14:50] <jasonlan> access to the course for certification?

[27-8-06 14:51] <hhec> for example .... if an institution makes a tutorial and start calling the contexts something like the group of buttons #1 .... it's not ok.... 'cause in the official documentation a context is a context

[27-8-06 14:51] <jasonlan> Blender Certified Official Logo!

[27-8-06 14:51] -->| JD-Multi (n=DeMaster@ip5652d321.speed.planet.nl) has joined #blendereducation

[27-8-06 14:51] <hhec> jasonlan: yes... but that's the final stage (the Blender certified ... logo)

[27-8-06 14:52] <mifune> 'lo jd

[27-8-06 14:52] <JD-Multi> Hey mifune :D

[27-8-06 14:52] <jasonlan> hhec: still i'm excited

[27-8-06 14:52] <Fweeb> hhec: that works well for documents, but what about workshops?

[27-8-06 14:52] -->| BackiZ (n=backiz@niwg-z-77ec.adsl.wanadoo.nl) has joined #blendereducation

[27-8-06 14:52] <hhec> so... the docboard makes the official documentation... and the bfe will make shure that the individual courses out there stick to the definitions and standards of the official documentation

[27-8-06 14:54] <Bel> And how to check the way it's beeing teached? The methods, etc...

[27-8-06 14:54] <hhec> Fweeb: workshops will be the same... as naming conventions should be followed.... because... imagine someone in china that has taken a blender course made by a local institution ... and the same happens with some fellow in the states.... but because of differences in naming some button or boxe they get confused when working in a development team

[27-8-06 14:55] <JD-Multi> Aah about teaching blender :)

[27-8-06 14:56] <hhec> Bel: yes... making sure that... if they are offering basic tutorial where you are supposed to come out knowing how to modelate ...then the should include at least a section that explains how to work in edit mode

[27-8-06 14:56] <Fweeb> hhec: I see. So there would need to be some manner of 'Certification Guidelines'... and in them would be something along the line of "adhere to standards set forth by official documentation"

[27-8-06 14:56] <hhec> with vertexes and faces

[27-8-06 14:56] <hhec> Fweeb: yes

[27-8-06 14:57] <hhec> that would definitely be part of the wiki and certifications

[27-8-06 14:58] <Fweeb> So the development of those guidelines would probably be a fairly big milestone on the way to actually having a certification program

[27-8-06 14:58] <jasonlan> and the UI development for the developers.

[27-8-06 14:58] <Fweeb> (apologies if I'm stating the obvious)

[27-8-06 14:59] <JD-Multi> Hang on, what are you guys understanding as Standards guidelines?

[27-8-06 14:59] <hhec> then, for advanced courses we have to have some advanced blender user/developer/artist that would check the material

[27-8-06 14:59] <JD-Multi> Or what you mean with it?

[27-8-06 14:59] <jasonlan> hhec: yes

[27-8-06 15:01] <Bel> so, the first step is to define those "certification standards"...

[27-8-06 15:01] <JD-Multi> yes

[27-8-06 15:01] <hhec> Fweeb: well is not that big.... remember that is just the basic naming conventions and the basic "things" that should be contained in any course

[27-8-06 15:01] <JD-Multi> Yes

[27-8-06 15:02] <JD-Multi> Like a good examples id english en dutch photoshop books

[27-8-06 15:02] <JD-Multi> *is

[27-8-06 15:02] <JD-Multi> were people who did the course in dutch can't find anything in english version

[27-8-06 15:02] <JD-Multi> because everything in the menu's is on different places

[27-8-06 15:03] <JD-Multi> so a good point would be keeping de gui the same

[27-8-06 15:03] <JD-Multi> to avoid confusing, same layout, same colors

[27-8-06 15:03] <JD-Multi> same names

[27-8-06 15:03] <hhec> JD-Multi: for every one that makes a working material?

[27-8-06 15:03] <jasonlan> It would be good if future changes to the UI, even in beta stages could be given out as a notice to "officialy certified blender trainers, orginisations, etc."

