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Render Management

The renderfarm uses Flamenco. This is our current manager setup:

Flamenco Manager

  • Installed on biflamanager ( as systemd service
  • Runs as user 'flamanager'
  • Files (binary executable + YAML config file) stored in /home/flamanager and owned by user:flamanager so that 'user' can edit/replace files.
  • Logs to syslog, check with journalctl -u flamenco-manager.service

To upgrade:

  • sudo systemctl stop flamenco-manager.service
  • replace flamenco-manager binary
  • sudo systemctl start flamenco-manager.service

Flamenco Workers

  • Installed on intel1/2/3 and some workstations, as systemd or sysv service depending on the Linux distribution (systemd is preferred).
  • Runs as user 'guest'

Files are stored in:


Worker software, with venv. To upgrade Flamenco-Worker, build a wheel file, then activate the venv and pip install it.


Log file and local sqlite db for persistent update queue.


Machine-local configuration file.

Blender Worker setup

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv