Dev:Ref/Outdated/Proposals/UI/Info Architecture/Scene-Render

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:45時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Scene/Render buttons

1. Preparing a render, global settings

  • File paths / extensions
  • Renderer selection / unified renderer
  • Network rendering
  • rendering from the camera or sequence editor

2. File Formats

  • File formats menu (Targa / JPEG / QuickTime / etc)
  • Compression quality

3. Dimensions (time and space)

  • Render dimensions presets (in a menu)
  • Resolution / pixel aspect ratio
  • Border rendering
  • Preset % sizes
  • Start and end times / FPS / fields
  • Time adjustments ( map old / map new )

4. Game Framing Settings

  • Fullscreen resolution / bit depth
  • Stretch/Expose/Letterbox
  • Background colour
  • Stereo display

5. Render elements and effects

  • Toggle Shadows / Envmaps / Raytracing / Radiosity / Gamma correction
  • Alpha settings (Sky/premul/key)
  • Oversampling and Motion Blur
  • Xparts / Yparts / Panorama

6. Post-processing

  • Edge rendering / Settings
  • Unified renderer post settings (Add, Multiply, etc) / Gamma settings

7. Rendering and displaying

  • Render Still / Render Animation
  • Playback and showing the render buffer
  • Choosing where to show the render window

Proposed ordering:

(1+2) (3)/(4) (5)/(6) (7) = 4 panels in total

_key: "+" combine in same panel, "/" separate panels, tabbed together_

-- DeveloperWikiMattEbb - 02 Sep 2004

Just some thoughts (integrate them and delete this if you'd like, or if you think otherwise, maybe add a note as to why)... The file format and compression settings should probably by combined with the paths. But do the yafray/blender/blender-unified and network rendering (is this implemented at all even?) and camera/sequence make sense to be with file paths? Also, radiosity and raytracing options only apply to blender's internal renderer, right? So perhaps, on the big render button frame, there would be the the option to select the renderer and sequence vs camera, etc. (as opposed to in the 1+2 group proposed). Then if you are using yafray, the 5/6 tab area changes to yafray's options (previously a tab behind the render options).

-- DeveloperWikiTedSchundler - 02 Sep 2004

Hi, thanks for your interest, here's our rationale: This design is following the guidelines we set (ButtonsIAGuidelines) - ordering the panels based on their order according to workflow - the sequence in which they are used, and also in order progressing from general options to more specific options. Since the choice of renderer is a 'high level' option that also changed what new panels will be shown in the window, it's best to keep it near the start, so that when you select the renderer, you can see the changes 'trickle down' the hierarchy. It's also (with the addition of the yafray specific lights etc) becoming much more of something that you'll decide to work with at the start of a project, rather than waiting until the last minute and choosing "hmm, will I render in yafray or in blender internal this time?". So in that respect, it belongs at the start of the workflow sequence too.

Replacing the panels containing radiosity/raytracing settings gets tricky, since yafray currently shares some settings with Blender (like OSA) and perhaps might support more in the future. I'm not sure what to do about that, at least for now it's probably best to keep the extra panels for yafray, until development slows down with a clearer picture of what Blender features and won't be supported.

-- ME

Ok, makes sense. -- TS