「Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2007 Mar 4th」の版間の差分

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(Org:Bf-institute/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2007 Mar 4th moved to Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Meetings/Logs/2007 Mar 4th: Bf-education is under Foundation, I wasn't aware of that)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 02:51時点における最新版

The log:

[2007-03-04 13:07:35] -->| Fweeb (n=Fweeb@pool-71-253-133-40.rich.east.verizon.net) has joined #blendereducation

[2007-03-04 13:11:07] <Fweeb> So... is it 12GMT or did I find myself late again, somehow?

[2007-03-04 13:26:40] -->| Jasonlan (n=write_2_@dsl-203-113-236-164.SA.netspace.net.au) has joined #blendereducation

[2007-03-04 13:27:55] <Jasonlan> soory, i'm way late

[2007-03-04 13:28:18] <Fweeb> no worries, I was here [more or less] on time and it's been very quiet

[2007-03-04 13:29:00] <Jasonlan> so, Current Projects

[2007-03-04 13:29:54] <Fweeb> I've got a handful that I'm working on

[2007-03-04 13:30:14] <Jasonlan> Fweeb, do tell

[2007-03-04 13:32:27] <Fweeb> Well, I'm working on a second training DVD, offering periodic local workshops, getting ready for this summer's Red Hat High, and prepping a presentation at Siggraph (on RHH... my course proposal got rejected)

[2007-03-04 13:33:24] <Fweeb> And despite it being rejected, I'd like to find a way to offer the course (perhaps in a less formal way) at siggraph anyway

[2007-03-04 13:34:04] <Jasonlan> I've been slowly Updating Tutorial Support website, Working with a guy to set up a "MAD Academy" studio in Dubai, and Improving my search site(slowly)

[2007-03-04 13:36:20] <Fweeb> Some of this information really ought to be placed on the wiki

[2007-03-04 13:36:47] <Jasonlan> I've been interested in if you guys would like to contribute to the search sites datamined links?

[2007-03-04 13:37:37] <Fweeb> tell me more about this search site... I don't think I've come across it before

[2007-03-04 13:37:45] <Jasonlan> It just take a list of links, (of website with tutorials) and it'll add that to the seach results

[2007-03-04 13:38:02] <Jasonlan> www.Blender3DTutorials.com

[2007-03-04 13:38:20] <Fweeb> Ohh... I have seen this

[2007-03-04 13:38:21] <Fweeb> okay

[2007-03-04 13:38:27] <Jasonlan> I get just 130 visits a day

[2007-03-04 13:38:47] <Jasonlan> ajax will oneday be added

[2007-03-04 13:39:03] <Jasonlan> insted of the page refresh

[2007-03-04 13:39:55] <Jasonlan> If you email me a bookmark.html i can add it

[2007-03-04 13:40:49] <Fweeb> that would require that I have tutorials bookmarked ;)

[2007-03-04 13:41:00] <Jasonlan> ha, ok

[2007-03-04 13:42:48] <Jasonlan> wiki.blender.org and blendereartists is fully covered

[2007-03-04 13:43:13] <Fweeb> do you poll BlenderNation for some of the tutorials that pop up there from time to time?

[2007-03-04 13:43:39] <Jasonlan> the www.blendernation.com/tutorials

[2007-03-04 13:43:43] <Jasonlan> yes

[2007-03-04 13:44:00] * mifune is here

[2007-03-04 13:44:08] <mifune> sorry

[2007-03-04 13:44:30] <Fweeb> you may also want to add http://www.blendernation.com/category/tutorials/

[2007-03-04 13:44:33] <Fweeb> hey mifune

[2007-03-04 13:44:50] <Jasonlan> added already

[2007-03-04 13:44:56] <Fweeb> awesome

[2007-03-04 13:45:07] <Jasonlan> hi mifune

[2007-03-04 13:45:40] <mifune> so, i see you guys were busy

[2007-03-04 13:46:02] <Jasonlan> hi mifune, I just arrived

[2007-03-04 13:46:11] <Fweeb> haha... in a manner of speaking.... just having our own little mini-meeting

[2007-03-04 13:46:28] <Jasonlan> I have 96 indexed

[2007-03-04 13:46:28] <mifune> i mean in the last few months ;)

[2007-03-04 13:46:33] <Fweeb> ahh

[2007-03-04 13:46:48] <mifune> bf-education died a bit

[2007-03-04 13:47:05] <Jasonlan> mifune: Yes, like i said, "I just arrived"

[2007-03-04 13:47:46] <Fweeb> it would seem that somehow the members of bf-education picked up steam with their projects, but the actual group itself lost some

[2007-03-04 13:48:35] <mifune> i hope to change that a bit.