[27-8-06 15:03] <JD-Multi> hhec yes

[27-8-06 15:03] <Bel> good idea

[27-8-06 15:04] <jasonlan> like a service to registered members

[27-8-06 15:04] <hhec> jasonlan: that sounds great

[27-8-06 15:04] <jasonlan> thanks hhec

[27-8-06 15:04] <jasonlan> adds extra value to the traners to get certified

[27-8-06 15:05] <Fweeb> Quick clarification: are we talking about certifying course, or certifying trainers?

[27-8-06 15:05] <JD-Multi> yes

[27-8-06 15:05] <Fweeb> processes for each would be different

[27-8-06 15:05] <hhec> JD-Multi: about the colors and layout.... every one has its own style ... and the layout and colors have a direct impact in the information flow to the trainee...

[27-8-06 15:06] <hhec> and that is very different from region to region

[27-8-06 15:06] <jasonlan> trainers, or cource creaters( I still believe people will create these couces)

[27-8-06 15:06] <jasonlan> courses

[27-8-06 15:06] <JD-Multi> hhec: yes, but it would be good to develope a standard Layout, colors and text for teaching blender. Afther you did the course you can design your own layout np

[27-8-06 15:06] <JD-Multi> but there must be a standard for that

[27-8-06 15:06] <JD-Multi> as example some peopel got there render tabs somewere else then others

[27-8-06 15:06] <Bel> why not the default theme?

[27-8-06 15:07] <mifune> JD-Multi: you mean the GUI? or the course itself?

[27-8-06 15:07] <jasonlan> default is best

[27-8-06 15:07] <hhec> aaa .... ok... you are talking about the GUI!

[27-8-06 15:07] <Bel> :P

[27-8-06 15:07] <JD-Multi> so if someone learn to see if left, and the another one on the right, well if they comes home he searches hisself crazy to find it on the right while it's left

[27-8-06 15:07] <JD-Multi> mifune: a part of the course

[27-8-06 15:07] <hhec> hehehe... JD-Multi, yes i totally agree

[27-8-06 15:07] <JD-Multi> people learn faster when everything is from the same perspective

[27-8-06 15:08] <JD-Multi> good examples it computer courses

[27-8-06 15:08] <JD-Multi> or making cars

[27-8-06 15:08] <JD-Multi> or lego

[27-8-06 15:08] <JD-Multi> lego is defently the best examples in learning

[27-8-06 15:08] <jasonlan> I like lego

[27-8-06 15:08] <Fweeb> If we're certifying trainers, then it doesn't make sense to just certify them by their materials. You'd have to actually test the trainer, wouldn't you?

[27-8-06 15:09] <Fweeb> or am I thinking too much into this?

[27-8-06 15:09] <Bel> Fweeb: you're right

[27-8-06 15:09] <hhec> ok... because of time issues.. i think we should continue this topic for the next meeting and go on to the next topic as we all agree at least in some basic points

[27-8-06 15:09] <jasonlan> The material would be easyer to test, electronic copies, etc.

[27-8-06 15:09] <Bel> that's why i asked on how to test the teaching methods

[27-8-06 15:09] <JD-Multi> who did ever a certification for trainer for anything ?

[27-8-06 15:10] <JD-Multi> like trainer in gymnastics, painting, or diving?

[27-8-06 15:10] <hhec> JD-Multi: i have...

[27-8-06 15:10] <JD-Multi> yes

[27-8-06 15:10] <JD-Multi> ok

[27-8-06 15:10] <jasonlan> I want to be trained

[27-8-06 15:10] <Fweeb> Bel: okay. Just making sure. So we're actually talking about two different kinds of certifications... one for the courses and one for the trainers

[27-8-06 15:10] <JD-Multi> now, were you alone on the time you were learning for trainer?

