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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:37時点における最新版

Development of Unit Tests for the Blender 2.5 API


Leif Andersen


Emal – *******

IRC – Leif/LeifAndersen

WWW – http://leifandersen.net


Unit Testing is a very powerful tool used to determine the accuracy of code components. While it is not generally used to test how various desperate components of a project interact with each other directly, it can be used to make sure that individual components are working properly, even when components from different areas of the project are changed. In many ways, it can make developing a stable product happen much faster, and more painless. For smaller projects, and for components that are directly viewable to the user, this is not a necessity. If there is a bug, it is directly viewable. However, for larger projects, especially to portions of it that are hidden to the user, this become very important. Unit testing helps developers of the project determine which component the problems are coming from.

The goal of this project is to provide a framework for including Unit Tests into Blender. In addition, Unit Tests for some portions of the Blender API. Furthermore, if time permits, this project will attempt to clean up the more stable portions of the Blender API, and expand upon the current state of Blender development documentation.

Benefits to Blender

According to the Blender code base,i there currently is no main section for Unit Tests, leaving any tests in the code, to be embedded within the files themselves. Furthermore, the main way to determine how files are linked together, is to look at the makefiles themselves, and to browse through the Blender code base. While this can be a little daunting to new developers, the main problem is that this makes it harder for regular contributers to test every component to make sure that their slight changes to the code doesn't break anything.

This means that the current developers of Blender, especially the ones working on the API, can spend more time making the code better, and less time searching to find where their bugs are hidden. This is especially useful for Blender with it's larger emphasis on the API. With lots of development going on in that area, unit tests will be a valuable asset to the Blender code base.

Even though many Unit tests won't be written


The main portion of the project is to develop a framework to allow other developers to easily add and expand upon the current situation of Unit Tests. By the end of this project, there will a be a small set of tests that developers can run to ensure that their modifications to the code did not change anything major, i.e., regression testing. Furthermore, these tests will give robust information as to where the error occurs, to aid in the removal of any bugs. Finally, these tests should be reliantly fast to run, and be built to be tested on both a modular, and holistic level. That way the tests can be run often by the developers, if they so choose to, but have the ability to perform all of the tests with a simple button, when needed. This is useful so that the developer need not completely recompile Blender, or the current module being worked upon, while the work is done. Which should increase the speed of development.

These tests will be placed in their own folder, or possibly, spread throughout the code based delimited from the rest of the code. Alternatively, the tests could be stored in a different section altogether outside of the main blender svn folder. However, it would be useful to get any changes made to the tests, whenever a developer gets the latest code base.

These tests can be run either as the developer works on the project, or it can happen as any new patches are committed into the code base.

Project Details

CTest is a powerful tool set which can be used for generating test files. This is especially useful as blender is already using CMake as an option to compile blender with. CDash can be used as a straightforward front end, so the programmer can easily see the results of the tests.

The first phase of the project is to create the sample Unit tests. This should provide a sort of bootstrap to help me learn more about the Blender codebase. They should test the API for everything reasonably conceivably thrown at it, even if it is an invalid parameter. This is important so developers, especially plugin developers who are still new to the API, will get useful information back when the put improper parameters into the function. The tests will not be compiled together into a simple set of tests during this phase. Also, during this phase, the tests will likely exist outside of the main trunk.

The second phase is to incorporate all of the tests into a concise package, to make it easier for developers to use. CDash will be used to make everything more readable. At this point, the tests will be usable, and should compile successfully. However, they won't necessarily be stable, and may change if better, more accurate, or more efficient tests are discovered. These tests may be included in a separate blender/tests/ folder, or, as suggested on the CMake website,iii the tests could be set up to run whenever a new commit has been made. Alternatively, if the Blender Community does not believe that they wish the tests to be run on Blender's Servers, CDash hosts a free testing environment, which can be temporarily for testing. However, using Blender's Servers will allow for developers to get feedback, and as such, send feedback for requested features, before the completion of the project.

The third phase of this project will be do document everything. While the development workflow for blender will be nearly identical to that of what it was before, with the option of testing your code, the current state of documentation for new developers could be improved. While not entirely pertinent to core developers, it is particularly useful for new plugin developers, who aren't interested in learning every internal piece of blender, but just want to develop a plugin that suites the piece of art that they are working on at the moment. Possibly, several tutorials explaining the components of the API could be generated, similar to Ira Krakow's Blender 2.50 Python tutorials.iv

At this point, the main portion of the project should be completed. Any remaining bugs will be dealt with, along with code cleanup, to make it easier for the tests to be expanded upon as the API changes, and grows. If not done so, the tests should be incorporated into the main blender code base, or set up to run either nightly, or as a new commit is made.

