Dev:Ref/Proposals/UI/Top Bar Reshuffle

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:05時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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UI Proposal: Top Bar Reshuffle

-- Brecht 21:34, 20 November 2013 (CET)

The idea is to have two top bars:

  • The first bar is a bit more narrow and contains menus, screen layout tabs and a scene selector.
  • The second bar can vary depending on the screen layout (or even not be there). It consists of various sections that could be chosen per screen layout.
    • Red: object mode selector
    • Blue: tool settings panel, with icon + name of tool, repeat button, history button to fold out history of tools, and tool settings with button to fold out more advanced settings that do not fit.
    • Yellow: info messages similar to what we have now appearing. When there is no message this could be compact showing just a button to see the history of messages (or it could compactify after a few seconds like it does now). It could even always be compact and show messages as tooltip like message bubbles that overlap.
    • Light green: for render window it could show stats and progress.
    • Other things that could be here: playback buttons, proxy settings, scene stats, .. or whatever type of thing addons wish to make available here.
Ui proposal top bar reshuffle.png

Jobs (render, bake, ..) are a bit unclear here.

  • They could fit next to messages or be integrated with it somehow, like a message with a progress bar and cancel button.
  • Blocking jobs could take over tool settings and show progress bars etc.



  • Object modes have global effect, so show global
  • Clear place for the tool settings panel
  • Make room for screen layout tabs
  • New sections in this bar could be python defined.


  • Making things global gives some friction with the multi editor concept.
  • If you make own screen layouts you need to do more work setting up this second top bar.
  • Is there really enough space in one bar for this (the mockup is narrow though)?
  • Quite a bit of work to implement :)