[27-8-06 15:10] <Bel> Fweeb: understood

[27-8-06 15:11] <jasonlan> Trainers can give out Certifications for materials (except their own)

[27-8-06 15:11] <Fweeb> the one for the trainers is going to be more difficult to accomplish logisitcally

[27-8-06 15:11] <hhec> Fweeb: no... it is just one certification for institutions ...not individuals as it would be a massive task

[27-8-06 15:11] * JD-Multi things that things to be certified has to be certified by an organisation

[27-8-06 15:12] <JD-Multi> BF-Education

[27-8-06 15:12] <hhec> JD-Multi: i certify my trainees

[27-8-06 15:12] <JD-Multi> nobody else

[27-8-06 15:12] <hhec> yes....

[27-8-06 15:13] <JD-Multi> unless you become a member of the BF-Education and know the standards, then you can certify another things as well, but not without a sign of the BF-Education

[27-8-06 15:13] <Fweeb> hhec: Okay. Now I have a clearer picture

[27-8-06 15:13] <jasonlan> starting with BF-Education as the only authority to certify

[27-8-06 15:13] <JD-Multi> yes

[27-8-06 15:13] <hhec> the BF-e would certify that an institution has a material that is ok with the community standards

[27-8-06 15:14] <Fweeb> and that's all that's required to be a certified institution?

[27-8-06 15:14] <JD-Multi> As example, a trainer makes a workshop, he can send it over to BF-Education to get it certified, and they read and certify it

[27-8-06 15:14] <hhec> ok... guys... we got all excited with this topic but...lets go on... :)

[27-8-06 15:14] <JD-Multi> :)

[27-8-06 15:14] <jasonlan> ok

[27-8-06 15:14] <Fweeb> ok

[27-8-06 15:14] <hhec> JD-Multi: cristal clear :)

[27-8-06 15:14] <hhec> mifune:

[27-8-06 15:14] <mifune> ok, next topic

[27-8-06 15:14] <hhec> next topic please

[27-8-06 15:15] <mifune> the next topic was a call for workshops for Bconf, but the deadline has passed already

[27-8-06 15:15] <jasonlan> next

[27-8-06 15:15] <jasonlan> :p

[27-8-06 15:15] <JD-Multi> hehe

[27-8-06 15:16] <hhec> next.... :)

[27-8-06 15:16] <mifune> JD-Multi and i are doing a workshop there, though

[27-8-06 15:16] <JD-Multi> yeah that's true

[27-8-06 15:16] <JD-Multi> Who else is?

[27-8-06 15:16] =-= mifune has changed the topic to Meeting Time! -|- 3. Features list for Developers to work on

[27-8-06 15:17] <JD-Multi> ooh wait

[27-8-06 15:17] <hhec> JD-Multi: yes?

[27-8-06 15:17] <JD-Multi> a feature list we make, a list where feature request are put in?

[27-8-06 15:17] <Fweeb> ... relevant to educating

[27-8-06 15:17] <jasonlan> to help improve the students

[27-8-06 15:17] <JD-Multi> ooh

[27-8-06 15:18] <jasonlan> assist the ease of use

[27-8-06 15:18] <JD-Multi> wel a standard GUI :)

[27-8-06 15:18] <JD-Multi> to teach from

[27-8-06 15:18] <Fweeb> features for students or features for educators? (I'm thinking the latter, right?)

[27-8-06 15:18] <jasonlan> and so we can get GUI changes out to the standards docs

[27-8-06 15:18] <mifune> i have no idea, rcas put this topic in the agenda

[27-8-06 15:19] <JD-Multi> I think features to make teaching easier

[27-8-06 15:19] <jasonlan> Fweeb: good distinction

[27-8-06 15:19] <JD-Multi> recording

[27-8-06 15:19] <mifune> for the meeting of the 16th of july

[27-8-06 15:19] <JD-Multi> and play back actions

[27-8-06 15:19] <JD-Multi> to make realtime demo's

[27-8-06 15:19] <Fweeb> I know I'm waiting on the event refactor and hoping the for the ability to have an action history of sorts

[27-8-06 15:19] <Fweeb> that would help with providing educational blends

[27-8-06 15:19] <jasonlan> help add a GUI events scripting language for video tutorials

[27-8-06 15:19] <JD-Multi> good example it todays game demo's were people record gameplay and people can playback it into game to see how they played

[27-8-06 15:20] <JD-Multi> yes exactly, record events

[27-8-06 15:20] <JD-Multi> cool would be a python script api to script event demo's

[27-8-06 15:21] <jasonlan> JD-Multi: Better, a list of events can assist in playing back creation without the MASSIVE data of recorded tutorials!

