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2009年2月10日 (火) 00:53時点における版

Current Projects

Particle system

Janne asked for comments on the UI. Martin suggested making the baking button not replace other buttons once it is pressed. Janne said it was designed similar to the softbodies UI, since once baking is done the other buttons are no longer relevant. It will be a while before the changes can be merged into the trunk since unified baking should be done first and that might break other things. Janne asked for anyone who has used the particle system to help with documentation on the wiki.

Event Refactor

Jean-Luc called for more comments on the event refactor documents: http://jlp.nerim.net/dev/event%20system/

Mystery project

Alfredo de Greef promised in next meeting to give details of his current project.

Google SoC

Deep Shadow / Tiles

Joesph said he got the initial version of tile cache system working. with deep shadow buffers. The decrease in memory usage was significant, so he plans to implement tile caching in other modules. Ton kindly suggested he do this after SoC.


José has been having issues with game engine and ATI cards; others reported crashes on linux with nVidia cards. Brecht said he would try to help with stability issues this week.

Render API

Aaron worked on get_objects this week. After getting pretty deep into the problem, he figured out that the implementation design wasn't good enough, and so is redesigning it. He said the recode should be quicker though, due to the experience gained the first time around. He reported also that he created an implementation design page to run in parallel with the interface design page. This should keep API developer documentation and API user documentation separated nicely.


Levi wasn't at the meeting but sent an e-mail to the ML and asked that some topics be discussed: http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/soc-2007-dev/2007-July/000092.html

Michael Fox and Martin agreed the functions Levi mentioned should be in a Bmesh_interface.c file. As for bmesh being in the kernel or a lib, Martin said either way was fine with him, but it's more something for Geoffrey Bantle to decide.

Ton said blenkernel is everything you need outside of UI (like for standalone render). blender/src in theory is what you can omit for a render or for a game play. Brecht noted that the bmesh branch has a bmesh directory in source/blender, so it seems Geoffrey prefers having it as lib. Ton said that's OK as long as no UI stuff goes there (no OpenGL, drawing, windows, areas, editors, etc). Jean-Luc noted bmesh is a kernel, but Joseph pointed out this hadn't been decided (Geoffrey initially preferred it to be in blenkernel, but when Joseph made the branch he put it in its own folder.).

Decisions were: 1) have the conversion functions in bmesh_conversion or the like: 2) blenderkernel

2.45 release

Plan is still to make a 2.45 release. Some recent bugfixes are being backported to the 2.44-stable branch still.