Meta:SandBox/Doc:JA/2.5/Manual/3D interaction/Drawing
- Grease Pencil を利用する際に最初に行うのは、Grease Pencil によるディスプレイ上の描画を有効にしておくことです。これを行うため、tool shelf (表示されていない場合は 3D View 上で T キーを押してください。) 内の Grease Pencil に移動して下さい。続いて properties パネル (表示されていない場合は 3D View 上で N キーを押してください。) を開いてください。
- その次に、 properties パネル上の Grease Pencil 設定パネル内に有る New Layer ボタンをクリックして描画するための新たなレイヤーを作成してください。この操作は Grease Pencil の描画を初めて行うときは、線の幅や色や透明度を描画の前に調整しない限り、不要です (自動で新しいレイヤーが生成されます。)。しかしながら、既に存在するレイヤーに描画したい場合は Grease Pencil 設定パネル内のレイヤーのボタンをクリックしてください。
Grease Pencil は以下のウィンドウタイプでのみ有効です: 3D View および UV/Image Editor。
新たな線 (複数の短い線、つながっている線等) を描画をします。この線の描画はマウスのボタンを離すと終了します。
D キーを押している間は、LMB を押して離すと点の描画ができます。
消去"ブラシ"の半径の大きさはUser Preferences » Editing » Grease Pencil » Eraser Radius から設定できます。
Erase を押してから操作を始めると、RMB あるいは LMB
Sketching Sessions について
Mode: 全てのモード
Panel: Object Tools » Grease Pencil » Use Sketching Sessions
Sketching Session は必要なだけ grease pencil を迅速に利用できるようにします。このオプションを有効にすると、grease pencil の描画で Sketching Session が始まります。この状態では、LMB が押される度に各レイヤーで定められた新しい線の描画を行えます。Sketching Session を終了するには Esc あるいは ↵ Enter キーを利用します。
LMB あるいは RMB
Drawing Settings
At Transform Panel » Grease Pencil » Drawing Settings, there are up to four choices for drawing settings. These settings may be mixed within a grease pencil layer.
- View - New strokes are locked to the view. These strokes are not in 3D-space, but may be thought of as being drawn on the screen.
- Cursor (3D view only) - New strokes are drawn in 3D-space, with the position of their points being determined by the position of the 3D-cursor and the view rotation at the time (i.e. they are on the plane orthogonal to the view direction, and passing through the 3D cursor).
- Surface (3D view only) - New strokes are drawn in 3D-space, with their position being determined by the first visible surface "under" the stroke in the current view (i.e. they are projected onto said surface).
- Stroke (3D view only) - New strokes are drawn in 3D-space, with the position of their points being determined by the position of existing strokes in 3D-space which appear to be "under" the stroke in the current view (i.e. they are projected onto existing strokes). Note that strokes created with View are not in 3D-space and are not considered for this projection.
- When using Surface or Stroke settings, if no part of a new stroke "lands" on a surface or existing stroke, the stroke does not appear to be saved. If some part of a new stroke does "land," then all of the new stroke is saved.
Checking Transform Panel » Grease Pencil » Drawing Settings » Only Endpoints applies the drawing setting only to the endpoints; strokes between are adjusted to lie on a plane passing through the endpoints.
Cursor is available in the UV/Image Editor but it appears to function as View -- which it reverts to on ending the stroke.
Sensitivity When Drawing
The default settings for the sensitivity to mouse/stylus movement when drawing, have been set so that there shouldn’t be too much jitter while still allowing for fine details to be made. However, sometimes these settings may not be appropriate, in which case, the defaults can be found at User Preferences window » Editing » Grease Pencil.
- Manhattan Distance: The minimum number of pixels the mouse should have moved either horizontally or vertically before the movement is recorded. Decreasing this should work better for curvy lines.
- Euclidean Distance: The minimum distance that mouse should have traveled before movement is recorded. Imagine this as length of imaginary string between last recorded position and mouse-cursor.
- Eraser Radius: This is self-explanatory. It is simply the size of the eraser “brush”, so changing this will affect how likely strokes are going to be covered within the eraser brush and thus erased.
- Smooth Stroke: This turns on the post-processing step of smoothing the stroke to remove jitter. It is only relevant when not drawing straight lines. By default this is on. It should be noted that it can often cause “shrinking” of drawings, and may be turned off if the results are not desirable.
For Tablet Users
- The thickness of a stroke at a particular point is affected by the pressure used when drawing that part of the stroke.
- The “eraser” end of the stylus can be used to erase strokes too.
Drawing Planes
Additional 2.5x Information
as a note for those that will edit the page for real, I'm putting here this video,