[27-8-06 15:21] * jasonlan dream come true

[27-8-06 15:21] <JD-Multi> like: <menu select mesh/cube sec="3"> which opens menu, selects from mesh de cube and takes 3 seconds

[27-8-06 15:21] <jasonlan> LIVE STREAMING TUTORIALS

[27-8-06 15:21] <Bel> how's verse integration in blender?

[27-8-06 15:21] <jasonlan> not slow donloads of 100's Mbs

[27-8-06 15:22] <Bel> that could be somewhat useful in teaching blender

[27-8-06 15:22] <jasonlan> JD-Multi: Yes

[27-8-06 15:22] <mifune> verse could be used to give live demo's, yes

[27-8-06 15:22] <Bel> and (if possible) check each student's progress

[27-8-06 15:23] <JD-Multi> mifune: does it show gui events or only realtime editing?

[27-8-06 15:23] <Fweeb> Bel: indeed it would. Of course, there would maybe need to be an additional server control (so students to mess with the instructor)

[27-8-06 15:23] <jasonlan> The Mouse movments have to be recoreded to mouse(X,Y) for easy follow along

[27-8-06 15:23] <mifune> JD-Multi: last time i checked only editing

[27-8-06 15:23] <Fweeb> to -> don't

[27-8-06 15:23] <JD-Multi> If events could be recorde, we could also use this to send over Verse to give Life Streaming blender shows

[27-8-06 15:24] <jasonlan> cool

[27-8-06 15:24] <Bel> it could be cool to blender e-learning courses

[27-8-06 15:24] <JD-Multi> this feature gives us abbility to: record event demo's, send events over verse, or script events

[27-8-06 15:24] <JD-Multi> that would be kickass

[27-8-06 15:24] <jasonlan> I'm interested in a textfile that you can "play" to have blender do tutorials live

[27-8-06 15:24] <JD-Multi> yes

[27-8-06 15:24] <JD-Multi> that's the script events part

[27-8-06 15:25] <mifune> maybe a python script

[27-8-06 15:25] <JD-Multi> exactly

[27-8-06 15:25] <jasonlan> textfile NOT video file

[27-8-06 15:25] <JD-Multi> jasonlan: python ;)

[27-8-06 15:25] <JD-Multi> it text

[27-8-06 15:25] <JD-Multi> *is

[27-8-06 15:25] <jasonlan> ok

[27-8-06 15:25] <mifune> could someboby make a proposal for that?

[27-8-06 15:25] <JD-Multi> I'm not sure if it is possible, but would be really cool

[27-8-06 15:26] <jasonlan> there is a GNU evens recorder , its still being workon, abit bate

[27-8-06 15:26] <jasonlan> bate -> beta

[27-8-06 15:26] <jasonlan> i'll find the name

[27-8-06 15:26] <jasonlan> ...

[27-8-06 15:26] <JD-Multi> in photoshop you also got something close simular to events recording called: actions

[27-8-06 15:26] <Fweeb> I know I'm interested in having Verse in a classroom environment, but I wonder if, because Verse is geared more for collaboration, there aren't some necessary controls

[27-8-06 15:27] <hhec> could somebody make an abstract of what is wanted? :)

[27-8-06 15:27] <JD-Multi> Fweeb: Well verse is only used for client server like things

[27-8-06 15:27] <JD-Multi> so if blender can catch events we use verse to send it, and on the other side blender catches it and plays it back

[27-8-06 15:27] <Fweeb> hhec, mifune: I could make an abstract/proposal... but results would have to wait for the event system refactor, I'm sure

[27-8-06 15:27] <JD-Multi> easy

[27-8-06 15:28] <Fweeb> JD-Multi: I don't think it works that way

[27-8-06 15:28] <JD-Multi> not sure

[27-8-06 15:29] <mifune> Fweeb: do you know when the event system refactor is planned?