[2007-03-04 13:48:58] <mifune> i dont have an education project, so i could manage the group.

[2007-03-04 13:49:23] -->| JasonlanAu (n=write_2_@dsl-203-113-236-164.SA.netspace.net.au) has joined #blendereducation

[2007-03-04 13:49:30] <Fweeb> I hope that part of that equation is revisiting/finalizing some decisions on the certification project

[2007-03-04 13:49:42] <mifune> yes

[2007-03-04 13:49:58] <mifune> although that is a bit more long term

[2007-03-04 13:50:40] <mifune> it is something i would like to do, since nobody else wants to do it

[2007-03-04 13:51:30] <Fweeb> not too long term, I hope... part of me thinks that the reason for the energy drop is that we haven't come to any definitive conclusions regarding that

[2007-03-04 13:52:02] <mifune> well, there should be at least a good plan before bconf 2007

[2007-03-04 13:52:33] <mifune> a plan that can be followed step by step to get a certification program done

[2007-03-04 13:53:06] <Fweeb> I almost think, that if we're pulling from the Action points at the bottom of the current proposal, we should have the panel assembled by then

[2007-03-04 13:54:28] <mifune> but those are pretty big steps

[2007-03-04 13:55:32] <mifune> what i also miss is experiances from other certification programs

[2007-03-04 13:55:42] <Fweeb> Agreed, but we have (I feel) adequate time to get through them if we're diligent

[2007-03-04 13:57:36] <mifune> having a certification program by the end of the year is quite possible, yes

[2007-03-04 14:00:11] <Fweeb> the biggest thing is to come to some sort of mild consensus regarding the current proposal

[2007-03-04 14:00:22] <Fweeb> make any major changes necessary

[2007-03-04 14:00:46] <Fweeb> then just do it (and make adjustments along the way over the first year or so)

[2007-03-04 14:01:28] <JasonlanAu> I agree with that

[2007-03-04 14:01:42] <mifune> yes

[2007-03-04 14:03:19] <Fweeb> It would seem, though, that the bulk of this will have to happen via the mailing list

[2007-03-04 14:03:33] <mifune> the whole proposal needs to be looked at again, then turned into a plan, which focuses more on what we should do to make the things in the proposal a reality and then execute that plan.

[2007-03-04 14:03:39] <mifune> im afraid so, yes

[2007-03-04 14:04:52] <mifune> i dont like to discuss things on the mailinglist. bit too slow. [2007-03-04 14:05:45] * Fweeb makes a note to go through the archives and re-discover what, if any, issues there were with the current proposal

[2007-03-04 14:06:20] <JasonlanAu> I will too.

[2007-03-04 14:06:24] <Fweeb> slow, perhaps, but it's a good record and a [somewhat] better format for debate

[2007-03-04 14:07:31] <JasonlanAu> A new section of the wiki should contain milestone points

[2007-03-04 14:08:03] <JasonlanAu> And, the major newsgroup discusions should be summerised there too

[2007-03-04 14:09:20] <Fweeb> that shouldn't be too difficult... my personal archive of the mailing list only shows some 260 or so posts since I joined in late 2005

[2007-03-04 14:09:55] <mifune> hmm, a quick search through my archive shows no big discusions about the proposal

[2007-03-04 14:10:40] <JasonlanAu> no, just future ones

[2007-03-04 14:11:05] <JasonlanAu> You can add Tons notice of the first wiki submission

[2007-03-04 14:11:11] <Fweeb> there was a thread on it that started with spiderworm's initial proposal announcement on the 21st of Sept, last year

[2007-03-04 14:11:56] <mifune> ah, yes

[2007-03-04 14:13:05] |<-- Jasonlan has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

[2007-03-04 14:13:43] <mifune> hmm, i need to go in a few minutes

[2007-03-04 14:13:51] <Fweeb> understood

[2007-03-04 14:14:09] <mifune> anyway.

