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2010年3月7日 (日) 00:48時点における版

WORKFLOW: How informations get into Wiki


Feature requests / discussion

Coding / committing

Trackers for Scripts back in sync


<jesterKing> https://projects.blender.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/?root=bf-scripts
<jesterKing> there is already such a folder
<jesterKing> the current scripts in there should be replaced by what meta has

<jesterKing> yes bf-scripts just lacks good project leader
<jesterKing> so I hope you and meta can pull that cart
<jesterKing> ianwill and I just have too little time to make a good effort,
             and with you and meta having done already a lot
             will make it much more viable
<jesterKing> so: revive bf-scripts and start advertising it on
             blenderartists.org and other forums
<jesterKing> of course, it means that you have to be dedicated to maintaining it :)
 <mindrones> mm, it depends on what part :)
<jesterKing> check weekly or so for new patches :)
 <mindrones> ok
<jesterKing> just checking patches, improving scripts, etc.
 <mindrones> but who commits scripts?
<jesterKing> you and meta to start with
<jesterKing> and if there are more users who show dedication and skills,
             we can add people with commit rights
<jesterKing> I guess you and meta would be project admins, too
<jesterKing> to make sure we have people who can react soon enough
 <mindrones> mm, that's tricky I have to see if I have serious time,
             I don't wanna fool people on this, also I'd prefer
             to have a look at wiki
<jesterKing> well, I guess meta is currently the best candidate anyway
<jesterKing> but it'd be good if you had access too, for when you have some spare time
 <mindrones> sure


<meta-androcto> well, i test all scripts listed, read the code,
               write bpydocs & help texts & add copyright for
               the author when needed.
<meta-androcto> then update it all again for the next version of Blender.
<meta-androcto> =)
<meta-androcto> for example the wiki bundles i produced are all
               bug fixed versions of the scripts in the catalog,
               from my personal collection.
    <mindrones> mygod and you're still alive?
    <mindrones> :) good work

<meta-androcto> hmm, is that page https://projects.blender.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/scripts/?root=bf-scripts
               up to date?
    <mindrones> yes, indeed. 4 years I know :)
<meta-androcto> ? well, that woud be on the list to fix!
    <mindrones> yes!
    <mindrones> jesterking asked to spread the voice in
               blenderartists and forums and such after
               this will be made
    <mindrones> you are the best for this
    <mindrones> I'm not much ito blenderstartist
    <mindrones> and you have the experience on scripts and 
               ianwill told me the idea of catalog is yours, so... :)
<meta-androcto> well, ianwill set me up! =)
    <mindrones> if you are ok with it, you can do that :)
    <mindrones> infact I think most of the job will be to read 
               into bartists and tell the people to use the 
               tracker, that's what jester said at least
<meta-androcto> sure, i'm figuring it out. =)
    <mindrones> so find scripts and alert people of the tracker 
               and make them add things there and post links from the tracker :/
    <mindrones> it won't be easy
<meta-androcto> they wont do it.
    <mindrones> so howto make them move there?
<meta-androcto> I will sell the idea to them. must...
<meta-androcto> on blender artists forums, then international 
               forums also.
    <mindrones> ok
    <mindrones> but wait untile the things are in place
    <mindrones> "sell the idea" :) perfect :)

<meta-androcto> external script management is a perplexing issue. 
               unlike committed scripts, that should be handled differently.
    <mindrones> yes. what do you propose?
<meta-androcto> for internal scripts, the svn path, certainly i 
               will present the idea of adding a limited amount 
               of new scripts, but there's many people who 
               approve that....
    <mindrones> add to svn means proposing them for bundling?
<meta-androcto> yes, i am pretty sure.
    <mindrones> ok, and for external?
<meta-androcto> so, possibly for older scripts, clean the wiki, 
               not erase, possibly add the script text for each 
               script,  then start new for 2.50
    <mindrones> so external scripts can be in branch
    <mindrones> https://projects.blender.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/branches/?root=bf-scripts
    <mindrones> for them to have a space to manage the script publicly
    <mindrones> people can add scripts from branch
    <mindrones> while from trunk get added in blender trunk
<meta-androcto> ok, that sounds good. but still, there's security issues.
<meta-androcto> wanna send 10,000 emails when you open a .blend 
               or run a script without looking at it?
    <mindrones> and in catalog this is allowed?
<meta-androcto> no, ianwill taught me well. =)

Tracker for Plugins

sirdude (Kent Mein)

