利用者:Mark aka Dark

提供: wiki
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I started to use Blender at the beginning of the year 2012.

Dutch Blender Community

This is a Dutch Blender Community Forum started by me. There was none when i started to use Blender. So I decided to start one myself. Check it out here.

Dutch Blender tutorial classroom Book

I'm translating a tutorial classroom book to Dutch. I'm doing this because i didn't find much dutch tutorials on Blender. So I started with an english one. The tutorial was very good, in my opinion, and decided to translate it to dutch for all other Dutch Blender users to use. Follow it here.

Dutch Blender User Interface

I'm translating the Blender UI to Dutch. Want to help? Check in on the Dutch Blender Community.

Dutch Blender Wiki

I'm contributing to the wiki on a regular base. It's something I do in the few spare minutes between other stuff i do.

Mark aka Dark 15:08, 12 June 2012 (CEST)