[27-8-06 15:29] <hhec> well... guys... who's going to work in the features list?

[27-8-06 15:29] <JD-Multi> no idea

[27-8-06 15:29] <Fweeb> mifune: I think it's planned for the next version. Many folks are interested in it for the ability to set their own hotkeys, etc.

[27-8-06 15:29] * Fweeb volunteers

[27-8-06 15:29] <mifune> the one that will make the minutes too, hhec

[27-8-06 15:29] <jasonlan> I thing it's best to research what event recording xserver can do, but what bout windows?

[27-8-06 15:30] <JD-Multi> that's a problem

[27-8-06 15:30] <JD-Multi> cross-platform

[27-8-06 15:30] <JD-Multi> that's why to not use external different applications

[27-8-06 15:30] <JD-Multi> unless also cross-platform

[27-8-06 15:30] <mifune> Fweeb: if you can make a proposal from that feature list.

[27-8-06 15:31] <jasonlan> the hotkeys will be a very important area for certification

[27-8-06 15:31] <Fweeb> mifune: Can do.

[27-8-06 15:31] <hhec> Fweeb: ok, then you will be that list administrator...any idea and feature should be redirected to you... am i right?

[27-8-06 15:31] <Fweeb> So basically, so far we're looking for recordable events and maybe some controls on a Verse server

[27-8-06 15:32] <Fweeb> hhec: yes

[27-8-06 15:32] <jasonlan> no need for verse server yet

[27-8-06 15:32] <jasonlan> verse is a different protocal

[27-8-06 15:32] <JD-Multi> event system, record to and playback from python scripts

[27-8-06 15:32] <Fweeb> jasonlan: heh... that's on my own personal wishlist

[27-8-06 15:32] <hhec> Fweeb: remember to add that as a permanent task in the wiki

[27-8-06 15:32] <Fweeb> I meant to talk to Eskil about that at Siggraph and never found the time

[27-8-06 15:33] <Fweeb> hhec: Okay... I need to contact someone on the wiki and get some write permissions

[27-8-06 15:33] <Fweeb> I'll definitely do it, though

[27-8-06 15:33] <jasonlan> Fweeb: No, Verse Server is Good, sending GUI events in verse protocal bad

[27-8-06 15:33] <hhec> Fweeb: ok

[27-8-06 15:34] <Fweeb> jasonlan: I agree... my idea is for actual controls on the verse server (so students only have viewable ability (no edit ability)

[27-8-06 15:34] <hhec> are we done with the topic?...

[27-8-06 15:34] <jasonlan> Fweeb: exactly

[27-8-06 15:34] <mifune> Fweeb: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Meta/New_Writer

[27-8-06 15:35] <Fweeb> mifune: thank you

[27-8-06 15:35] <mifune> hhec: i think so.

[27-8-06 15:35] <jasonlan> ok

[27-8-06 15:35] =-= mifune has changed the topic to Meeting Time! -|- 4. Blender Summer of Documentation

[27-8-06 15:36] <JD-Multi> was that a succes?

[27-8-06 15:36] <jasonlan> yes, success

[27-8-06 15:36] <JD-Multi> I didn't heart anyone working on that

[27-8-06 15:36] <jasonlan> the wiki has updates

[27-8-06 15:37] <hhec> what's the relation to the bfe?

[27-8-06 15:37] <JD-Multi> documentation == education ?

[27-8-06 15:37] <jasonlan> I don't think we have anything to discuss

[27-8-06 15:38] <hhec> JD-Multi: yes... but i mean... what is there to talk about?