<mindrones> I wanna propose to get in use bf-scripts tracker for Plugins also
<mindrones> and include a sort of catalog like for scripts but for plugins
<mindrones> so I'd need an opinion from you :)
<mindrones> I'm thinking at bf-plugins, what do you think?
  <sirdude> I'm all for it.  I haven't really had time to keep 
            uptodate with the plugins....  a couple of people 
            have sent me new stuff and I still have it in my inbox 
            (almost a year old some of it) *blush*
<mindrones> huuuf :)
  <sirdude> plugins are a bit more complicated though
<mindrones> why?
<mindrones> can we divide them in trunk and branches?
  <sirdude> well the pending stuff I have is unusual...  example 
            lua plugin  isn't really like the other ones and has 
            external dependancies...
  <sirdude> sure
  <sirdude> plugins are also odd...   well what I mean is builtin 
            textures are different than a texture plugin
<mindrones> I'd divide in Texture and Seq and then if they are 
            bigger than 1 file I'd do a folder
  <sirdude> well the branch thing is maybe not a good idea.
<mindrones> why?
  <sirdude> what I mean is our current svn setup is when you 
            have access to say a branch, you have access to the 
            whole shebang... your just authorized to work in your branch.
<mindrones> ok
  <sirdude> doesn't really solve the this section is more open...
<mindrones> so how to do with more-than-1-file plugins?
  <sirdude> should be able to make a seperate tree though which 
            we could merge things in from to main trunk periodilcally.
<mindrones> infact I'd like people committing to bf-plugins and 
            only then to bf-blender
  <sirdude> make a new svn tree that is just plugins&scripts or 
            two seperate ones...   where many people can get access
<mindrones> ok
  <sirdude> *nod* sounds like a good plan to me.
<mindrones> cool thanks

<mindrones> only problem is I woudn't do all commits via svn commit
<mindrones> but I'd open a plugin tracker as we have patches now
<mindrones> so people can talk and then we committ stable plugins
  <sirdude> so a plugin tracker sort of thing?  yes you'd want both...
            but the idea would be to hopefully have more people 
            authorized to commit stuff than maybe dev's for main trunk.
  <sirdude> anything to encourage people to work on them, while 
            also maintaining a certain level of quality.
  <sirdude> well we have to encourage people to work as a team...
            otherwise you wind up with 50 different plugins that 
            flip an image  and they all are basically the same 
            but have some stupid little difference.
<mindrones> ok

Tracker for blend files

Testing / discussion

svn log / commits tags

Blogging via mail

<jesterKing> I'm not too sure about the tagging and emailing part,
             but I have to reread and thing hard about it
<jesterKing> with svn commit messages blog
<jesterKing> there are for instance already RSS feeds with the messages
 <mindrones> where?
<jesterKing> http://cia.vc/stats/project/Blender/
<jesterKing> you could use that as basis for a blog
<jesterKing> I actually run it into Planet Blender, too
 <mindrones> ok
 <mindrones> but I'm interested in categories and tags, do they have them?
<jesterKing> no, but I mean, they could be tagged afterwards
<jesterKing> it needs to be done anyway?
<jesterKing> I mean, we don't have tags, nor categories in our commit messages
 <mindrones> well problem is for release logs/notes
<jesterKing> (and I don't think we will ever have that)
 <mindrones> ok
 <mindrones> but people can help with that
 <mindrones> just read and tag
<jesterKing> as I already mentioned, I proposed already once 
             something before, but that just didn't work
<jesterKing> that's what I meant, use the RSS feed from cia.vc 
             and import in your own blog + tag?
 <mindrones> ah yes, you import and then tag things
<jesterKing> yes
 <mindrones> better we do that after 2.5, too commits
<jesterKing> that was what I wanted to suggest
 <mindrones> ok


Release notes and Todo list


Versioning (whole pages)

Versioning (parts of pages)

Versioning (python scripts)

  • Most scripts are being worked on to this end. The Scripts/Catalog & Scripts/Manual are being updated to ease the transition into 2.50. I can be contacted on irc #blenderwiki for discussion. Scorpion (Meta-Androcto)

Versioning (images)

Versioning (possible solution)

Localization / Translation

Occasional contribution

Uniformity (page scheme)

Ease of use

Removing old blocking warnings



Talk_page comments policy

Talk_page structure



Short URL

Broken links

Overlap beetwen development docs in CMS and wiki

Merging of BSoD (in Tutorials and Manual)

Merging of Game Engine with other features of Blender

Section map

Uniformity and cross-checking

Proper indentation in the TOC(Table Of Contents)

Offline version

Standardized chapters

Imagemaps to navigate manuals from Blender screenshots