利用者:Flokkievids/Freestyle/Python scripting mode

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Blender3D FreeTip.png
This feature is not yet in the official version of Blender and currently only available in a branch (see here)

Python Scripting Mode

The Python Scripting Mode allows you to pick a Line Style Module from a python file. This way you don't have to adjust a lot of settings to get nice lines. A downside is that you don't have alot of control if you don't know python. For documentation on how to write a Freestyle Module yourself, please refer to the Freestyle Manual. You can switch between Parameter Editor and Python Scripting via the Control Mode option in the Freestyle tab.


Python Scripting Mode panel

A quick explanation of the settings used in the python scripting mode.

Raycasting Algorithm
Defines which algorithm to use for raycasting. Freestyle Raycasting Algorithms influence your render times and - to an extend - the outcome of the rendering process. See Parameter Editor Mode for more information.
Face Smoothness
Takes smooth shading into account.
without smooth faces
with smooth faces
Crease Angle
The angle two faces must atleast have to let freestyle draw a line. The higher this value, the more lines become visible.
crease angle 170
crease angle 100
Sphere Radius
The Sphere Radius affects the calculation of curvatures set in the Style Module.
Ridges and Valleys
Adds extra lines based on the Sphere Radius settings.
Without Ridges and Valleys
With Ridges and Valleys
Suggestive Contours
Draws some lines which would form the contour of the mesh if the viewport was shifted. Depends on your settings for Kr Derivative Epsilon and Sphere Radius. Further information here.
Without Suggestive Contours
With Suggestive Contours = 0
Material Boundaries
Draws lines where two materials meet on the same object.
Add Freestyle Module
Adds a style module, that'll draw a line based on a python script.
all working style modules