Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.72/Modeling
- Select non-manifold now has options to select specific types: Wire Edges, Boundary Edges, MultiFace-Edges (3+ faces), NonContiguous-Edges (flipped faces). 00cb9e5f1cfab14.
- Face split by edges: a tool to split selected faces by loose wire edges. dd9a33dc83f912c.
- Dissolve vertex now has option to tear boundaries rather than merging faces 1f55044617d167e.
- Bevel now has option to set the material of the newly created faces to the material in a given slot. Leaving the material index at -1 (default) keeps the current behavior, where the material is inherited from the nearest face. 70453c578dcdce5.
- Extend Vertex (Alt+D): Helps to easily add details to existing edges. Similar to the rip tool it depends on cursor location to choose the edge to extend along. 5861e528d649063.
Editmesh Intersect
Edit-mode intersection tool
A new Intersection Tool was added to quickly cut up geometry. It's a bit like Boolean Tool, but, does not calculate interior/exterior.
Access from: Mesh -> Face -> Intersect.
- Supports concave ngons.
- Supports non-flat faces.
- Custom-data, (UV's, vertex-colors... etc).
- Option to self-intersect or intersect between selected/unselected.