[27-8-06 15:38] <jasonlan> It would be nice to the next SOD to get blender edu. certified ;)

[27-8-06 15:38] <Fweeb> Future BSoD's should probably follow certification guidelines (once they're developed ;))

[27-8-06 15:38] <Fweeb> jasonlan: ha!

[27-8-06 15:38] <JD-Multi> hehe

[27-8-06 15:38] <jasonlan> Fweeb: ha!

[27-8-06 15:38] <mifune> hhec: it was a topic from july

[27-8-06 15:39] <hhec> mifune: ok...

[27-8-06 15:39] <jasonlan> ok

[27-8-06 15:39] <mifune> but it seems that we have nothing to discuss anymore.

[27-8-06 15:39] <jasonlan> Great Meeting Guys

[27-8-06 15:40] <hhec> jasonlan: the bfe takes its guidelines from the guys at the docboard.....

[27-8-06 15:40] <hhec> i don't think we can certify them :)

[27-8-06 15:40] <jasonlan> I want to put my video tutorials out of businss for "streaming events messages"

[27-8-06 15:40] <hhec> they are the ones that create the material

[27-8-06 15:40] <mifune> shall we continue the talk about certification? or save that for next meeting?

[27-8-06 15:40] <jasonlan> hhec: ooh, deep

[27-8-06 15:40] <JD-Multi> well certification is quite big

[27-8-06 15:41] <Fweeb> I wouldn't mind continuing

[27-8-06 15:41] <hhec> jasonlan: hehe....

[27-8-06 15:41] <JD-Multi> you should cut that topic into parts, specifiy it more on what to certify

[27-8-06 15:41] <Fweeb> I'd also be interested in information on the projects/workshops being developed by bfe members

[27-8-06 15:41] <hhec> mifune: let's leave it for next meeting.... then we can come with formal proposals?

[27-8-06 15:42] <mifune> yes

[27-8-06 15:42] <jasonlan> I'll get to work listing all the video tutorials on the web at www.blender3dtutorials.org

[27-8-06 15:42] <mifune> maybe cutting the topic in parts, like jd said

[27-8-06 15:42] <Bel> just a question about weekly reports; should they be sent in a specific day, like sunday?

[27-8-06 15:42] <hhec> Fweeb: that is one of the bfe goals....

[27-8-06 15:42] <JD-Multi> mifune: yes specifiy it more

[27-8-06 15:42] <jasonlan> Bel: I like member of the day: Style

[27-8-06 15:43] <hhec> Bel: hmm... that would be ok

[27-8-06 15:43] <jasonlan> oh, one day = one big mail, good

[27-8-06 15:44] <Bel> or maybe saturday...

[27-8-06 15:44] <jasonlan> not 7 little emails

[27-8-06 15:44] <Bel> because we have meetings sunday

[27-8-06 15:44] <mifune> or just in the weekend

[27-8-06 15:44] <JD-Multi> Bel: a few days before would be ok, so the person who prepares can make a time indication

[27-8-06 15:44] <jasonlan> sunday good

[27-8-06 15:44] <Bel> yeah, true

[27-8-06 15:45] <hhec> ok .... conclusions for this meetings.....

[27-8-06 15:45] <hhec> active members list updated

[27-8-06 15:45] <hhec> projects to be listed

[27-8-06 15:46] <hhec> certification proposal talking: clearer picture

[27-8-06 15:46] <hhec> feature list administrator assigned

[27-8-06 15:46] <hhec> news administrator assigned

[27-8-06 15:47] <hhec> meetings administrator reassigned

[27-8-06 15:47] <hhec> anything left?

[27-8-06 15:47] <mifune> not that i know.

[27-8-06 15:47] <mifune> all the conclusions will me in the meeting minutes

[27-8-06 15:47] <jasonlan> Thankyou All!

[27-8-06 15:47] <mifune> *be

[27-8-06 15:47] =-= mifune has changed the topic to Meetings -> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Bf-education/Meetings