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3D View » Select menu (edit mode: meshes)

This menu is available in the 3D View in edit mode, when the object being edited is of mesh type. Selection operations depend also on selection mode.

Many selection actions provide the Extend option in the redo panel to extend the selection instead of making a new one.

Select menu (edit mode: meshes)

Select Boundary Loop

Modifies the selection so that the islands of selected faces turn into edge outline (contour) selections. If the operation is successful, the rest is unselected. The selection changes to edge mode.

Select Loop Inner-Region

Modifies the selection so that the edge outline (contour) selections turn into islands of selected faces. The rest of the selection and the selection mode remain unchanged.

Edge Ring

Selects the edge rings to which the selected edges belong.

Edge Loop

Selects the edge loops to which the selected edges belong.

Vertex Path

Selects the shortest edge path between the two selected vertices, which is the only selection allowed. The Select Vertex Path panel gives us two options to choose from: Edge Length, that takes into account the length of the edges to calculate the distances, or Topological, which only takes into account the number of edges of the path.

Linked (CtrlL)

Selects all the vertices connected to the selected elements. By activating the option Limit by Seams in the Select Linked All panel, the final selection won't go through UV seams.


Selects the symmetrical (along local X axis) elements of the current selection, if there are such elements.

More (Ctrl+ NumPad)

Expands the current selection to its unselected neighbour vertices.

Less (Ctrl- NumPad)

Reduces the current selection deselecting its boundary vertices.

Similar (⇧ ShiftG)

Select Similar popup menus for vertex, edge and face selection modes

Selects elements which are similar to those which are already selected. We must define which properties must we take into account when evaluating if elements are simlar or not; we must also define a tolerance margin of similarity: Threshold value in the Select Similar panel. Available properties to choose from depend on selection mode:

  • Normal selects all vertices and faces which normal is similar to that of any selected vertex or face. A threshold value of 1.0 corresponds to opposing normals (180°).
  • Amount of Adjacent Faces selects all vertices that belong to the same number of faces than any of the selected ones.
  • Vertex Groups selects the vertices that have at least one vertex group in common with any of the selected vertices.
  • Length selects the edges which length is similar to that of any of the selected edges. If L is the length of the selected edge and T is the threshold value defined, this operation will select all edges which length lays between <math>L \times \left( 1 - \frac{T}{2} \right)</math> and <math>L \times \left( 1 + T \right)</math>, both included.
  • Direction selects the edges that have a similar direction (orientation in space) to that of one of the selected edges. A threshold of 0.0 will select only parallel edges, while 1.0 will select even the perpendicular ones.
  • Amount of Faces Around an Edge selects all edges that belong to the same number of faces than any of the selected ones.
  • Face Angles selects the edges that are connected to 2 faces in such a way that those faces form an angle similar to one of the angles formed by a couple of faces connected to one of the selected edges. A threshold of 0.0 will look for the exact angle, while 1.0 will tolerate even angles 180° away.
  • Crease selects the edges which crease value is similar to that of any of the selected edges. The threshold value defines the tolerance in the crease weight. Edges without crease are considered as having weight 0.0.
  • Seam selects the edges with the same seam mark (on or off) as that of any of the selected edges.
  • Sharpness selects the edges with the same sharpness mark (on or off) as that of any of the selected edges.
  • Material selects the faces which share the same material with one of the selected faces.
  • Image
to do

 What does it do in Cycles...

  • Area selects the faces which area is similar to that of any one of the selected faces. If A is the area of the selected face and T is the threshold value defined, this operation will select all faces which area lays between <math>A \times \left( 1 - \frac{T}{2} \right)</math> and <math>A \times \left( 1 + T \right)</math>, both included.
  • Perimeter selects the faces which perimeter (added values of its edge lengths) is similar to that of any one of the selected faces. If P is the perimeter of the selected face and T is the threshold value defined, this operation will select all faces which perimeter lays between <math>P \times \left( 1 - \frac{T}{2} \right)</math> and <math>P \times \left( 1 + T \right)</math>, both included.
  • Co-planar selects the faces which are co-planar with one of the selected faces. A threshold of 0.0 will consider only faces forming an angle of exactly 180°, while taking it up to 1.0 any two faces will be considered to be co-planar, regardless of the angle they form. The orientation of any given face is defined by its normal.

Loose Verts/Edges

Selects those vertices and edges that don't belong to any face.

Non Manifold (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltM)

Selects all non-manifold vertices and edges. This option is not available in face selection mode.

By Number of Verts

Lets you select the faces of the mesh that meet the criteria defined in the Select by Number of Vertices panel. In the first place you can define the number of vertices desired, and in second place, you can define how to interpret that number: the result will be that those faces with number of vertices Less Than, Equal To, Greater Than or Not Equal To the defined number will be selected.

Side of Active

Selects all those vertices that are at one side or another of the active vertex (which must exist). Vertex selection mode must be active.

The Select Axis panel will let us choose the vertices of which side will be selected:

  • Positive Axis will select all the vertices that lay on the positive side of the axis.
  • Negative Axis will select all the vertices that lay on the negative side of the axis.
  • Aligned Axis will select all the vertices that lay completely aligned with the active one.

At the same time we must define which (local) axis will be taken into account: X Axis, Y Axis, or Z Axis.

Interior Faces

Activates the face selection mode and selects all the interior faces, that is, those faces which edges are (all) linked to more than two faces. These are obviously non-manifold.

Linked Flat Faces (⇧ ShiftCtrlAltF)

Selects those faces that form an angle greater than the value defined in Sharpness (Select Linked Flat Faces panel) with any of the selected faces, and which at the same time are connected with them. A sharpness value of 0.0 will select all faces connected to the selection, regardless of their orientation. It only works in face selection mode.

Sharp Edges

Selects the edges which adjacent faces form an angle less or equal to the value in Sharpness (Select Sharp Edges panel). It doesn't work in face selection mode.

Every N Number of Verts

Changes the current selection so that only one of every N elements (vertices, edges or faces, depending on the active selection mode) will remain selected, in the order of internal storage. The number is defined in the Nth Selection control of the Select Nth panel.

Is case of islands of selected elements, this tool will affect only the island of the active element (if there is one), or the island of the first element in the order of internal storage (if there is no active element).


Makes a random selection. The Percent value (Select Random panel) is the percentage of visible elements that will be selected.

Inverse (CtrlI)

Inverts the current selection. We can set the Action select button to Select (selects all), Deselect (deselects all), Invert (Inverts selection) and Toggle (toggles all/none).

Select/Deselect All (A)

Toggles selection between all and none. We can set the Action select button to Select (selects all), Deselect (deselects all), Invert (Inverts selection) and Toggle (toggles all/none).

Circle Select (C)

Turns the mouse cursor into a circle that selects all elements over which it is dragged with LMB Template-LMB.png. MMB Template-MMB.png deselects. The circle size can be adjusted interactively using Wheel Template-MW.png or + NumPad and - NumPad. To exit, press Esc, RMB Template-RMB.png or ↵ Enter.

Border Select (B)

Selects all elements that fall total or partially in the rectangle drawn with LMB Template-LMB.png. With MMB Template-MMB.png, objects are deselected.