「利用者:Aligorith/Keyframing Tools」の版間の差分

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2010年4月13日 (火) 01:05時点における版

Action/IPO cleaning

This feature removes un-necessary keyframes from selected action channels/constraint channels/shape-key channels or selected ipo curves. Currently, it only deals with duplicate keyframes, but in a future release, this will be extended to simplifying curves while maintaining the shape.

Functionality can be accessed from the menus, and also by pressing the O in both Action and IPO editors.

Smarter Keyframing

Tools are here to make our lives easier, not to add more obstacles. So therefore, they should aim to do what you most likely want them to do. Keyframing is one of these, and I have devised some ways in which blender will create cleaner IPO curves.

Inserting into existing curves

The following criteria are used to deem a keyframe not suitable for adding:

1. Keyframe to be added bewteen two keyframes with similar values

2. Keyframe to be added between two keyframes with similar times

3. Keyframe lies at point that intersects the linear line between two keyframes i.e. linear line has two points, [1,1] and [3,3]. You try to add keyframe at [2,2]. There's no need for a keyframe there.

Insert Key Menu - Needed

There's a new keyframing option in the Insert Key menu. It operates like the Avail option, except it only inserts keyframes in available curves when they are actually needed.

Auto-Keyframing - Needed

When the Needed option is enabled in the UserPrefs for Auto-Keyframing, 'smart guesses' are made by Blender as to whether a keyframe is needed.

VisualRot Keyframing

VisualRot keyframing option for bones now works correctly. Previously, no rotations were being copied for some reason.