Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Add Mesh/Lights

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:13時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Create a "light fixture" (lamp) as a decorative object in a scene. Formerly known as "lamp_maker" from "archimesh" set of scripts; major revisions to UI and operations. This feature creates "lamps" but that name is used generically in Blender for other light sources. In this case it is mostly decorative, but still provides the same capability to illuminate a scene (much more work to be done regarding that).

A "lamp" consists of a few main components: Base, Stem, Bulb, and Shade. At present the "harp" (shade support) is disabled, so the finished object is not structurally correct (shade "floats").

The components are parented but not set as a single object. This presents a situation where individual items may be deleted - see "Bulb" section for standalone light source.

"Smooth" is applied to all elements. Awaiting feedback from community if "faceted" simple object faces should be allowed as an option.


in progress Inprogress50.jpg 50%
  Need to provide additional details regarding general operation.


in progress Inprogress50.jpg 50%
  Incomplete, see to do items.

to do
  Review/fix "normals" (set_normals) as generated for objects. per TynkaTopi: recalculate normals will do the trick.

to do
  Separate "bulb" in UI and add styles for bulb shape.

to do
  fix create_lampholder_strings - (harp) shade support, else leave as-is with shade "free-floating".

to do
  Add "luminescence" to create "true" light generation for lamp; Cycles or other method.


The principal component of the lamp is the "base", but the lamp is not complete without the other elements. As a standalone object it could be considered as a ceramic decorative object for a scene; have fun experimenting with deleting other elements to create a "Jug" or "Vase" from lamp.

Style: Predefined "styles" for lamp base. All styles are dependent on the default settings - they only set differences. User modifications will affect results either from previous style selection or manual adjustment. Use the "Default" style to reset.

Blender3D FreeTip.png
Select "Square" as style with default settings, set Rows to 6, enable "Subdivide".

Height: Base height.

  Vertical extent of base (float, 0.01-10.0, default 0.20).

Sections: Number of facets (pie slices) for base; 3 is a triangle, 4 is a square, etc...

  Base radial sections (integer, 3-128, default 16).

Subdivide: Replicate base sections in quadrants, multiply by 4.

Flute: Create alternating indentations in base offset from radius for flutes/gouges.

  Indent/gouge base (float, 0.001-1, default 0.01).

Rows: Vertical segments for base "evenly" distributed for Height. Each row has a radius (width) and "shift" factor. The number entered here will update the UI to only show active options.

  Number of base segments (integer, 3-10, default 6).

Width %: Increase width of all active rows for base.

  Row radius multiplier (float, 1-10, default 1).

Cycles Materials: Create materials for Cycles render. Hue, Saturation, and Value are converted to RGB for base color. Additionally materials are created (hard coded values) for other elements.

Hue: Color setting for base.

  Base color (float, 0-1, default 0.044).

Saturation: Color intensity, lower values subdue color toward white/light gray.

  Base color (float, 0-1, default 0.90).

Value: Color brightness, lower values darken to black.

  Base color (float, 0-1, default 0.80).


Create a pipe/stem that extends from the base, includes socket for bulb.

Height: Stem height, vertical size.

  Stem height (float, 0.001-10, default 0.02).

Bulb: Light source for lamp, set radius to increase size.

  Bulb radius in 100ths (integer, 1-10, default 2) 

Light: Lumens/energy for bulb (brightness).

  Bulb intensity (float, 0.00-1000, default 15).


Simple decorative cover for lamp.

Height: Shade height, vertical size, position tracks with base and stem height. Set to zero (0) to eliminate.

  Lampshade height (float, 0.0-10, default 0.20).

Sections: Shade radial sections.

  Shade sections (integer, 3-128, default 32) 

Bottom Radius: Shade bottom radius.

  Shade bottom radius (float, 0.001-10, default 0.16).

Top Radius: Shade top radius.

  Shade top radius (float, 0.001-10, default 0.08).

Translucence: Shade opacity - transparency. Affects amount of light emanated from bulb. Set to 1 for "clear" (not quite true).

  Shade opaqueness (float, 0.00-1, default 0.3).

Pleats: Create alternating indentations in shade offset from radius for pleats.

  Pleat depth (float, 0.001-1, default 0.01).