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2018年6月29日 (金) 05:57時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Asset Manager UI Design Ideas

RIght now this is just a holding bucket for ideas related to asset management for 3d/VSE/compositing.

  • 3d
    • easy way to browse 3d library assets (models, materials, textures) with thumbnails independent of which blend files they are in, and without seeing the complexity of all the parts in the blend files
    • linked-asset-browsing should support a mode to filter to assets already bound to the active model... (textures, shape-keys, animations)
    • bonus points if other users can publish texture/anim/shape-key packs for a "standard" model
    • even more bonus points if 3d-parts can be setup and linked as optional loadable components of a specific base model. (aka, 4 turret options for a tank, or clothing for figures)
  • Compositing
    • Method to "encapsulate and share" a compositing setup.. by choosing video inputs, animation attributes, and specific internal-node property editors --- into a "simple external interface" for the compositing setup.. Aka, save and reuse a several-node vignetting setup as just "vignetting" with "radius, falloff, color".
    • asset browser should show preview thumbnails, possibly as a structured "pre-rendered preview". (aka put a nice looking Suzanne in frame, render a tiny rez version of the effect, and make that the thumbnail/preview)
  • VSE
    • should be able to annotate clip-files with extra "metadata", as well as create and store "virtual clips" (start/end cuts within a physical clip file) ..
    • for teams, shared access/editing/search of the clip-assets is useful.. Some tools use the filesystem (and this is probably best for now), while others use servers/databases

Down the road....

  • Network Assets
    • make it easy to browse/download/install assets from