利用者:DingTo/GSoC 2014/Weekly Reports/Week7

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:09時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Week 7

What I did this week

I did some cleanup and fixes for CUDA:

  • Code cleanup: (6ac06523955e, 4800c52700b4)
  • Updated CUDA error messages, so we get more meaningful errors instead of "Unknown CUDA error value". (5898abe99d5d)
  • Volumes can be compiled on GPU again, yet this is still quite fragile. (5aec61f8493f)
    • Distance Sampling works, Equi-Angular and MIS fail with memory/address CUDA errors, issue probably in kernel_volume_decoupled_scatter().
    • Sample All Lights Indirect causes errors too. Not sure why Direct works though, it's the same code in kernel_branched_path_volume_connect_light().
    • In general I think Decoupled Ray Marching needs some fixes for GPU, or we completely #ifdef that and only use distance sampling on the GPU. The latter is a viable option for the 2.72 release, *if* the performance drop is not too big. Have not benchmarked it yet.

Other work:

  • Looked a bit into the Smooth normal optimization of my original proposal, but no real code there yet.
  • The usual bug tracker maintenance (check on reports, close invalid/fixes ones...)

Next week

I have exams starting on Monday until the 17th July, so don't have time for GSoC. As said in Report #5, I will be back full time afterwards, which leave me full 4 weeks.