[2007-03-04 14:14:38] <Fweeb> I think the biggest thing is renewing the certification conversation via the mailing list (the discussion I read didn't point out too many issues)

[2007-03-04 14:14:56] <mifune> do you guys mind if i take up at least the certification program and try to get it running again?

[2007-03-04 14:15:00] <JasonlanAu> the two topics were "Current Projects" and " The future of BF-Edu"

[2007-03-04 14:15:24] <JasonlanAu> mifune: that will be great

[2007-03-04 14:15:36] <Fweeb> mifune: I think that would be fine

[2007-03-04 14:16:05] <Fweeb> assigning milestones to the current proposal would be a large step

[2007-03-04 14:16:21] <mifune> ill also see if i can get some more life into bf-edu, but that's a bit connected to certification

[2007-03-04 14:16:56] <JasonlanAu> I would like to quickly bring up the topic, Blender Foundations in different Countries have been sprinning up, .jp .fr .pl, etc.

[2007-03-04 14:17:05] <Fweeb> have they?

[2007-03-04 14:17:44] <JasonlanAu> we need to interview the heads of these groups and then lay out a, "starting a foundation/ community in your areas" guide

[2007-03-04 14:17:52] <JasonlanAu> Fweeb: dedicated website

[2007-03-04 14:18:05] <JasonlanAu> blender.pl for example

[2007-03-04 14:18:50] <Fweeb> Ah.. I see. Is that really something that should fall under the auspices of the bf-education group, though?

[2007-03-04 14:19:03] <JasonlanAu> and ask, "How can BF-E help?"

[2007-03-04 14:19:23] <mifune> have to run, ill leave irc on and will look back later

[2007-03-04 14:19:34] <JasonlanAu> multi-lingual assistance in our work

[2007-03-04 14:19:47] <JasonlanAu> see ya, mifune

[2007-03-04 14:19:58] <Fweeb> later, mifune

[2007-03-04 14:20:02] <mifune> bye

[2007-03-04 14:21:02] <JasonlanAu> And the last topic, "Internships"

[2007-03-04 14:21:08] <Fweeb> JasonlanAu: I agree that a guide would be great for these people... but

[2007-03-04 14:21:35] <Fweeb> internships? do go on :)

[2007-03-04 14:22:26] <JasonlanAu> Internships - and people who provide internships may want a "inhouse training" guide

[2007-03-04 14:23:17] <Fweeb> okay, this I see relating to education more and I definitely agree that would be helpful

[2007-03-04 14:23:45] <JasonlanAu> people doing the internship may get more out of it if we recommend a "things to learn on the job" planner

[2007-03-04 14:24:02] <Fweeb> Of course, I'd be curious to know how many places are blender shops that have the ability/need for interns

[2007-03-04 14:24:36] <JasonlanAu> the Blenderjobs.com website can be extended for this, as it grows

[2007-03-04 14:26:40] <JasonlanAu> It's just "to do's" for the future

[2007-03-04 14:26:58] <Fweeb> ah. I see

[2007-03-04 14:28:43] <Fweeb> alright... well, I suppose that pretty much covers it for now. This meeting was a touch less formal than previous ones, but hopefully we an shake some life bake into the group

[2007-03-04 14:28:55] <JasonlanAu> ok, think we can end this meeting for March 4th 2007

[2007-03-04 14:29:37] <Fweeb> very well

[2007-03-04 14:29:57] <Fweeb> I'll see you guys on the bf-edu list

[2007-03-04 14:30:07] <JasonlanAu> sse ya Fweeb

[2007-03-04 14:30:15] <JasonlanAu> bye all

[2007-03-04 14:30:27] <Fweeb> see ya JasonlanAu

[2007-03-04 14:30:31] <--| Fweeb has left #blendereducation

[2007-03-04 14:30:32] <--| JasonlanAu has left #blendereducation