Project Schedule

Note that other then the start and end dates, these dates are predictions as to how the Blender Foundation would like me to allocate my time. If requested, I will be happy to change the dates for each of these phases, or possibly even swap their positions, to spend more time on different segments of the project.

I already understand portions of the blender code base and a fair chunk of the Python API. Unless a catastrophe happens, I should be familiar with the Blender code base by the May 24 start date. In fact, my last final is two weeks before that, as such, I hope to have the proper CTest environment set up, and to have started creating several preliminary tests by May 24.

05/24/10 - 06/20/10

From May 24 to June 20 is phase one. I hope to take the preliminary tests created before May 24, and turn them into rigorous sample of test suites. By this point, there should be no serious

06/20/10 - 07/15/10

From June 20 to July 15 is phase two. I hope to take the tests suites, and concatenate them into a fairly useful testing framework. At this point, I hope to have many developers try the tool, and possibly have a few submit any test cases if they have them

07/15/10 - 08/16/10

From July 15 to August 16 is phase three. I hope to document the whole process, along with improving the documentation of the API itself. Furthermore, I will spend any extra time documenting other forms of development that is lacking details, particularly relating to plugin development, or new developers documentation.

It may be possible, possibly even beneficial, to swap the order of the first two phases.

I may spend a week during the first part of July on vacation. I will continue to work on the code during this week. However, due to limited internet connectivity, communication will have to be limited to daily email that week.

In short, I will have no work or school over the summer. Per request, I do not intend to take any summer classes, unless I'm explicit told that I can. Even then though, it would only be one differential equations mathematics class. The only work that I have done is freelance tutoring. However, as the majority of schools in this area will be out, I will not be spending any time on that.


I am a 19 year old computer engineering and mathematics student studying at the University of Utah. I first started programming in 2001 when my parents bought a copy of Interplay's Learn to Program Baisc,v a CD designed to get adolescence interested in computer science by making simple video games. Still interested in video games, I then went on to try out Mark Overmar's Game Makervi (now controlled by Yoyo Games). There, I created several platformers, and space shooters. Also interested in multimedia and web production, I picked up a copy of Macromedia Flash MX 2004, and made several small games and animations with that. I even created a small website to show off some of my work, originally programmed in basic HTML with simple Javascript, and then I moved to Dreamweaver. In an attempt to break out of two space graphics, I found Blender. Initially overwhelmed by all of the buttons, knobs, sliders, menus, modes, and hotkeys, I eventually started creating several still pictures. I then moved on to basic animations and character animations, and a few very simple games. When I found the video sequencer, I used it to slap together several films.vii

I started getting very serious with programming when I went to university. There, the main classes that they have taught in was Java. As such, that is the language the majority of my code has been in. Currently, my most ambitious, although certainly not my most well written, completed project was a file compressor, which turned out to do very little compression whatsoever.viii I have a large chunk of my code available for checkout on my website.ix However, just because the majority of my code is in Java, that does not mean I don't know, and use other languages. Mainly to stretch my legs with C, but also as something to do in my time, I've started working on a simple pong game.x

I've started contributing to Blender by creating an OFF exporter and importer, which was in Blender 2.4x, but not 2.5x.xixii I have made several small tweaks with the Blender codebase, along with doing some minor bug tracking.xiii Also, I am currently looking into the folder blender/source/tools, to see, as reported on the file system page, if it is really being used at all.i Currently, Scons will compile without it, however, it does still have some obscure purposes, which could use some updating.

All in all, I know Java, C, Python, Matlab, and to a lesser extent C++, Objective-C, Basic, Lisp, HTML, and a bit of PHP and Javascript.

  1. Blender2.5 Files Structure
  2. Testing with CTest
  3. cmake.org
  4. Ira Krakow's Blender 2.50 Python Part 1 (Environment)
  5. Learn To Program Basic (amazon)
  6. gamemaker.nl
  7. leifandersen.blip.tv
  8. lcompress
  9. leifandersen.net
  10. pongrpg
  11. https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=21717&group_id=153&atid=467
  12. https://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=21811&group_id=153&atid=467
  13. https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=21725&group_id=9&atid=125

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